Battles Page
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What type of battle:
Your Gundam:
Enemy Gundam:
Your enemy's location:
Your e-mail:

Here is where you can battle.(It will take about a day befor your battle is posted. But the time you send it in will affect when it will be posted.)Now Go kill something!
Battles Added Mar 20:

Mission:The Pass-Xi
Thunder and lightning explode all around and the cracking thunder is amplified by the narrow pass. Then nine Virgos come from up above one is hit by a bolt of lightning the others swoop down and engage Xi and the four other Leos. Xi jets up and strikes down two Virgos with his beam sabers. Four other Virgos land two go in front and activate the planetery defenors while the two behind fire with their beam cannon. One of the Leos is destroyed while the other three take out one of the Virgos. Tazz in a fury hacks down the last Virgo headed his way mves to strike one of the defending Vigos The Virgo with the beam cannon fires at Xi but it only phase the gundam and the pilot. Xi attacks and kills the remaining two Virgos.
Outcome:Xi gets reward and pays 5k for repairs(3/23)

Zeta blackout on Nu
Nu just out fling around shooting some old space junk. Zeta acts quick and hits Nu with her gernades knock Nu for a spin. Nu still phased is unable to dodge a furry of bullets from Zeta's Beam Rifle. Nu disable Sabriel leaves.
Outcome:Zeta wins and gets 8 exp. and 25k.
Nu pays 7k repairs and 3 exp.(3/23)

Mission:War space-Gerbera
Gerbera moves quickly knowing that time is short takes the front and back ships out. He moves in with both beam swords out and takes down all of the escort in a small time. One ships moves off while he takes out the rest of them. iIn the corkpit of Gerbera a message is receved. Hunter, "Under stood." All of the sudden he pulls his Long beam Rifle out and shoots the last ship. A huge explosion happens.
Outcome:Gerbera wins and gets the reward. 5k repairs(2/23)

Battles Added Mar 2:

Heavyarms ambushes Leopard:
Leopard, about 2 klicks(Killometer) away from L1 on patrol. Heavyarms bolts out of no where and swiftly fires off missles at the unknowing gundam. Most missles find there mark but a number of them miss. Heavyarms moves quick to take advantage with Leopard being down. Swiftly Heavyarms moves in with Army Knife out and strikes at Leopard. The Army Knife hits and makes Leopard inner arm gatling not useable but with a swift reaction Leopard strikes back with his beam knife. The beam weapon cuts right across the cheast of Heavyarms. Heavyarms jumps back and unleashes all its fury and annihalates Leopard.
Outcome:Heavyarms wins and gets 11 exp and 25k.Repair till (3/5)
Leopard gets 8 exp and pays 15k for repairs.

Mission:Radar Bust-Xi
Well Xi quick moves in takes out the three turrets and oblitterates the radar station.
Outcome:Xi wins and gets reward.

Epyon ambushes Wing:
Epyon flies in very quickly and takes Wing very quickly. The Heat Rod smashing into the back of Wing but Kyle quickly recovers. Kyle ignights Wing's beam sabers. Epyon does the same. The two charge at each other. Thier beam sabers clash and energy sprays. The two jump back and strike again. Epyon goes low while wing goes high and epyon hits and makes Wing unable to battle.
Outcome:Epyon gets 10 exp and 20k.Repair 5k.
Wing gets 5 exp. and pays 5k.