Punation is ruled by the Goat Party. Its currency is silver.
Farms of Punation is ruled by the Goat Party. Its currency is food.
Port Katherine is ruled by Katherine Lockheart. Its currency is gold.
Rivendell is ruled by Katherine Lockheart. Its currency is copper.
There is no ruler in the Mountain. Its currency is stone.
Taxes and policies and currency is determined by the ruler. You must set an exchange rate in silver, and it will be offered for exchange in the central bank.
Guards are special apprentices with melee, ranged, and armor equal to their levels, and HP equal to their levels x 10. They serve as command building defense. They can be ordered by the ruler like apprentices around their regions. They cannot leave the region, or be based outside of a fortress. If the fortress falls, they disappear.
0 – Punion’s Castle of Punation [Stone Fortress]
The fortress has 12 Lvl1 Guards.
Buying apprentices for 10 silver per level.
0 – Rambone’s Tavern [Wooden Facility]
10 Silver: Villager (Lvl1 Apprentice) [10 in stock]
Buying apprentices for 10 silver per level.
0 – Tomb of the Grand Librarian Ruins
0 – The Best Defense Ruins
0 – Blacksmith Ruins
0 – Bank of Jenkins Ruins
0 – Lockheart’s Storage Area Ruins
0 – Dragonshroom’s Haunted Library Ruins
0 – Maheart Gateway Ruins
0 – Agamemnon’sĀ Inn Ruins
0 – Old Man Jenkins Wonderbar Emporium Ruins
0 – Dragonshroom’s Closed Gardens Ruins
0 – Ball Punion’s Adventure Survival Emporium and Things Chewed Up by Steve the Goat Ruins
Farms of Punation:
1 – Gateway of Dragonshroom [Wooden Gateway]
1 Food: Farmhand (Lvl2 Apprentice) [0 in stock]
Buying apprentices for a pound of grain per 2 levels.
1 – Garrison of the Farms of Punation [Stone Fortress]
The fortress has 15 Lvl2 Guards.
Buying apprentices for a pound of grain per 2 levels.
1 – Till’s Most Excellent Shop [Wooden Business]
1 Food: Pike (Lvl2 Craft, Melee) [10 in stock]
1 Food: Musket (Lvl2 Craft, Ranged) [10 in stock]
1 Food: Suit of Armor (Lvl2 Craft, Armor) [10 in stock]
1 Food: Telephone Booth (Lvl2 Craft, Vehicle) [10 in stock]
Buying crafts for a pound of grain per 2 levels.
1 – Stables [Wooden Facility]
1 Food: Custom Creature (Lvl2 Mount) [3 in stock]
Buying mounts for a pound of grain per 2 levels.
1 – Herd of Buffalo’s Grain Silos [Wooden Farm]
1 – Maheart Animal Farm Ruins
Port Katherine:
2 – Lighthouse of Lockheart [Wooden Gateway]
3 Gold or 300 Copper: Lake Pirate (Lvl3 Apprentice) [0 in stock]
Buying apprentices for 1 gold per level.
2 – Fortress of Port Katherine [Stone Fortress]
The fortress has 4 Lvl3 Guards.
Buying apprentices for 1 gold per level.
2 – Voodoo Locker [Wooden Facility]
3 Gold or 300 Copper: Calypso’s Kiss (Lvl3 Book, Melee Water) [7 in stock]
3 Gold or 300 Copper: Calypso’s Curse (Lvl3 Book, Ranged Water) [1 in stock]
3 Gold or 300 Copper: Calypso’s Blessing (Lvl3 Book, Water Armor) [9 in stock]
Buying books for 1 gold per level.
2 – Rowboat Merchant Fleet [Wooden Business]
2 Gold or 200 Copper: Rapier (Lvl2 Craft, Melee) [4 in stock]
2 Gold or 200 Copper: Flintlock Pistol (Lvl2 Craft, Ranged) [4 in stock]
2 Gold or 200 Copper: Reinforced Leather Coat (Lvl2 Craft, Armor) [4 in stock]
3 Gold or 200 Copper: Rowboat (Lvl3 Craft, Vehicle) [9 in stock]
Buying crafts for 1 gold per level.
2 – Davey Jones Cave [Stone Bank]
10 Silver or 100 Copper: 1 Gold [0 in stock]
10 Gold or 1000 Copper: Gold bond (1 gold per week) [0 in stock]
Buying bonds for 1 gold, stone gold and food bonds for 10 gold.
