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Topic Started: Aug 9 2011, 10:17 PM (16 Views)

He bumped into a merchant with his massive arm. The merchant reacted by shouting an obscenity at him. Rando continued walking ignoring the smaller inferior life form. He had more important things to consider. His life had changed for the worst, or so he thought when he was sent through the dimensional gateway where he believed he was going to be imprisoned for the rest of his life. That was when he was sent through Thracs.

"The only mistake this world made was existing." Rando thought to himself. He has a sense of royalty about himself in this new world that was now his home. He wandered if he conquer it in time. He wandered if it would put up any resistance to his hostile takeover. The residence were primitive and yet so well armed. They would not lye down easily.

"I guess that is what will make things so interesting." He said to himself. His green eyes casted a gaze at the sun as it settled in the distance. He enjoyed the thought of destroying the lives around him. He felt he was entitled to do such a thing. After all in history it is natural for forces to come along and destroy great empires and countries only to form new ones. This artificial form of natural selection that Rando was so amused at the thought by was what motivated him. This world was to chaotic for someone to not come along and take it over by force. "At least now I have a calling." He smiled at the darkness finally came over the city state.

The artificial lights flickered to life. The residents continued on their way. The merchants would continue selling their goods well into the night. This was a place that never slept. Business was always booming. For Rando he would have to be the same. He would have to constantly hunger if he wanted to advance his goal any further to reality.
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