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Rotten banana; dragonshroom, dancing banana
Topic Started: Aug 24 2011, 11:08 PM (8 Views)
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The small island was devoid of vegetation or prey and as a young mother, the Dragonshroom was beginning to get nervous, this place was not somewhere for her children to take root and there was little food. She needed a big meal to sustain herself and her children for the journey and before her and her children was such a meal.

The dancing banana provided a great show to the Buddings as he danced to an unheard music, the children watches as he dance their young curious eyes wondering in purity what was this movement, what was this being and could they be like him?
Sadly, this situation would not last as the concerned mother would have little of such a terrible influence on her children, with a few grunts and some nudging to a few of them, they got the hint and advanced towards the nervous fruit. Fear as he might he could not stop the dance, not to run and not to fight.

Thankfully he would not have to as a strange zombie, driving an economy car, would fly off the jagged rocks in front of them, flames bursting from the wreck as it crushed itself on the rocks and the burning wreck fell into the sea.
Dumbfounded for a second the mother nudged her charred children, trying to get them to respond. However, it was in vain they had been killed and the Banana danced as if to victory, building the anger of an already enraged mother. Dragonshroom was not longer hungry, no longer concerned about prey she towered over the dancing being boundless maleficence in her eyes as she covered the banana is toxic spores.

Still unsatisfied, she left the twitching fungi covered banana to rot, and looked for a new place to start her family.
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