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1st Tier
Conjuror - The art of magik is multi-fold in Nimrodel, and this is just as true of Ourissa as it is elsewhere. Before they specialize in one of the six schools of magic, a Conjuror must learn simpler tricks. These are by no means not powerful however, and even a simple Conjuror can prove himself invaluable to a party.
Fighter - Many people learn through fair or unfair means that you have to be tough to survive in Ourissa. Fighters make up the lot of common folk with a backbone, ready to stand up for what they believe in.
Outlaw - Many people in Ourissa exist outside the law, or simply take little heed of it. Underground and black market communities are very large, and there are many disciplines which a newblood can learn, as long as he doesn't get caught.
Soldier - The starting point for all warriors of a trained military, Soldiers will learn the basics of teamwork and strategy before moving on to a higher discipline.
Tradesman - The economy is a fact of life, whether you are a part of the Varanian elite, or a hunter of a Centauri warband. Tradesmen are necessary for life, and their highly specialized professions can prove extremely valuable.
Tribesman - The people of the Tribes are fairly well established in Ourissa, and a wealth of culture belongs to them. Further, there are some professions, such as that of the beast tamer, which are seen as somewhat feral, even in a civilized city state.
Adventurer - Many an outlaw is attracted by the promise of adventure, glory or treasure. Those who move towards this goal unrestrained, learning about the world and the ruins around them become Adventurers. They are often seen leading exploratory parties into very dangerous lands, themselves being lightly armed and equipped, but posessing a keen mind. Adventurers are the ones who will decipher the riddles of the past, the ones who will find that ancient cavern, the ones who will parlay with the awakened dragon. At least, that's how it all is if you consult the Adventurer.
Archer - Many a military soldier is not trained in the arts of close combat, but of use with the bow instead. Cover fire is of excellent use to any military, and the bow has always been one of the most sophisticated and deadly of weapons. Able to put their arrows where needed, the Archer is of great need to any commander wanting a rounded attack force.
Bandit - Bandits compromise the thugs of the land, some living in an urban setting and some resorting to raiding outside city life. They are a combination of an outlaws ruggedness and insensitivity with a mercenary warrior, fighting on par with Knights and Guards while maintaining some of the cunning ways of a thief. They are more heavily armed and armored than the Hitman, able to take punishment if the fight goes sour rather than running away.
Barbarian - The more uncivilized Tribesmen will not even take the path of the Huntsman, prefering to act on instinct and emotion. Creatures of passion and an often senseless perpose, true Barbarians are discouraged amongst even the Tribes, but are envied for their combat ability. They will fight with a plethora of weapons, usually picking Axes above others. It is common for a Barbarian to fight nearly naked, using two or more Axes of many types to defeat their foes.
Bard - Some Outlaws go the way of publicity, learning how to trick and con people in the pure light of day, rather than the shadows. While they still retain many of the tendencies of an outlaw, a Bard is a well respected member of society, delighting in the entertainment of others. They pick a party up when they're down and inspire them to new heights, and pilfer a little extra money for the team along the way.
Beast Tamer - Many an individual will learn the ways of taming beasts, either as a herder or for the means of war. Beast Tamers eventually learn to control their animals with the most miniscule of statements and signals, their pets obeying them loyally and faithfully. They fight with whips and spears, moving as wild animals, charging in to the thick of the fray with their beasts.
Blacksmith - Some Tradesmen pick a specific trade and stick to it, creating their own wares instead of merely selling them. This is true of the Blacksmith as of anything else, they crafting the various arms and armor of the militaries and the huntsmen. In combat they are impressive foes as well, experts at wearing their own armor and strong from long hours metalworking.
Boxer - Many a lower class citizen who will not go the way of the Outlaw becomes a common Boxer, either while doing a day job and merely as a hobby, or as a trade of his own. These people excell in taking a beating, their cuts and bruises a testament to their hard life. While they recieve no formal combat training like the Ai-jin, their life story is just as good as that of any professional military institution.
Cavalier - Cavaliers are the mounted elite, able to strike fast and true into the hardest of enemy formations. Wearing heavy armor and armoring their steeds of war, these soldiers march quickly to the battlefield in the front lines, devastating the enemy with their spears.
Chemist - The Chemist excells in the art of potioncraft, making healing salves and elixirs to increase a soldiers effectiveness. As most healing magic in Nimrodel is fickle, they are the healers of the land, helping cure wounds and poisons quickly with their craft, while still obtaining the profit driven ideology of a tradesman.
Clansman - Clansmen are from the best of soldier ranks, trained not to fight enemy lines but to fight monsters of the wilds. They travel in isolated units and center upon teamwork as well as individual fighting, using large double handed swords to cleave through ogres and basilisks with great power.
