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Dragonshroom mugs Hikaru Striker; Proudly brought to you by econobattle
Topic Started: Aug 19 2011, 12:22 AM (12 Views)
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Hikaru had done very little since the tear of the world, everything he knew had been remade and destroyed. He had lost everything, and had gained a small stipend in order to replace it. However, his spirit was broken, the people he had sacrificed all to protect had been scattered and eaten so he wandered from place to place, apathetic to his own survival.

Dragonshroom was annoyed by this display and wished to attack the morose individual, there would be no stopping him.
Hikaru coughed as noxious gasses filled the alleyway around him but had little will to fight, no justice was to be had here, no lives to be saved, what did he care if some bizarre beast attacked him.

He did not have long to contemplate however as the beast landed on him, the spongy skin of Dragonshroom enveloping him as the wait settled. After a few seconds Dragonshroom got up from his target and walked off; leaving the depressed space refugee to wallow in his miseries.

proudly brought to you by econobattle,last in excellence, first in completion!
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