
Talking about Hawken

So I was talking to Sakura last night and I happened to mention a PC game in the works by the name of Hawken. She thought it looked neat and suggested I post about it here, so here it is.

So for you mech enthusiast I would like to tell you about Hawken. It’s a multiplayer mech game and the best part is its going to follow the Free to Play formula. I’ll post a youtube link below so you can see what I mean, because it’s a lot more fun to watch it than read about it.


For further information check out .


Now on to the main reason I am posting this. Beta sign ups are currently open, so if you find yourself pleased by the youtube video you might as well sign up. I am gonna post two links below, one is my referral link and one is just the standard link. If your so inclined to use my referral link all I will get is to reserve my call sign. (if three people use it that is)

Referral link:

Non-Referral link:

Note: Links appear to be working again

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