1st tier skills
Lore: Magic - 30
The spellcaster learns the simple facts of the ether, and the runic script that enchanters use to power their trade.
Level 1 Spellcasting - 50
The Conjuror opens himself to the simplest of magiks. This skill can be repeated for half EXP to increase the casters repertoire.
Intimidate - 20
The Fighter proves a frightening obstacle, convincing others with his appearance rather than speech.
Endurance - 30
Years of blows have taken their toll, but the Fighter is better for them. They will recover from their wounds more easily.
Hide - 25
Frequent trouble and need has forced the Outlaw to learn how to keep out of sight and out of mind.
Gather Information - 40
The Outlaw knows where to go to learn important information. This opens the special "Gather Information" action to the companion.
Teamwork - 20
The soldier learns the strengths and weaknesses of his comrades, fighting with them as a unit instead of individuals.
Discipline - 25
The soldier learns to quickly accept the commands of his superiors, responding to them quickly.
Haggle - 40
The Tradesman learns the art of trading. This skill confers a 5% discount on all goods.
Search - 40
The Tradesman gains an eye for rare, hard to find goods. This opens the special "Find Item" action to the companion.
Talismans - 30
The Tribesman carries trinkets of his diety with him to battle. Through faith or an ancestral blessing, their magic resistance is increased.
Run - 30
Tribesmen are used to hunting down wild game on foot, and can run very fast for long distances.
2nd tier skills
Direction Sense - 30
The Adventurer is gifted with a keen mind, able to find his way somewhere in the dark with no map.
Cornered - 40
When the Adventurer knows there's no other way out, he starts fighting with a fierce will to survive, startling opponents with his resolve
Lore: Wilderness - 50
The Adventurer has travelled to many lands, and knows many areas of Ourissas better than their inhabitants themselves.
Opportunist - 50
Adventurers are always looking for a new quest. Hidden, obscure quests will become available to a party with a good Adventurer around.
Take Cover - 30
The Archer always looks for cover on the battlefield, using it to his advantage as he is usually lightly armored.
Take Aim - 40
The Archer fires slowly and carefully, picking targets carefully and taking his aim. It is hard to force an Archer to miss.
Bow Defense - 40
Many an Archer is trained to fight with his bow as a stave, knocking the enemy out with it quickly and surely.
Power Strafe - 45
The Archer pulls far back on his string, sacrificing accuracy for pure power against a heavily armored target.
Intimidate - 20
The Bandit proves a frightening obstacle, convincing others with his appearance rather than speech.
Bounty - 30
The Bandit learns where to go to find people who want his targets dead. After some quests the party will be given a secret reward of gold.
Ambush - 40
Bandits learn how to remain silent until the right moment, and know their terrain well. He can direct the entire party in the methods of a perfect ambush.
Cheap Shot - 40
The Bandit learns how to perfectly deliver a swift punch to the gut, winding an enemy in the midst of combat.
Charge - 35
The Barbarian charges headfirst into the fray shouting and bellowing, disrupting the enemy and adding momentum to the initial strike.
Howl - 40
The Barbarian lets out a sharp howl, striking a chilling, primal fear into the people around him.
Warpaint - 50
Painting themselves with ritualistic sigils, the Barbarian is blessed by a nature spirit, providing resistance to magic and an unnatural evasion to attacks.
Regeneration - 60
The strength of the Barbarians will allows them to regenerate wounds at a faster rate than ordinary peoples, making them quickly recover after a battle.
Steal - 40
The Bard is an adept thief, able to take the most important of a persons posessions silently. This skill opens up the special "Steal" action to the companion.
Rally - 45
With proud words of conviction and bravery, the Bard reassures the party, strengthening their resolve in the face of imposing dread.
Performance - 50
Wherever the Bard goes he does one thing or the other to earn pocket change of civilians. This skill ups the parties weekly income.
Ballad - 60
The Bard plays an inspiring song before a battle, temporarily raising one attribute for the entire party.
Beast Tamer
Whip Specialization - 30
The Beast Tamer learns to fight with a whip as a weapon, using it to disarm and disable opponents.
Mend Pet - 30
The Beast Tamer becomes an expert veterinarian, able to heal wounds and poisons on his and other animals of the wild.
Lore: Beasts - 50
The Beast Tamer learns the ways of the monsters of the world. He knows a creatures weak points, and is able to deal with them more effectively.
