Forces and Fleets »
Citizens Republic Of Mars
120th Republican Guard
Ships: Zamouth Garr x 10; Pegasus x 5; Dropship x 10
Mobile Weapons: Den'an Zon x 100; Den'an Gei x 30; 150 x Den'an Gei; 180 x Den'an Zon(Stored in Drop-pods)
Location: Martian Orbit, Over Ivalice
18th Tactical Response Divison
Ships: Zamouth Garr x 10; Dropship x 20
Mobile Weapons: Den'an Zon x 100; 350 x Den'an Gei; 310 x Den'an Zon(Stored in Drop-pods)
Location: Martian Orbit, Over Constantinople
18th Royal Guard
Ships: Pegasus x 10
Mobile Weapons: Messer x 60
Location: Mars, Constantinople Royal Palace
22nd Royal Guard
Ships: Pegasus x 10
Mobile Weapons: Messer x 60
Location: Mars, Constantinople Royal Palace
43rd Defense Line
Ships: Pegasus x 16
Mobile Weapons: Den'an Gei x 96
Location: Mars, Constantinople(City)
Ships: Vosgulov x 24
Mobile Weapons: ZnO x 92; Den'an Zon x 50
Location: Mars, Red Sea
Martian Liberation Front
Forward Line
Ships: Argama Class x 10; Salamis Kai Class x 15
Mobile Weapons: Gun-EZ x 50; Jegan A-Type x 40; Jegan B-Type x 50
Location: Martian Orbit, Over Ivalice
Liberation Force
Ships: Compton Class x 10
Mobile Weapons: Jegan A-Type x 100; Jegan B-Type x 100; Guul x 200
Location: Mars, Ivalice, West Lusten
Ships: Aegis Class x 20
Mobile Weapons: Gun-EZ x 80
Location: Mars, Red Sea
Ships: Argama x 10
Mobile Weapons: Gun-EZ x 80
Location: Mars, Shinjuku, Vega