2 – Lockheart’s Fish Market [Wooden Bank]
1 Gold or 100 Copper: Fishing License [10 in stock]
3 – Elven Gateway [Stone Gateway]
3 – Gateway of Agamemnon [Wooden Gateway]
4 Gold or 400 Copper: Forest Elf (Lvl4 Apprentice) [9 in stock]
Buying apprentices for 100 copper per level.
3 – Gateway of Lockheart [Wooden Gateway]
4 Gold or 400 Copper: Custom Creature (Lvl4 Mount) [9 in stock]
Buying mounts for 100 copper per level.
3 – Palace of Rivendell [Stone Fortress]
The Palace has 3 Lvl4 Guards.
Buying apprentices for 100 copper per level.
3 – Elven Mage’s Garden [Wooden Library]
4 Gold or 400 Copper: Dagger Arts (Lvl4 Book, Melee Wood) [10 in stock]
4 Gold or 400 Copper: Flurry of Arrows (Lvl4 Book, Ranged Wood) [10 in stock]
4 Gold or 400 Copper: (Lvl4 Book, Wood Armor) [10 in stock]
Buying books for 100 copper per level.
3 – Elven Tea House [Wooden Farm]
2 Gold or 200 Copper: Yum Bread (Food, HP) [9 in stock]
2 Gold or 200 Copper: Forest Tea (Food, MP) [10 in stock]
Buying food for 200 Copper.
3 – Elven Blacksmith [Wooden Business]
4 Gold or 400 Copper: Elven Dagger (Lvl4 Craft, Melee) [10 in stock]
4 Gold or 400 Copper: Elven Bow (Lvl4 Craft, Ranged) [9 in stock]
4 Gold or 400 Copper: Elven Curiass (Lvl4 Craft, Armor) [9 in stock]
Buying crafts for 100 copper per level.
3 – Treasury of the Elves [Stone Bank]
2 Gold or 200 Copper: Copper Bond (Pays 20 Copper A week) [8 in stock]
1 Gold or 10 Silver: 100 Copper [5000 in stock]
Buying bonds for 200 copper, stone gold and food bonds for 1000 copper.
10 Gold or 1000 Copper: Crown Jewels (Lvl10 Craft, Armor) [1 in stock]
3 – Anarchist Blacksmith [Wooden Business]
1 Gold or 100 Copper: Book of Anarchy (Lvl1 Book, Void) [10 in stock]
1 Gold or 100 Copper: Maggoty Bread (Food, MP) [10 in stock]
1 Gold or 100 Copper: Staff (Lvl1 Craft, Melee) [10 in stock]
1 Gold or 100 Copper: Anarchist (Lvl1 Apprentice) [9 in stock]
1 Gold or 100 Copper: Pony (Lvl1 Mount) [10 in stock]
4 – Recruitment Center [Wood Gateway]
2 Stone: Mountain Man (Lvl8 Apprentice) [10 in stock]
4 – Ziggurat [Stone Fortress]
The fortress has 3 Lv8 Guards.
4 – Officer’s Club [Stone Library]
2 Stone: Officer’s Pistol (Lvl8 Book, Melee Metal) [4 in stock]
2 Stone: Artillery Barrage (Lvl8 Book, Ranged Metal) [4 in stock]
2 Stone: Deus Ex Machina (Lvl8 Book, Metal Armor) [4 in stock]
Buying books for 1 stone per 4 levels.
4 – Mess Hall [Stone Farm]
1 Stone: 2 Rations (Food, HP) [20 in stock]
1 Stone: 2 Vodka (Food, MP) [20 in stock]
Buying 2 food for 1 stone.
4 – Tank Factory [Stone Business]
2 Stone: Light Tank (Lv8 Craft, Vehicle) [10 in stock]
2 Stone: Caterpillar Treads (Lv8 Craft, Melee) [10 in stock]
2 Stone: 37mm Gun (Lv8 Craft, Ranged) [10 in stock]
2 Stone: 22mm Armor (Lv8 Craft, Armor) [10 in stock]
Buying crafts for 1 stone per 4 levels.
4 – Crashed Airship [Stone Bank]
10 Stone: Stone Bond (1 stone per week) [5 in stock]
4 gold, 2 food, 40 silver, or 400 copper: 1 Stone [40 in stock]
10 Stone: Fix Airship (Lvl12 Craft, Vehicle) [1 in stock]
Buying 4 bonds for 1 stone, stone gold and food bonds for 10 stone.
4 – Maheart’s Black Mesa [Stone Farm]
4 – Maheart’s Mountain Gate [Stone Farm]
4 – Agamemnon’s Primitive Sentry Tower [Wooden Business]
4 – Agamemnon’s Blacksmith Hideout [Wooden Business]