- Introduction
- Updating
- Squads
- Actions
- Art of War
- Random Missions
- Life, Death and, Rebirth
- XP and Upgrading
- Genetic Profiles
- Genetic Variations and SP
- Sides
- Travel
- Conquest
- Shop
- Mistakes
- Other
- Amendments
Welcome to Mobile Suit Gundam : Era of Chaos, an RPG that is based on the popular Mobile Suit Gundam franchise and the custom story which was written up by the staff. We do not claim ownership over Mobile Suit Gundam or anything relating to the anime, magna, model kits, etc, we are just having fun. With that said here are some basic guidelines to get you start. Remember! READ THE RULES. Also credit for the original rulesset which this is based on goes to The Janadian
- The webmasters word is law, if you feel that you have been wronged in anyway by the staff please make a factual argument and proof and send it to the Administrators and they will look over your complaint
- This RPG is rated Mature for Graphic Violence, Adult Language, Adult Situations, Blood, Gore, and all of that good stuff. My only request is that you have common courtsey to your fellow RPer and mark RP topics which get graphic with a (M)ature tag.
- No Sexist, Racist, Bigotry, Sexual Harassment and any of that good stuff. Your characters may be Racists(like hating a different Genetic type and what not) but leave it IN CHARACTER!
- Have fun, Leave your real life issues out of the rpg.
Era of Chaos is updated daily, it runs Monday through Friday between the hours of 6 am EST/EDT till 6 pm EST/EDT each day. During the weekends we add new people to the RPG, the deadline for new people to be added each week is 6 pm EST/EDT every Sunday. I like to warn people who are thinking about joining, sometimes I do not add people for my own reasons. Seeing as how some things in real life may prevent us from updating I’ll announce such events if possible, there are those days when something comes up and you didn’t plan for it. Usually, however, we will add new members at any time of the week if we have time.
If you have an issues with the time as seeing some people might not be able to make the deadlines due to time zone differences, please e-mail me or contact me ASAP. We can work something out!
Given as the RPG revolves around conflict with mass-produced mobile suits, every player of the RPG will be able to have squad members. Squad Members will more easily rank up than other NPC’s, more importantly Squad members do not require a ship to be tugged around, they just go with you. All other NPC’s must be stored inside ships/planes/bases and cannot follow you otherwise. Depending on your rank or what you started as will determine your squad size. See below.
- Test Pilots: 2 Squad Members
- Enlisted: 3 Squad members
- Officers: 4 Squad Members
- Command: 5 Squad Members
Depending on what you want done, we have different forms for those things you want done. To do what you want you must fill in these forms, simply copy and paste them into the message and title(subject) it appropriately to which form you use. All emails will be sent to Certain actions are obvious as to what they do, others aren’t. You are entitled to one action a day.
- Battle
Pilot name and Mobile weapon/Ship name:
Battle Type:
Your current location:
Target(s) current location:
Anyone with you:
Anyone with the Target(s):
- Buy
Pilot name and Mobile weapon/Ship name:
Your current location:
Current Credits:
What are you buying, include prices:
Leftover credits:
- Mission
Pilot name and Mobile weapon/Ship name:
Your current location:
Anyone with you:
- Travel
Pilot name and Mobile weapon/Ship name:
Your current location:
Desired location:
How many days (view locations):
Using a ship:
- Other
Pilot name and Mobile weapon/Ship name:
Your current location:
What do you need done:
Ontop of those actions, there are also special actions which will be defined below. When performing a special action, use common sense to determine the correct form. Orbital Drop, for instance, is a battle. Patrolling would be ‘Other’.
- Orbital Drop: Certain units and ships are capable of entering the atmosphere unaided which allows for an added element of surprise. Few bases are equipped to defend against such an attack.
- Patrol: Fleets can perform a patrol action, what this does is sets them to actively seek and intercept hostile forces entering a region. If you enter a region where an enemy fleet is set to patrolling, they will automatically engage you. This provides an effective means of defending certain choke-points.
- Block: Two fleets in a contested region can block one another, this prevents these fleets from performing any other action other than fighting each other and leaving.
- Form a Fleet: Fleets require at least 3 ships. No other requirements exist.
Art of War
This section is named after the famous book by Sun Tzu called “The Art of War”. In this book, Sun goes into great detail of how war is to be fought and won. Thus is the same for this RPG. War is fought both direct and indirect; it is best to know your enemy as well as your backhand. Know the land and weapons and you are sure to win, these are just some basics and summaries from the book. You can fight anyway you wish as long as you explain it well and have the resources needed. So be creative! Even with a great plan you must be always ready for the possibility of losing! Remember, battles cancel other actions. If you get attacked or attack someone else, any other submitted actions are interrupted.
