Pilot Name: Put pilot name here. Try not to put a name from the gundam universe or another well known name please.
Genetic Profile Type: Newtype or oldtype. Some suits need a newtype pilot.
Abilities: pick one from the list on the rules page and put here.
Side: This is where you put your starting side.
Email Address: this where you put your email address. You can with hold your email from the site by sending it to me if you don't want it posted.
Ground or Space: Effects where you start.
Starting Location: Rogues can choose where they start.
Also just so you know, if a mobile weapon is a mass produced type there can be more than one person as well using it. Like say two pcs want to be the gm, they can. Also if the mobile suit is a prototype that means there can only be one. No more ships allowed to join. 1 for each side already