Type 61
Main Battle Tank

General Data and Attributes
Manufacturer: Earth Federal Forces
Dimensions: Overall Height 9.1 meters
Weight: max gross 45.0 metric tons
Armor Materials: Titanium alloy
Powerplant: Turbodiesel engine
Propulsion: 2x tracks
  • Maximum ground speed 120 km/h

  • Theatres: Earth
  • Speed: Poor
  • Maneuverability: Very Poor
  • Armor: Very Poor
Design Features
Mass Produced

Fixed Armaments
2x 150mm smoothbore cannon
1x 20mm machinegun
1x 7.62mm machinegun
8x Grenade launcher

Optional Armaments
Body Options (1)
7.62mm machinegun
5-tube grenade launcher
1x small wire guided StA missile

Technical and Historical Data
The Type 61 was the venerable backbone of the Earth Federation's military forces on Earth prior to the onset of the One Year War and continued to play a supporting role throughout the conflict. Although quickly outmatched in the field of battle by the appearance of mobile suits, particularly resourceful and wily tank commanders could often down mobile suits by using the tank's smaller profile and footprint to ambush unsuspecting enemy units.

The sheer number of Type 61's produced prior to the One Year War and during it is a testament to the relative effectiveness of the tank. Considered the pinnacle of armored fighting vehicles, its compliment of weapons included two cannons mounted in a single turret that could shoot a variety of shells. Its offensive capabilities were further enhanced by the sheer speed of the tank offered by the immensely powerful 1324kW turbodiesel engine and its light weight thanks advanced metallurgical processes without sacrificing armor capabilities.

Due to the high degree of automation in the tank, the typical crew size of a Type 61 MBT is 3, the commander, the driver, and the gunner. In emergency situations it is possible to operate the Type 61 without the gunner as the commander always has the ability to take control of the turret from his or her seat.

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