Duchy of Zeon Ship Crew

General Data and Attributes
Trainer: Duchy of Zeon
Squad Size: Varies
  • Close Quarters Combat
  • Ship Operations
  • Ship Maintenance

  • Ranged: Very Poor
  • Melee: Very Poor
  • Organization: Very Poor
  • Morale: Poor
  • Armor: Almost None

Design Features
  • None


Technical and Historical Data
The crew of an average land ship or space ship are highly trained professionals, working day-in and day-out to keep the ship running like the well-oiled machine that it is. Though specialized in their task, most crew members have still completed basic training and know how to fire a weapon if they need to. When faced with a full boarding party, there is little a twelve-man Columbus crew can do unless backed up by a few squads of Marines.

The basic armament of a crew is a sidearm and combat knife--what more can they carry if they're trying to do their job and do it well?

The roving Delaz Fleet and stubborn Federal defense fleets are all home to thousands of technicians, flight officers, command crews, and servicemen, all willing to fight tooth and nail to get the job done.

Image Gallery
Zeon Issue Pistol

Combat Dagger