Every battle has its rewards and will be given when the battle is completed. Rewards vary depending on difficulty of each battle, who or what was killed and if you already have experience in that field. Here are some things to know.
- Cannot attack allies unless you’re defecting, staging a coup de’tat, or have valid story reason.
- When traveling and then attacking the next day you’ll enter the battle as though you just arrived.
- Everyone needs to send in their emails wishing to attack unless stated otherwise!
In the RPG there are multiple ways in which to go about killing each other. The various different battle types are listed below:
- Ambush: An ambush is the basic and most common form of attack in the RPG. One party attacks another, unsuspecting party. The ambusher has the advantage via the element of surprise, though there are ways which this can be negated.
- Blackout: A blackout is like an ambush, except the attacker is never revealed to the defending party. This happens when Mobile Suits have stealth capabilities or when the player has a trait granting them such. This type of battle has it’s advantages.
- Long-Range Attack: A Long-Range Attack is a battle-type in which you simply barrage your enemy from a distance. If they have similar long-range weapons, they can return fire, otherwise it’s an easy way to soften up enemy targets from a distance.
- Duel: A duel is an agreed upon battle between two or more parties, there is no surprise element to the battle and it relies purely on skill v skill.
- Raid: A raid is a battle which seeks to hurt your enemies in their wallet. While it might be unreasonable to try and destroy an enemy base, you can hit it’s ourlying supply lines or rob a mine of it’s resources. Raids usually have a lower XP gain but provide a monetary return for their actions.
- Assault: An assault is a full on attack against an enemy installation. By assaulting, you got straight for the kill rather then relying on prolonged siege warfare to try and win the day. This can be both advantageous as the enemies cannot call for reinforcements and disadvantageous as you risk everything in one strike.
- Siege: Siege warfare cuts an installation off from the outside, effectively making it useless to the outside world. Those at the installation at the time of the siege are unable to leave unless they break through the sieging force. Likewise, supplies cannot reach the beleaguered base. Depending on the size of the base, it may automatically surrender after a certain number of days if the siege is held.
- Scout: Scouting makes life generally easier when it comes to attacking a base. Anyone can perform a scouting action though Recon units bolster your chances of success greatly. A recon unit is more likely to complete a scouting mission successfully than a normal unit is due to their advanced sensors and equipment.
There will be a more in-depth review of siege battles on the forum.
Random Missions
Random Missions are a new type of action to this RPG and they are designed to present the feeling that the world is actually ‘living’ and that more happens beyond what players dictate. Random Missions are easy to do and the rewards vary from items, special services, support, money, and even XP gains. What happens is you send an email in using the Random Mission action. The Staff will roll the dice and a randomized encounter will be created for you and written as a battle. There are measures in place to prevent this system from being abused by people who want to simply try and farm XP off of it, so don’t even think about it. You still have to get out there and fight the greater war effort. Also, the more people you have with you, the harder the missions will be and the greater the possible rewards shall be.
Life, Death and, Rebirth
During battle it is nearly impossible to escape unscathed, you will always have a minimum of [1] Day of damage, regardless, even if it’s just fine-tuning and refueling your machine. There are, however, different statuses which constitute ‘damage’. It should be noted that while Repairing and Injury will happen at the same time, if you are Injured and Fatigued, the Fatigue will not start fading until after the Injury has healed.
- Repairing: The most basic form of damage. Your mobile suit requires maintenance. While repairing you are unable to attack anybody. [Can be attacked]
- Injury: Your pilot has become injured. While injured you may move, but you may not fight period be it offensively or defensively. [Cannot be attacked]
- Fatigue: Fatigue builds from performing certain actions repeatedly without pause. For instance, someone who despite being under repairs constantly gets attacked, will become fatigued. When fatigued, a pilot fights at half-capacity, meaning if they had 100XP they will fight as if they have 50. Fatigue wears off by not doing anything. If, while fatigued, you get into a fight another day will be added to your fatigue (with a max of 5) [Can be attacked]
- Captured: Being captured means that a battle went horribly wrong for you. At this point you are a prisoner until you are ransomed off, manage to escape, or are rescued. While in captivity, the enemies can choose to interrogate or torture you. If they choose this action, they will be given insight into your factions forum to the level of clearance which is open to you. The enemy may also choose to ransom you, at which point a price must be agreed upon by the players or your government. Execution is only an option in special circumstances, and will be presented to the captor if it is a viable option. Alternatively, if you are a Test Pilot and your unit is captured in-tact, they will retain ownership of your unit regardless of the deal made. [Cannot be attacked]
Given as this is a war-game, it is possible for your character to die. In the event that you die, worry not! You’ll be back to life after just [5] Days. When that happens you must rejoin if you wish as a new pilot and mobile weapon/ship. As a new pilot you’ll keep the same XP but lose all your money and mobile weapon/ship. Special exceptions, as always, apply.