Tame Beast - 60
The essential skill for a Beast Tamer, this allows them to tame beasts normally only found in the wild.
Temper - 45
The Blacksmith tempers a weapon before battle, hardening it temporarily. This takes time to do and cannot be done if the party is surprised.
Thick Skin - 50
The Blacksmith, from many hours sitting next to a forge, becomes resistant to both physical and magical heat.
Smithing - 50
The Blacksmith learns to forge basic equipment, making it cheaper than one would find it in stores. The party can purchase Smithed items at -20% cost.
Exquisite Craft - 60, Req. Smithing
The Blacksmith is an expert at his craft, learning how to create exquisite weaponry. Unfortunately this comes at a price, these exquisite weapons being more expensive than market value.
Feint - 40
The Boxer throws a false jab, quickly coming with a serious blow from the opposite direction.
Gather Information - 40
The Boxer knows where to go to learn important information. This opens the special "Gather Information" action to the companion.
Cheap Shot - 40
The Boxer learns how to perfectly deliver a swift punch to the gut, winding an enemy in the midst of combat.
Close Quarters - 50
The Boxer learns to fight at extreme close range, jabbing and dodging so close to the target that he is unable to fight back.
Charge - 35
The Cavalier charges headfirst into the fray shouting and bellowing, disrupting the enemy and adding momentum to the initial strike.
Combat Mount - 40
The Cavalier teaches his mount how to act in combat, preventing it from fleeing at sight of the enemy.
Scout - 40
The Cavalier becomes an expert at riding ahead, scouting out enemy positions and signaling secretly back to the party. This skill opens the special "Advance Scout" action to the companion.
Hit and Run - 50
Running headlong into the fray, the Cavalier stabs with his spear and then darts away, impaling the enemy without allowing a response.
Potioner - 50, Req. Pharmacist
The Chemist learns how to create thicker, heavier potions than normal, creating exquisite potions for the party at a higher cost.
Pharmacist - 60
The Chemist learns to create potions with ease and efficiency, droping the parties cost when buying potions and poisons by 20%
Poison Weapon - 60
The Chemist poisons a party members weapon before the battle, with the same potency as that of any accomplished assassin.
Medical Knowledge - 60
The Chemist uses his knowledge of herbs to the benefit of the party, increasing the entire parties health regeneration.
Charge - 35
The Clansman charges headfirst into the fray shouting and bellowing, disrupting the enemy and adding momentum to the initial strike.
Power Thrust - 45
Pushing into the enemy with all his strength, the Clansman gives a mighty thrust that will penetrate the thickest armor or monsters hide.
Blade Flat - 50
Although trained to fight enemy monsters, the Clansman is taught how to defend against enemy swords as well, using the huge flat of his blade as an effective shield.
Lore: Beasts - 50
The Clansman learns the ways of the monsters of the world. He knows a creatures weak points, and is able to deal with them more effectively.
Faith - 30, Req. Cult Initiation
The Cultists Faith acts as a shield, protecting him from magikal attack through either the divinities favor, or force of his own will.
Prayer - 30, Req. Cult Initiation
The Cultist prays to his divinity, seeking answers to lifes questions. This skill opens up the special Prayer action to the companion.
Holy Water - 40, Req. Cult Initiation
The Cultist carries a vial of sacred water or wine with him at all times, able to use it in a variety of ways. If poured on heretics it will burn them, if poured on the faithful it will heal their pains, and if imbibed it will give the Cultist momentary strength.
Cult Initiation - 50
The Cultist is initiated into the cult. Much like the Thieves Guild, this Cultists new family will help him wherever he goes, and he will find friends in the strangest of places.
Elemental Mage
Summon Familiar - 30
The Elemental Mage looks into the ocean of Ether, binding the soul of a spirit to him. The Familiar takes a shape based on the casters inner conscience, and retains some of his magikal abilities, bound to his service.
Imbue - 40
The Elemental Mage binds one of his abilities to a weapon. This takes time to perform, and unlike runic enchants, the Imbued weapon will return to normal after the ether within it is spent.
Level 2 Spellcasting - 60, req. Elemental Novice
The Elemental Mage gains a higher level of expertise. This skill can be relearned at half EXP to increase the casters magikal knowledge.
Level 3 Spellcasting - 80, req. