Fill this form out, word-for-word. If anything is unclear, catch me in the chat or put it on your email. Each PC starts as a Soldier. When you’re finished, email me your completed application at Remember, I’ll ignore any apps sent during the week.
Name: (Your name. Can’t be anything ridiculous, and keep in mind that this is a fantasy setting, not science fiction.)
Email: (I’m not explaining this.)
Stats: (See below)
You have a total of 20 points to put into four statistic categories.
Strength: Determines your athletic abilities and your general physical power. The stronger you are, the harder you hit, the faster you hit, and the more accurate you are - all with melee weapons. You can also carry heavier equipment.
Agility: Determines your speed and ability to dodge attacks, as well as how accurate and powerful your ranged attacks are. Since magik ignores most types of armor and physical defense, agility is your best defense against the arcane arts.
Toughness: Measures your ability to take any damage thrown your way. It also accounts for your stamina, and how far you can run.
Intelligence: Measures your mental capacity and wit. It powers any magik you might have and helps you resist mental and physical effects, like poison and paralysis, as well as the obvious benefit of outsmarting your enemy.
Side: (You can choose from four: The Pax Imperica, the Komitjadii mercenaries, Volinus, or the Theocracy. See the rules page for further information.)
Appearance: (Can be anything you choose it to be. Onara is a large land, and it’s inherently magikal nature makes many odd combinations possible.)
Combat Tactics: (Briefly describe how your character likes to conduct himself and his men in battle. Feel free to describe any unusual tactics your character is fond of, and things of that sort. You can update this later if you like.)
History: (Description of your character’s past. Since to be a part of the military you are usually required to go through one of the three academies – except in the case of the Komitjadii mercenaries – you should end up your history with acceptance to one of the battle schools. Doesn't have to be terribly long.)
Squad: (Choose a name for your squad. Choose something flashy and cool, or dark and mysterious. Or something completely different!)
Unit 1 Name: (Make up a name for your lackeys. If you leave it blank I'll make it up for you.)
Unit 1 Gender: (Ditto.)
Unit 2 Name:
Unit 2 Gender: