Anti Infantry Walker

General Data and Attributes
Manufacturer: Varius
Dimensions: Overall Length 7.2 meters
Weight: max gross 28.7 metric tons
Armor Materials: Steel
Powerplant: Gas turbine engine
Propulsion: Walker legs
  • Maximum ground speed 54 km/h

  • Theatres: Earth
  • Speed: Poor-
  • Maneuverability: Poor
  • Armor: Terrible+
Design Features
Mass Produced

Fixed Armaments
1x 20mm Heavy machinegun turret
8x Grenade launcher

Optional Armaments
Body Options (1)
7.62mm machinegun
5-tube grenade launcher
1x small wire guided StA missile

Technical and Historical Data
Prior to the emergence of bipedal mobile suits, the concept of an armored walker gathered popular opinion amongst those in the Earth Federation and elsewhere. Looking for next generation ground armored unit, the Federation invested heavily in this concept and the many corporations in the defense industry began to release experimental walker units not too unlike that of the current Depagg and demonstrated the feasibility and adaptability of said units. Unfortunately, once news broke out over the successful testing of the towering humanoid machines at Side 3, interest and funding in the walker project ceased near instantaneously. Those companies that maintained a diverse portfolio managed to survive the ensuing tumultuous period, but many less fortunate ones went bankrupt.

However not all was lost for the project as smaller, but impressively wealthy, independent entities managed to breathe life into the project to eventually produce the Depagg. Though originally envisioned to use cutting edge technologies, power plant systems, and weapons, the Depagg rolled off the assembly lines sporting a powerful, but common, gas turbine engine to power its legs and a lightly armored hull. While it initially had many detractors, the Depagg proved itself in many areas based on its virtue of being more stable than bipedal mobile suits and able to work in more confined areas.