Cultist - There are many cults in Nimrodel, and many people who believe in them blindly through all else. These Cultists believe themselves touched by their god and capable of miracles, although few actually manage to follow through with this claim. Nevertheless, the blinding faith that is the hallmark of such individuals is a powerful weapon in and of itself.
Elemental Mage - As a Conjuror advances his studies, he will find that ether molds itself in predictable ways. Some formations of ether are suitable to fire magic, some water magic, and the like. The most common road for a Conjuror is to specify his studies in one direction, mastering the use of one sort of Ether, as learning to use them all is almost impossible for most men. The Elemental Mage broadens his horizon in one direction, learning to bind his spells to the parties weapons, and also to summon a familiar from the ether to assist his studies.
Enchanter - Enchanters are those Conjurers who ignore the practice of shaping and forming the ether, instead concentrating primarily and fully on binding magical crafts to physical objects. They are the great magikal smiths, creating huge numbers of magical artifacts and animated golems, often with the help of a fully accomplished Mage that knows the magiks that are being bound. The Enchanter becomes a master of trade, creating objects that last for eternity, rather than mastering the fickle energies of the ether.
Fencer - The Fencer is the soldier that, instead of training in working as a team or a unit, trains to hone his individual sword skill. Able to best the most ferocious of fighters with his sword, the Fencer eschews armor, relying on skill and merit to bring him out of danger. Often of a noble upbringing, they can be seen helping the Commanders, acting as bodyguards and the like.
Guard - The grunts of any army are the Guards, heavily armed and armored, using shields and spears to great effect. Although these weapons are simple they are extremely useful against a variety of opponents, and the thick armor worn by the Guard makes them difficult to stop. A well trained Guard is a formidible force, especially when backed by the correct support troops.
Hitman - While a Thief will avoid confrontation and try to steal your belongings, a Hitman is the guy who will be hired by the Thieves Guild to take out a potential troublemaker. Learned in the art of assassination, the Hitman will do anything to take a man down, fighting in ways that even other Outlaws would consider dirty. Somebody has to do the job though, and the cruellist of Assassins take pride in their ability to quickly steal a mans life.
Huntsman - A standard warrior of the tribes will be called on as a huntsman, both to defend against monsters and enemy tribes, but also as the primary food gatherer of the community. As a huntsman rises in status he will be given the status of Druid and preside over the tribe as a leader, but few will make it that far. A Huntsman will fight with a variety of weapons, usually using throwing weapons with an offhand and a small close combat weapon with their main hand. They wear no armor, using mystical warpaint to protect themselves.
Knight - The backbone of any military institution being the Guards, the Knights are their commanding officers, organizing them from a mounted position. Their heroics are a sight to many a young soldier, filling him with courage and prowess, and their chivalry and wit earn them honor off the battlefield as well.
Mage Knight - Some Mages, more devoted in the ways of combat than their more intellectually minded counterparts, will learn an art of using physical combat and spellcasting at the same time. These are the Mage Knights, who train heavily in the use of speed, sword expertise, and a surprising amount of magik at point blank range to defeat enemies. The Mage Knight never becomes as competant in the use of spells as his counterparts, but makes up for this with a perfectly honed art of swordplay.
Martial Artist - The two generation old Varanian sect of Ai-jin monks is an interesting one, studying the control of the human body and perfection of fitness through a martial focus. They take impoverished people from the slums in, training them to master their body and their mind through rigorous martial arts. Many an Ai-jin monk has retired in Ayotya and taught his trade there, and some have even wandered to the Tribes as ascetics, and it is now possible to find these martial artists all over Ourissa. Emphasising speed and finesse over even using armor and weapons, a martial artist is a deadly opponent, striking hard and fast while almost impossible to hit.
Merchant - Many tradesmen become accomplished merchants, dealing in all goods and making a significant markup rather than making themselves. They are the proprieters of trade ships and the leaders of merchant caravans, eternal enemies of bandits and pirates, they make a living off their wares, and will guard them till the end.
Nomad - Nomads are the horsemen of the Tribes, Huntsmen adept at riding and the use of a bow. While their abilities at close combat wane as they train a horse, they are still active hunters in the community, riding down faster game and killing enemies with pinpoint arrow strikes at the gallop. Nomads generally do not armor themselves or their horses, but many will take large shields onto a battlefield, protecting themselves and their steeds from enemy arrows while they fire their own.
