Unarmored AWD Offroad Vehicle

General Data and Attributes
Manufacturer: Various
Dimensions: Overall Length 4.4 meters
Weight: max gross 2.2 metric tons
Armor Materials: Steel
Powerplant: Turbodiesel engine
Propulsion: Four wheel drive
  • Maximum ground speed 100 km/h

  • Theatres: Earth
  • Speed: Poor
  • Maneuverability: Average
  • Armor: Terrible-
Design Features
Mass Produced
Infantry Transport
  • Note that each Jeep unit can consist of 2 Jeeps acting in tandem for writing purposes. It's hard to write 12 Marines fitting in one Jeep.

Fixed Armaments
  • None

Optional Armaments
Options (1)
7.62mm machinegun
Grenade launcher

Technical and Historical Data
The jeep underwent very little change from its pre-UC days, advancements coming only in the form of more fuel efficient turbodiesel engines and a hardier transmission and suspension. It remains the popular mode of transporation within bases and as a scouting vehicle in general.

Its reputable history has spawned many civilian copies and it is often produced by third party manufacturers either under license or in violation thereof, though the Earth Federation's contractor does not seem to particularly mind.
Common Jeeps