High above the skies in Central Canada, the American Union's new aerial Mobile Suits flew in formation. As the Union Flags flew by in formation, a singular black Union Flag flew behind them, with a Dish AWACS further behind, preparing for the test runs ahead. "Ensign Michael Haley, the Dish AWACS is in position. We also have Spearheads on the flanks for additional recording should we lose track. You're green to follow the course route in fifteen seconds," the lead Union Flag pilot orders, as the black Union Flag accelerated up ahead, taking it's position.
"Roger that, uploading the course route now, digital course displaying now, disabling restrictions now," Michael responds, as the clock ticks down. Watching with anticipation, the timer ticked down to zero as he gripped the controls.
"Three, two, one, Overflag, beginning course now," Michael states, as the first checkpoint appeared straight ahead.
Pushing the throttle to its maximum, the aerial Mobile Suit lurched forward as Michael was slammed back into his seat as it easily flew threw the first ring. Appearing directly overhead, the Overflag pulled up sharply to hit the next checkpoint with ease. As the A.I. pointed out the next ring immediately, Michael pushed downward on the stick and performed a barrel roll to the right, performing a downward S-turn to barely line up the ring in time. Banking hard to the left, Michael jerked to the right after hitting the next ring, as the A.I. indicated the next one, pointing downwards. Pointing itself straight down to the Earth, the Overflag reached the next ring, as Michael's eyes widened at the next checkpoint, directly back the way he came. Deaccelerating and pulling up hard, the Overflag did a hard Immelmann turn, Michael barely keeping his focus as he accelerated again to prevent from stalling as he flew straight back up at the final checkpoint. Flying through it and leveling off, Michael slowed his black Mobile Suit down, as he briefly started to cough up blood. "Son of a bitch...this is Ensign Michael Haley, did you get all that?"
"Ensign, our Flags could barely keep track of that thing, the Spearheads were able to get video footage where we couldn't. I don't know what you did, but that new Flag outpaces our Union Flags by a lot in speed and maneuvering. We'll head back to Supply Station Gram for debrief."
Flying back to Gram, the group of Flags landed on the runway and parked themselves in the available hangar. Climbing out, Michael wiped away the blood from his mouth and took a few moments to catch his breath, looking up at the machine. "Just...what the hell is this thing?"