XP and Upgrading
As a reward to fighting you earn something called XP, this is experience. The more you have in theory means you are better experienced in combat than someone else, however, dumb actions even if you have high XP wont get you any wins here. Just to be clear XP DOES NOT DECIDE WHO WINS OR LOSES, it depends on many factors present to the person who writes your battles. Besides fighting there are other ways to gain XP,
- Missions: XP and credits vary depending on what the mission has in store for you.
Upgrading is the process we like to call it when a pilot transfers from one unit to another, usually more improved, unit. This action can come about by the current unit you pilot being destroyed, plot lines, and a plethora of other reasons though more often then not it happens by reaching a certain XP criteria. Upgrading requires you to be active on the forums and involved in the role play, afterall, this is a ROLE PLAYING game. Coupled with the active roleplaying, you will need 100xp again. This is the only way to upgrade without special circumstances surrounding the issue. Remember, we’re always watching. You will be eligible to upgrade every 100XP as long as you remain an active character. However, Test Pilots will often find themselves upgrading before 100xp or being forced to switch units. This is one of the benefits/pitfalls of being a Test Pilot. What you pilot depends on what the government decides to give you.
Genetic Profiles
Humanities own curiosity as well as natural evolution has created a world of endless possibilities. Some look upon these people as beacons of light, while others look at them like they are harbingers of the apocalypse, and mutant freaks. There are only two prime genetic profiles which you may choose from.
Coordinator: Genetically altered humans who are strengthened both mentally and physically. They are smarter than others and learn more quickly, making them expert pilots and tacticians thanks to their heightened reaction times. Coordinators also heal faster then normal humans and are almost completely immune to disease, they also have less options available to them because of it.
Availiable Variations:
- Seed Mode
- Newtype
- Ultimate Coordinator
Natural: Human beings who are not genetically engineered nor an evolution of mankind are Naturals. In a world filled with enhanced humans Naturals must learn quickly in order to live. Thus Natural’s earn experience at a higher rate.
Availiable Variations:
- Extended
- Newtype
- Cyber-Newtype
- Seed Mode
Genetic Variations and SP
As you noticed above, there are only two Genetic Profiles in the RPG at this time that you may join with, and they each have a number of variations. These variations you can acquire through a number of ways. You can be awarded every variation from active roleplay and being an active member of the community, infact, some of the variations can only be acquired this way while others can be acquired by using Skill Points, or SP, to purchase them.
SP is something new we decided to add this RPG, every member when they join the RPG will start out with a set amount of SP that you can use to acquire certain traits in the beginning if you desire. From that point on, however, SP can only be acquired based on merit. You do not gain SP every battle, and SP is only given out when the staff feels you have earned it. Things that can earn you SP range from just being an active member of the community, participating in major events, and other feats of accomplishment inside of battle.
Traits List
Below is a list of sides, organizations or governments, which you can belong to..
The Greater Empire of Japan : The Greater Empire of Japan refers to the Empire of Japan and it’s various territories throughout the Pacific. Though it holds a firm grip over most of South-East Asia, Japan’s true strength lies in it’s technological advances and it’s Pacific territories. Though the Empire of Japan is the smallest nation, it is also the first to create Mobile Suits.
- Starting Credits: Enlisted 20,000; Officer 40,000
- Starting XP: Test Pilot 5, Enlisted 17, Officer 15
- Starting Location(s):
- Ground Forces: North Asia, Greater East Asia, Pacific Ocean
- Naval Forces: Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Japan
- Test Pilots: Japan, Greater Indonesia, Pacific Ocean
The American Union : The American Union is a vast nation, occupying almost all of North and South America. The American Union was formed out of necessity to create a unified bloc of power to compete with the European and Asian Empires. The American Union is a democratic union, with each member-state represented at an annual summit where the Union gathers to decide on important policies and issues.
- Starting Credits: Enlisted 25,000; Officer 45,000
- Starting XP: Test Pilot 5, Enlisted 12, Officer 10
- Starting Location(s):
- Ground Forces: Western United States, Eastern United States, Greenland
- Naval Forces: Western United States, North Atlantic Ocean, South Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean
- Test Pilots: Brazilian Federation, Central Canada
The European Empire : The European Empire is German in creation and structure. Modeling loosely after the old Holy Roman Empire which once dominated a majority of Europe, this super-power came to be years after the end of The Great War as a way of managing the German Empires territorial gains. European Sectors are governed by Lord-Governors, who act as a sort of parliament and are capable of presenting issues and bills to the Imperial Family, which holds absolute power.