Prismatic Mage - While the majority of spellcasters will focus on one facet of the Ether to advance in, the truly devoted will attempt to master all of them. The Prism Mage must spend much more time in his studies, invariably learning how to cast multiple elemental magiks over things like enchanting or summoning. But a prism mage is a startlingly powerful enemy, able to use a huge variety of spells to his advantage.
Ranger - Rangers are that sort of outlaws who lives outside the law instead of being necessarily against it, having their own rules and boundaries and following strictly their own ethical code. They live by hunting and make their means by selling information to travellers, making them masters of stalking in the wild. It is said that a Ranger will know everything that happens within a mile of his camp.
Sailor - Sailors are the warriors of the seas, adept at fighting in natures most hostile environments and sailing through uncharted waters. They are at once both the great tradesmen of the oceans and its pirates, being paid to carry goods and steal them alike. They are very versatile allies, professionals both at combat and at mercantalism.
Shaman - While a Mage will learn how to manipulate and control Ether to his own purposes, Shamans are those Conjurors who spend their time studying the actual Ether itself. They learn to feel, hear, and see the Ether, to understand its erratic and chaotic movements. They are often seen as extremely wise and revered individuals in all cultures, but at the same time their intelligence and reasoning is often seen as senseless or eccentric, as a Shaman will base his decisions on influences that only he can detect.
Telepath - Although every human in Nimrodel is latently psychic, less than 1% of the population train their psychic ability, and fewer still have the potential to elevate it to a true art. These precious few individuals are as respected as the best Wizard in a community, as if they can control their powers they can perform similar feats. The best Psychics in Ourissa are the trainers at the Ai-jin academy, who believe that this is one more of the senses every member must master.
Thief - The most common profession available to an Outlaw is that of a Thief. Protected by a keen eye and the underground thieves guild, an accomplished thief will live on his own means, stealing what he needs to survive, and if he is good what he needs to survive in comfort. Although a smart thief would rather avoid combat they are not without prowess, fighting adeptly with daggers and hidden weapons if need arises. But mostly they are silent and crafty, trying to achieve their goals without the victim ever knowing he'd been robbed.
Valkyrie - Many of the Tribesmen that live in the mountains are devotees of dragons or wind gods, and their warriors take on a very specific role in battle. Using a combination of simple air magic and time honed acrobatics, the Valkyrie are adepts at three dimensional warfare, their ability to jump over and into enemy positions frightening to behold. In combat they wield spears and javalins, using the weapons reach and thrusting power to their advantage, while defending themselves with a combination of leather or scale body armor and agility to dodge or deflect most blows. Valkyries are very effective against opponents that would wish they would stand still, although their limited hitting power makes it difficult for them to fight heavily armored foes.
Warlock - Warlocks are somewhat different from the other branches of magik. While the waves and flows of Ether are studied by a great many, their actual sources and vertex points and the reasons for this is what a warlock studies and attempts to control. It is a dangerous study, as the natural creation of ether is caused by emanations from living beings, more magikally powerful creatures like Dragons or ancient Dry'cha generating much more ether than mere men. The Warlock will learn about and attempt to control these beings, as well as using a persons ether to manipulate them as well.
Alchemist - The Alchemist is the best of the chemists, creating elixirs capable of instantly rejuvinating their army. They are fantastic craftsmen, able to turn Iron into Gold, creating deadly poisons and curing all wounds. They are of great benefit to the party, weak in combat ability themselves but powerful in their ability to aid.
Arcanist - An Arcanist is, without a doubt, the most powerful and most heralded of people in Nimrodel, and certainly in Ourissa. Arcanists are those Prism Mages who finally, after long and arduous study, master all four of the etherical elements to the same degree as the Wizards one. Their spellcasting ability is unparalleled, and the few that ever get there are considered an army unto themselves.
Assassin - A true Assassin is one of the most feared of fighters in Ourissa, perfecting the art of taking down an opponent. Masters in fighting at close range with the dagger as well as long range with the crossbow, and learning ways to sneak past guards and creep up upon a target, they are true masters of the shadows, able to kill effortlessly and silently. Repeated murders have given the Assassin a cruel demeanor as well, enabling them to ignore any emotion in combat.
Auctioneer - The Auctioneer is the Merchant who excells in his trade, no longer going abroad but staying in the city, allowing others to go and bring him back a cut of the profit. They are masterful liars and excellent bargainers, able to get the most out of the smallest of funds and the worst out of the best of people.
Beast Master - Eventually a Beast Tamer will become one with his beasts, and take on a beastial quality of his own. His senses become keener, his hands take the appearance of claws, and the like. As the new Beastmasters body becomes more beastial, his taming ability increases. Beastmasters are seen with monsters that would previously be thought completely untamable, Basilisks and Rocs starting to add to their repertoire.
