Gatling Truck
Anti-Air Support

General Data and Attributes
Manufacturer: Various
Dimensions: Overall Length 6.8 meters
Weight: max gross 14.8 metric tons
Armor Materials: Steel
Powerplant: Turbodiesel engine
Propulsion: Four drive wheels
  • Maximum ground speed 70 km/h

  • Theatres: Earth
  • Speed: Poor
  • Maneuverability: Very Poor
  • Armor: Very Poor
Design Features
Mass Produced

Fixed Armaments
1x 20mm AA machinegun turret

Optional Armaments
Options (1)
7.62mm machinegun
Grenade launcher

Technical and Historical Data
The Gatling Truck represents one of many anti-aircraft solutions offered by competing defense industry corporations. The stock model offers a single 20mm anti aircraft vulcan-type gun on an electrically powered turntable. A secondary generator provides power to the turntable and also the gun itself, while the entire weapon platform is mounted on an eight wheeled armored car of which only the rear four wheels provide power. The The front two are for steering while the second two are simply load bearing.

It is not uncommon to see many variations of this vehicle with some replacing the entire AA assembly with advanced missile batteries, though this has seen a steady decline to the increasing frequency of Minovsky particle interference.