Scouting the Shipyard:

Ulbrecht von Drechslar watches as his mobile armor moves closer and closer to the location of his target. As he nears the target he begins to see the shear size of the installation and it is enough to humble even him in his giant mobile armor. From as far away as he is the shipyard still looks huge. He finds himself nearing the mine shell that surrounds it. He grits his teeth and begins to fire his micro-missiles and beam weapons. At a spot not as far ahead of him as he thought explosions start to erupt as missiles and energy blasts cause mines to explode. Then he through the mine shell.

He curses as he watches the installation before him come alive with mobile suits. He then comes under fire as the anti-air energy weapons open fire on him. He tries to dodge the shots but due to the amount of them he is unable to dodge the majority of them. The ones that do hit though don't do any damage as they splash against the Neue Ziel's I-fields. Thanks to its high speed the mobile armor hasn't come under fire by the missile launchers yet. Ulbrecht takes shots at unfinished ships as he passes their berths in the shipyard. Destroying several while forcing more work to be done on others. Then the Neue Ziel comes to the part hidden by shipyard itself and its pilot pulls his mobile suit up as comes under heavy weapons fire.

Before him is a fleet that seems to be waiting for him. That wasn't what made him pull up though as Ulbrecht stares at what is behind the Federation Fleet.

“A space fortress.” states Ulbrecht to himself. “So that is what is important here. The feddies are building themselves a space fortress.”

He turns his mobile armor to take a run at the fleet but finds himself facing a wall of missiles heading his way. He then fires his own missiles into the cloud and blasts straight at the cloud firing his beam weapons as well. Most of the enemy's missiles explode but a few get through and hit the Neue Ziel. But he blasts through the fire balls without even slowing. Energy blasts and machine gun rounds greet the mobile armor as it exits the fire balls. These don't slow him either. He opens fire on the enemy fleet as he goes to pass through it. He ends up destroying two Salamis refits and a Pegasus Class, while damaging several other ships.

Their return fire is very heavy but the Neue Ziel is heading for the mine field once again and he opens fire on it and clears a path. He misses a couple mines but he ignores them as they explode against his armor but he has reached freedom and heads away at top speed.

Outcome: Purpose of the heavy security discovered.

Ulbrect von Drechslar: 3 days of damage, 120 exp, 500,000 credits

The Test:

Red Andrews finds himself facing against three GM mobile suits that have been modified heavily. He grips his controls and then blasts forwards. His mobile suit is armed with a paintball gun and so are the GM s. He begins to fire on them but the GM mobile suits easily blast away from the lunar surface on their high powered thrust. He is easily able to keep up with the mobile suits but they turn and meet his attack with firing machine guns.

Paintball rounds pepper his mobile suit and he curses and returns fire. He strikes one but the others easily dodges his attacks. His eyes narrow as he dodges to the left while firing away the enemy mobile suits. He strikes another and blinds the pilot as the paint balls splash paint over the GM's cameras. He then finds the other two GM mobile suits charging right at him. Red grins and blasts away from them easily.

As he turns around to meet their charge he changes his machine guns magazine and begins firing again. He aims for the cameras on the enemy mobile suits and quickly disables both. As he lands his mobile suit he listens to the signal coming over the radio.

“Good Job. Mr. Andrews.” states a voice over the radio.”We have good readings on both your suit and the GM s. Your payment will arrive in your accounts shortly.

Outcome: test successful

Redm Andrews: No damage, 100 exp, 200,000 credits, 1 x Powered GM recieved

Convoy Ahoy!

Seito Kusanagi sits once again on a raised area over looking a road. His eyes are clued on the convoy and the areas around it. Today his only excitement seems to come from spotting civilian traffic and its reaction when it came up close to the Zeon Convoy. But his boredom quickly comes to an end as he spots a Zaku I heading down the road at a run. He zooms in on it and sees that it is sporting the same colors as the one he faced before and he aims his beam rifle and fires on it.

The energy blast cuts off the Zaku's arm and Seito lines up another shot. Then as he is about to pull his trigger an explosive round explodes against it. He curses and stands up his mobile suit. He drops his beam rifle and looks around for who attacked him. His eyes grow large as he spots a group of civilians armed with rocket launchers and machine guns. As another fires at him he raises an arm and stops the shot. It damages his suits arm but Seito ignores that as he opens fire on the people with his vulcans. As the civilians run for cover Seito turns and begins to slide down the hill he is on to join up with his forces.

When he reaches the convoy he realizes he wasn't chased and that the Zaku I he shot at had retreated. He sighs as he realizes the Zaku was used to reveal his position. He goes to a cargo truck that has repair facilities and begins the repairing of his Zaku I Sniper.

Outcome: convoy protected.

Seito Kusanagi: 1 day of repairs, 75 exp