Berzerker - The most powerful of Barbarians are capable of a great many physical feats, terrible and unsightly to behold. With an extreme sense of purpose and willpower they weild weapons too large for ordinary men, recover from wounds with inhuman speed, and ignore the senses that would inhibit them. Further, while the rage of a Barbarian is sated as he kills, a true Berzerker only enhances his bloodthirst by felling his enemies.
Brigand - Leaders of a group of Bandits are the Brigands, known amongst their kind for their cunning and lethality. They remain effective close combat fighters like the Bandit, wearing moderate amounts of armor and fighting with a mixture of weapons, but Brigands have leadership capability as well, being able to work the best out of their men. They tend to fight a little dirtier than Bandits, since in the society of an outlaw you have to play cheap to get on top, but they still have some honor and are not the cold blooded killers that Assassins are.
Captain - The best of Sailors become ship Captains, directing other Sailors in their midst. These people have seen it all, and become the best at their craft. While still just as strong as a Sailor and just as savvy as a Tradesman, they gain wisdom with their years, able to sense what is happening before it will, simply through the benefit of having witnessed everything.
Commander - The Commander is the leader of battlefield armies, going through extensive military trianing to achieve extreme tactical prowess. They are now always mounted, knowing how to master troops and terrain to the utmost advantage, and becoming honored and sung heroes of their countries.
Deacon - The leaders of Cultists are the Deacons, inspiring the best out of all their followers through the strength of their sermons. While the Cultists actions are brought out of blind faith, the Deacon sees purpose in his actions, sometimes actually speaking, or so he thinks, to the higher power
Druid - The oldest, wisest and sometimes strongest of Huntsmen are given the title of Druid by their tribe. They direct the movements of the Tribe based on a hidden wisdom, speak with nature spirits and practice magics. A Druids natural affinity with nature makes him extremely resilient to enemy spells, and if necessary they may call on the spirits of their ancestors to aid them in combat. Finally, a Druid will never forget the tricks he learned in his hunting days, and even though now an accomplished sage and spellcaster, Druids can still engage a foe in hand to hand combat with a huntsmans prowess.
Duellist - The Duellist is the master of fencing, able to defeat even the mightiest of fencers in pitched duels. They are the trainers of militaries, the champions of armies, and the masters of swordsmanship. Even a Swordsinger will take his hat off to a Duellist, whose skills are simply unmatchable.
Elemental Wizard - Eventually an Elemental Mage will become a true master of his quality of the Ether, able to control it and the elements it creates with unprecedented ease. The great Elementals of the land will take heed of him and assist him, and his delving into the magikal arts will make him infused with ether himself. Elemental Wizards are a terror to behold, their summoned Elementals and Familiars protecting them while they send incredibly complex spells across the battlefield.
Explorer - Accomplished Adventurers will gain a reknown of their own, and become known as famous Explorers. These are the men who do more than simply dream, but actually go out into the wild, uncovering things never yet before learned. They dabble in many arts, even learning the basics of ether and spellcasting, and when they are at home spend long hours drawn over history books. They learn the importance of teamwork, of fighting your way out of trouble when necessary, and above all they learn that in order to succeed in life sometimes you have to be just a little bit lucky.
Freja/Dragoon - The most skilled and feared in a Valkyrie society will be given the honourary title of Freja if female or Dragoon if male. These people lead their fellow Valkyrie both in war and in ritual, and are gifted with secrets of the winds that even many a Wind Mage may not know. Their abilities defy conventional logic, able to jump huge distances and change direction midflight. Especially skilled Freja can even use simple wind magic, and can control the flow of wind ether to their advantage.
Grappler - The best of prize-fighters are the Grapplers, excelling in both wrestling and the art of boxing. They are living weapons, being able to take huge degrees of punishment before faltering, and able to knock out many in a single punch, the force of their blows echoing through any armor. The Grappler is even, through his superior constitution, able to stand up to the unarmed combat masters the Ai-jin.
Horse Lord - The Horse Lords are a strange breed, becoming one with their steeds and the plains. They often will shun even Tribal society, becoming pure nomads who will only come back to the village for supplies or if the village is in need. They learn acrobatic tricks that are unparalleled while mounted, and can make their steeds do things that no other horse is capable of. Horse Lords often take to using the spear as well as the bow, their long spears being a status symbol in society.
Lancer - If the Cavalier wears heavy armor and a large spear, the Lancer even moreso. Armored from tip to toe and using huge double handed spears, the Lancer is a terror on the battlefield, destroying all in their path like an ancient tank. Even if their steed goes down their prowess is not hindered, fighting with a new zeal at the loss of their companion.
