MS-06F Zaku II F
Massed Production General Purpose Mobile Suit

General Data and Attributes
Manufacturer: Zeonic Corporation
Dimensions: Head height 17.5 meters
Weight: Max gross weight 73.3 metric tons
Armor Materials: Steel alloy
Powerplant: 976kW Minovsky ultracompact fusion reactor
Propulsion: 2x 18500kg & 2x 1000kg thrusters
  • 6x maneuvering thrusters
  • Maximum ground running speed 88 km/h

  • Theatres: Space / Earth
  • Speed: Poor - Space / Poor + Earth
  • Maneuverability: Average + Space / Average - Earth
  • Armor: Average
Design Features
  • Mass Produced

Fixed Armaments
  • S-Mines

Optional Armaments
Primary Storage Racks (2)
  using both reduces speed
120mm Machinegun
280mm Bazooka
2x Sturm Faust
2x Panzer Faust
Heat Hawk

Secondary Storage Racks (4)
3x Grenade
Extra Ammo
Heat Hawk
Leg Storage Rack (1)
  using reduces maneuverability
2x Sturm Faust
2x Panzer Faust
2x 3-tube Missile Pod

Technical and Historical Data
The MS-06F is the Zeon Duchy's general-purpose, general-deployment mobile suit. The F-type Zaku II is the second incarnation of the MS-06 line (the first being the MS-06C, used during the Lourm Campaign), and is intended to be at home in both a terrestrial and space environment.

The largest difference between the C-type and F-type is the removal of much of the overly-redundant NCB (Nuclear, Chemical, Biological) protection equipment. As the aforementioned weapons are banned under the Antarctic Treaty, Zeon engineers saw no need to keep the additional weight. The F-type features marginally improved thruster and vernier power and a somewhat improved control system when compared to the C-type.

While the Zaku has no fixed anti-armor weaponry, it has a host of magnetic storage racks for external weapons all over its frame, making it highly customizable. However, Zaku weaponry is somewhat more geared towards mid to long range combat, and Zaku pilots will attempt to stay away from melee fights with Federation mobile suits.

The F-type Zaku II continues to serve as the main front-line mobile suit for the Duchy of Zeon. While more advanced models are now in service, the cheap cost and ease of mass producing Zakus ensures that they will continue to be Zeons most used and most iconic weapon of war.

Image Gallery
ZMP-50D 120mm Machinegun

280mm Zaku Bazooka

Heat Hawk

Leg Missile Pod
Zaku II Cockpit