Main|Rules|FFA|Sign-up form| Team Sign-up|Item Store|Battles|Status Page|

OZ(Organization of Zodiac)-You will start off at the Lake Victoria base and be given:250K to start with, a 25K biweakly pay cheak. And free repairs at any OZ base.

EF(Earth Federation)-You will start off at the EF Euro base and be given:200K to start with, and 30K biweakly pay cheak and half price repair at any EF base.

SE(Shadow Empire)-You will start off at the Colony Black Night and be given:100K to start and 50K biweakly pay cheak. You can get free transportation anywhere but to earth.

MO(Mercenary/Outlaw)-Your starting location is Colony Cluster.You start with 300K but have no biweakly pay. You do work for other charaters and have no benifits.

WF(White Fang)-You will start off on Libra and will be given:150K to start, 40K biweakly pay cheak. You have free transit to any White Fang contorled area.And repairs half at any White Fang base.

You goto the Join page and fill it out. You must pick an unpicked Gundam either from Mecha Domain or My Mecha. You can have a max of two Gundams. You cannot pick the upgrade to a Gundam such(Deathsythe. You cannot pick Deathsythe Hell for it is the upgrade.) And please check the gundam you want hasn't already been taken by looking at the roster.

There are many types of Battles all are listed:

Duel-A duel between two gundams. Use of all wepons unless spesified pre battle.

Melee Weapon Duel-A duel using only melee weapons.(Beam Swords,Beam Sythe, Heat Rod,ect.)

Ambush-An unexpected attack with a grand posibilty of the ambusher winning.

Blackout-An ambush to the next level. Very hard to lose if you the one doing the blackout.

Blind Fight Duel-A battle with using targeting computers and radar. All wepons allowed.

To duel you must use the rp board. Both gundams must accept the challange.
Free For Alls(FFA)

FFAs will be held bimonthly. A team FFA will be held once every month. The prizes for each FFA will be on the FFA page. All info on the FFA will be posted there.

To upgrade you must get 150 EXP. and totally destory your gundam. Every 150 exp an upgrade will be given. Should self destroy your self you will not upgrade. If your gundam does not have an upgrade then you may send it a custom weapon list and name. If a proved then that will be the upgrade.

The exp will de differnt for all things but here is the list:
FFA(lose or win):10-30

The missions and missions packs are on the mission page. Added things will be given in a mission pack but it will use up your free time until your done with it.