- Starting Credits: Enlisted 30,000; Officer 60,000
- Starting XP: Test Pilot 5, Enlisted 15, Officer 12
- Starting Location(s):
- Ground Forces: West Siberia Territory, Central Asia, Algerian Territory
- Naval Forces: The British Isles, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, Indian Ocean
- Test Pilots: Greater Germania, The Middle East
Create a Faction: While you cannot create an official government, you are capable of creating factions within that government that lean toward specific goals. An example of Factions within governments would be the Titans or Londo Bell.
- Faction name:
- Faction purpose:
- Any and all members joining at the creation of the faction:
[Minimum of 3 Members] - Location of your headquarters:
- Ship Class: [If you choose to be based off a ship]
Now when you start you’ll be given 100,000 credits and a base or a ship to get you started, the rest is up to you. Remember, if you fail to meet expectations within your government your faction may come under pressure from the government, which can revoke certain privileges or even disband your organization all together. The idea is to garner popular support within your government, how you go about that is up to you.
Seeing as how there are many places to visit and things to do there you must travel to reach these locations. It is wise to purchase a ship of some sort to travel place to place but is not needed sometimes, although you can benefit from the increased security, as people will often be looking for mobile weapons and not some transport. Travel times vary from place to place and depending on your transportation abilities. The map page of the RPG contains the times and places to which you can go to along with some more rules. When entering a hostile region you will have to make a roll, if you fail the check, the enemy fortress will send out a force to intercept you, if you pass the check you enter the region unimpeded. The same applies when attempting to leave a Hostile Region, if you fail the roll, the Fortress will attack you. Stealth Units reduce threat and submersible units can only be intercepted by naval units.
There are a few more rules for travel found on the map page
Scattered among the different locations are installations that can be captured by you and friendly forces. You must be part of a faction to own any installation other wise it will go directly to your government. To add to what can be conquered, it is possible to gain control of entire regions. Doing so will generate bonuses to you and your side, but they are extremely difficult to conquer.
- You must control a majority of military and civilian installations in the region. Mining installations do not count toward the occupation of a region. For occupation to be fully established, a Fortress must be built in the region. It is from this fortress that your Faction will project it’s power.
- If the Fortress is destroyed, the region will switch to a ‘contested’ state. If the fortress is captured, the region will switch to whoever captures it.
When you capture a base or colony, you will stay at that base unless you tell us otherwise. If you fail to capture a base or colony you will automatically return to the closest location that is “friendly”. This means if you traveled to attack a base on Earth from another location on Earth, you’ll head back there.
Owning a region increases wealth and security and provides a difficult time for your enemies. It gives you a distinct advantage and should not be taken lightly.
Via the shop you can purchase a variety of goodies. It is important to note that if you do not have the squad capacity to hold more units, your purchase will be canceled. When purchasing an installation it requires a build action, if you are attacked the build action will be interrupted and the base will not be built. To purchase Mobile Suits or Ships, you simply need to be on a friendly base.
Sometimes we make mistakes, we are human after all. So when one does happen please tell us about it. Because of one mistake do not take it as “we are out to get you” kind of thing. Again it was simply a mistake.
There is some other stuff that needs to be talked about that is either to small to have its own section or it was because I was to lazy.
Sometimes we hold special events on the site and forum, you are encouraged to participate in these as much as possible. XP and Credits are often given and in high amounts!
You can only have one character at a time, no others unless your character has died!
Seeing as I am not psychic and cannot predict every outcome, there will be moments when I will have to make a quick decision on something which is not currently covered in the rules. You can find a list of these judgments at the bottom of the rules page.
There are times where the rules are missing something and it comes to me or others that a rule must be put into place. Well instead making you look through the entire rules, all amendments can be found here. These are always the latest updates to the rules and supersede the above rules in conflicting situations.
- Traits can be taken away if it is deemed they do not fit the character in question without reinbursement. Traits must fit the character to which they are given. [Not Retroactive, 6/13/2011]
- One cannot be Extended, Super Soldier, and Cyber Newtype. You may only pick one. [Not Retroactive, 6/13/2011]
- Ship captains get squads as big as their ship’s hangar and are exceptions to restrictions on what a ship can hold. [Not Retroactive, 6/14/2011]
- You cannot duel your squadmates or other such NPC’s. [Not Retroactive, 6/22/2011]
- Mechanics still have a minimum of [1] Repairing [6/28/2011]
- Production Factories can be petitioned to be used by Officers, upon completion you must set out to collect your produced goods. Goods will be kept a week after their completion date before they are scrapped. [7/9/2011, Retroactive]
Thanks once again go to The Janadian, who originally wrote the ruleset up which I can continue to toy with over time. \o/