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Laws of Punation; One Nation Under Punation
Topic Started: Oct 11 2011, 05:16 PM (57 Views)

My fellow Punions, I bring to you these 10 commandments from myself!

I: There is no Punion before Ball Punion, King and Supreme Punion, and to this original Punion all Punions owe their fealty.
II: Punions are naturally superior to Noinups which are the antithesis of Punions everywhere by not being Punions.
III: Punions transcend capitalism and have embraced the enlightenment of communism. Henceforth all commodities will be shared and divided under the watchful eye of the Supreme Punion, our lord and savior.
IV: Those designated as outlaws by Punation will find no safe haven within Punation. It is the duty of every Punion to expose these criminals so they may be brought to justice.
V: All Punions shall serve a mandatory 8 years within the Punion Militia where they will learn the discipline and skills essential to be valuable members of the Punion community.
VI: All Punions will clean their own litter boxes and not store feces for burning.
VII: Don't fuck with Steve the Goat.
VIII: It is the mission of all Punions to spread the borders of Punation to encompass all that Punions can see.
IX: Stealing in Punation is a most egregious crime as all is owned equally so stealing from one is stealing from all. Ball Punion retains the right to reallocate any and all goods within Punation to serve the betterment of Punation.
X: Ball Punion may add additional commandments at anytime.
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My fellow Punions, I have brought more announcements for Punation!

XI: Assault on Punation property and Punions within Punation is not tolerated and will be met with swift puns from the closest station of Punation troops.
XII: Those deemed outlaws of Punation my not be allowed to enter nor exit Punation or extended the services of facilities.
XIII: Troops in the Castle of Punation will provide ranged support to the Farms of Punation in case of miscreant Noinups and vice versa.
XIV: Punations are experts at Noman Rumials.
XV: A list of outlaws and wanted Noinups will be posted for all to see.
XVI: Don't fuck with Steve the Goat.
XVII: The newly conquested Farmlands of Punation will provide food and sustenance to the Castle of Punation and in return shall receive armed garrisons to defend the borders of Punation!
XVIII: Ball Punion needs a beer! Laws making is a thirsty job!
XIX: Outlaws will only be granted a pardon with the forfeiture of all possessions so they may be redistributed to all Punions.
XX: Outlaw Noinups will be shot on sight. Outlaw Punions will only be apprehended.
XXI: 3/4ths of all guards in the Farmlands of Punation will operate a checkpoint at the Gateway of Dragonshroom - built to resemble the creature so the guards can easily recognize it.
Edited by BallPunion, Oct 16 2011, 02:34 PM.
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