The shop reflects the variety of common items a party of adventurers will be required to purchase in their journeys, mostly for the objective of defending themselves. It is divided into multiple common sections. Items in this shop can be purhased anywhere, and there are many items for sale in Ourissa which are not part of the shop, although these will be much harder to locate outside city centres.
A few notes on the way the shop is organized. Weapons with a dash in front of the name are two handed. Armor with an asterisk in front of the name are complicated to create and require industrialized facilities, and may only be purchased at Varans, Ayotya, Pirae, Tanja and the Ayotya border forts. Arrows are assumed to come with bows and do not need to be purchased.
The potions in the shop are single use affairs. Poisons must be applied by a Hitman or Chemist with the applicable skill. The other potions can be imbibed by anyone, but a character can only use a single potion in one day. Magikal Tomes can only be used by one spellcaster, but can be carried until used.
The rations and adventuring paraphernalia in the tools section are to be seen as extra equipment. It is assumed that a party will travel with basic food, water and other necessities, but having a stockpile of extra products can and will be of help on longer quests in unpopulated areas.
As far as weight is concerned, everything in the shop is considered to be one object, and remember that characters can hold as many objects as their strength score plus one. There are the following exceptions to this. The four knifes and daggers in the shop do not count for this item limit, and full plate armor has the unique exception of counting doubly towards this limit. As far as steeds are concerned, every character can have a single horse to ride, but the party is only allowed one pack animal to carry equipment.
Knife - 1
A small knife, this basic tool can be used for combat as well as for eating food.
Dagger - 2
Larger than a knife, a dagger is a small double blade created specifically for combat.
Throwing Dagger - 4
Slightly smaller and thinner than a dagger, throwing daggers have been balanced perfectly for their task.
Shortsword - 5
A small, double bladed sword with a short handguard, these swords are mainly used by infantry to stab at an enemy.
Longsword - 7
A longer and more regal blade, the single bladed longsword is generally used as a slashing weapon.
Rapier - 7
Thin bladed rapiers contain large hand guards and are used by fencers, their blades quicker but less apt at blocking attacks.
Saber - 7
Sabers are longswords specifically made for mounted combat, larger and heavier at the end and slightly curved.
-Zweihander - 12
The Zweihander is a long and thin two handed sword, double bladed and with a long reach.
-Claymore - 12
Claymores are not any longer than a longsword, but are extremely thick bladed heavy weapons, packing much more of a punch.
Cudgel - 3
A simple club, a cudgel may be no more than an accurately shaped tree branch.
Staff - 5
A wizard's stave, this staff has either been imbued with a bit of ether, or comes from a particularly ancient and magical tree. This staff assists a Wizard in their spellcasting.
Mace - 5
A wooden stick with a metal mace head, this is a fairly small and simple weapon.
Flail - 6
A Flail is simply a length of chain with a handle, often with very heavy links on the end.
-Heavy Club - 8
Similar to the cudgel, this is merely the two handed variety.
-Morning Star - 9
A combination of mace and flail, Morning Stars consist of a long handle linked to a chain, with a heavy iron ball on the end.
2x Javelin - 4
Javelins are small thin spears, too fragile to be used in prolonged close combat but excellent for throwing.
Short Spear - 4
A short spear is designed for versatility, with more range than a longsword but still easily usable in one hand. It is also light enough that it may be thrown, but not at the same range as a javelin.
Spear - 6
A longer and heavier spear, this weapon achieves the maximum range possible while still being one handed. Most are spiked on both ends to still be useful if one end breaks.
Lance - 10
A one handed spear designed for horseback, lances are especially thick and heavy, being heavy and hard to maneuver with but packing a harder punch.
-Halbard - 10
A heavy poleaxe, halbards are used like a spear but with a heavy axe blade as well, a very versatile weapon.
-Pike - 10
A huge double handed spear, pikes are made for maximum reach, able to outrange a spear by a long margin.
Throwing Axe - 4
A simple, roundish axe balanced for throwing, this weapon is somewhat small and oddly shaped for close combat.
Tomahawk - 5
Tomahawks are a versatile weapon of tribesmen, able to be thrown with precision or used for close combat.
Battleaxe - 7
The battleaxe is a large axe designed for close combat, with a heavy blade and spikes on the top and backside.
-Warhammer - 12
Not necessarily an axe, warhammers are used in a similar way, large double handed sledgehammers designed for combat.
-Greataxe - 12
The greataxe is a huge double handed affair, sporting an axe head on both sides.
Bow - 4
A simple tool, bows like these can be found in many households.
Compound Bow - 7
While the same size and weight as a bow, compound bows have a better design, generally made for military use.
Shortbow - 8
Made specifically to be the smallest possible bow that retains a good range and force, shortbows can be used while mounted or on the run.
Longbow - 8
Longbows are designed for maximum power, huge affairs with a great range. A longbow cannot be used if not supported on the ground.