Mastersmith - Blacksmiths who excell the best out of all are called Whitesmith, for the pure white of the iron they can create and forge. These people make the weaponry of kings, above all known for their skill with the hammer and tongs. They are the people asked by Alchemists to create the beautiful items which will later be enchanted into things of legend.
Minstrel - Bards who perfect their art become known as Minstrels, famous throughout the land of Ourissa for their tales. They wander from town to town living off of their ballads, turning more to the artistry of convincing others through speech and action than thievery, which they no longer need. A Minstrel is a welcome addition to any party, making things lively even in the darkest of dungeons.
Monk - Once someone attains a certain level of mastery of their techniques, the Ai-jin will bestow upon their trainee the full title of Monk. Able to weave between the three forms with ease and mastering them to new heights, there is good reason why the winner of the seasonal Varanian close combat tournament is normally an Ai-jin.
Necromancer - Eventually a Warlock will accept full fledged his abilities, and begin actively manipulating the minds of everything around him. Although this can still be put to good purpose, the Necromancer now actively controls people, tries to manipulate contracts with the celestial beings he encounters, and the like. This more often than not ends up being an extremely dangerous activity, as there are many dieties in Nimrodel, and many of them play the game of manipulating others much better than a mere human...
Oracle - The most powerful of Psychics are called Oracles, often beings either constantly in deep meditation, or having gone completely insane by the requirements of their superior mind. They can do things that would make them seem as accomplished as a Sage or Arcanist, and yet they do them all through force of will, the Ether remaining completely undisturbed. Oracles are some of the fiercest fighters in all of Ourissa and indeed all of Nimrodel, sometimes seeming imposible to stop.
Phalanx - The Phalanx is the best of the Guards, equipped not only with the knowledge of how to effectively use heavy arms and armor, but also of tactics as well. Phalanx teams use their shields in groups to spectacular effect, and make use of swords as backup weapons when their shields eventually break. The wall of the Phalanx can be unstoppable for many opponents.
Rogue - Rogues are the masters amongst thieves, having gotten into enough sticky situations to know how to deal with them effectively. Now able to deal effectively with opponents, the Rogue is an accomplished fighter with the dagger, while retaining all of his sly utility of the Thief. Even still however, the Rogue doesn't like getting into an open conflict, waiting until time is right to make his move.
Rune Weaver - The Rune Weavers are the masters of the enchanting craft, enhancing not only their own magikal abilities as they gain knowledge, but also perfectig the creation of their artifacts and golems. A Rune Weaver can create powerful magikal weapons that are sung in ballads and passed down for centuries, and truly intelligent golems capable of complicated and highly intellectual tasks, many of these able to become spellcasters in their own right.
Sage - Eventually a Shaman will master the ether and gain the totality of its wisdom, and then he is a Sage. Able to control the flow of ether and use it to see into the future, a Sage will often be the leader of a society, his speech holding many important connotations and the truth of his actions being easily seen by those around him. When a Sage gains this kind of knowledge he will often become a recluse, speaking and acting less and less as time goes on, as if, once the ether is fully mastered, he is disinterested in the living world.
Swordsinger - Swordsingers are named because at some point the energy inside a Mage Knights blade becomes so focused that it begins to hum with a high pitch. The Swordsinger will perfect his swordsmanship, being second to the Duellist only in terms of precision of strokes. They will also take their magical craft a step further, mastering the art of dispelling magik, imbuing their swords to cast spells with even more efficiency, and summoning familiars to aid them. It is said that a Swordsinger is the true bane of any magic user, and this has proved true time and time again.
Thane - Thanes are the leaders of the Clans, teaching their skills at combating enemy monsters wherever they go. They have seen a great many Drakes and Giants fall, and are fearless and sometimes even well known to dragons and demons, who will be careful around these men even when others herald them as Gods.
Yeoman - The best Archers are the Yeomen or Longbowmen, trained from youth at their craft. With strong arms and able to use huge bows, they fire thick arrows huge distances across the battlefield with accuracy and precision, their arrows being feared as much as a Mages spells. They are clearly the best of archers, practicing above all else accuracy and speed.
Wanderer - Many a Ranger tires of their original homeland, having learned all that its leaves and grasses have to tell. These people become Wanderers, moving with grace through the wilds, becoming more like the Tribesmen than people of civilized areas. In fact many a Tribesman becomes a wanderer himself, fascinated with the hypnotic lull of wandering alone. These people are truly self sufficient, and even when travelling with a party will often move some distance from the herd.
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