Crossbow - 8
Designed for ease of use, a crossbow is a one handed mechanical affair that fires a small bolt. While worse in range and power to a good compound bow and somewhat harder to load, once loaded the crossbow can be used at any time, and can be concealed and used one handed at short ranges.
Special Weapons
Bolas - 4
Used by Huntsman, Bolas are an excellent choice for disabling an enemy.
Grappling Hook - 5
Used by sailors, the grappling hook is a useful tool, as well as a rather unique weapon.
Whip - 6
Used by Beast Tamers, whips can be a very effective weapon in the correct hands.
Magikal Tome - 30
While mages do not need books of magic to cast their spells, many catalogue the ways they formate ether in a variety of methods. Old tomes that teach simple spells can be acquired by a wealthy mage, increasing their repertoire.
Body Armor
Wayfarers Clothes - 5
Thickened travellers clothes made for protection against the weather, these provide a small degree of protection against attack as well.
Robes - 4
Thin garments used for ease of movement, these make it easier for a spellcaster to use his magic.
Leather Armor - 7
Leather plates boiled and hardened, leather armor provides adequete protection while remaining lightweight.
Brigandine - 10
Leather armor made tougher with metal studs attached to it, brigandine is more expensive than plain leather but provides better protection with similar weight.
Scale Mail - 15
Scale mail is the simplest of metal armors, being a jerkin of thin metal squares or scales. The protection is adequete, but the size of the scales can restrict movement.
*Chainmail - 18
Solving the problem of scale mail by using interlocking rings instead of flat scales, chainmail provides as much protection with more mobility.
*Half Plate - 10
A heavy breastplate of metal and supporting armguards, half plate gives excellent protection to the most vulnerable areas of the body, saving weight and mobility by not providing full body protection.
*Full Plate - 10
Full plate shoulders, breastplate, legs, arms and gloves, full plate provides permanent, full body protection while providing quite a drain on weight and mobility. People with a penchant for total protection will wear full plate as well as chainmail.
Buckler - 4
A short round, wooden shield. Not very useful against missile weapons but excellent for blocking without reducing mobility.
Hide Shield - 4
A large shield with a wooden frame and a hide backing. Useful for stopping arrows, but a heavy blade will cut straight through it.
Wooden Shield - 6
Similar to hide shields, wooden shields have a complete wooden frame, possibly with a hide backing over the top. Better wooden shields will have a metal frame.
*Metal shield - 9
Heavy and expensive, a metal or heater shield is made of pure metal, usually unsightly but providing excellent protection.
Hide cap - 2
A simple but effective helm, this is made from thickened animal hides.
Leather Cap - 4
Similar to leather armor, this helm is made of boiled leather, offering decent protection.
Skullcap - 8
The best possible helm that doesn't sacrifice vision and mobility, the skullcap is a simple metal headpiece.
*Greathelm - 12
Greathelms are an interesting affair, a veritable bucket of iron with a slit for vision and holes for breathing in the front.
Equipment and Items
Torch - 3
A simple torch and a vial of oil for lighting it, useful in any dark place.
Rope - 4
A length of rope. Soap not included.
Dry Rations - 5
Dried fruits and nuts to keep the party nourished on a long journey.
Sealed Water - 5
Water sealed in a waxed leather gourd, it will stay fresh for weeks.
Traps - 6
Required by Wanderers for their trade, this is a set of trapping materials.
Tent Equipment - 20
Equipment for a sturdy, weatherproof tent, this provides much more protection from the elements than a standard travellers backpack.
Chemists Tools - 20
Strange baubles, mixers and grinders for use in the alchemists trade.
Smithing Tools - 20
Hammers, tongs and bellows, the various things a smith needs.
Rune Dagger - 20
A special dagger that is made to transfix ether into what it carves, used for enchanting.
Horse - 30
A decently well bred horse for riding. If used as a pack animal can carry three loads.
Warhorse - 40
A horse bred and trained for combat, it is just as good a pack animal as a horse but better a steed.
Pack Donkey - 25
Only ridable by children, pack donkeys are used for transporting goods on long journeys. It can carry three loads.
Mule and Cart - 50
The ultimate in load carrying technology! The small cart this mule carries can hold five items.
Healing Potion - 5
When imbibed, this potion heals five hit points.
Antidote - 10
This potion cures simple poisons.
Strength Potion - 10
This elixir endows the user with 1 Str for a day.
Ether Potion - 10
This potion endows the user with 1 Int for a day.
Agility Potion - 10
This potion endows the user with 1 Agi for a day.
Constitution Potion - 10
Yup, you guessed it. 1 Sta for a day.
Stinging Poison - X
A simple poison made from household ingredients, this makes any open wound hurt much more severely when applied.
Numbing Poison - 10
This poison deadens someones nerves, making them sluggish, numb and eventually putting them to sleep if enough is contracted.
Deadly Poison - 10
This poison will remain dormant in the targets system for several hours, causing extreme pain and illness when it surfaces.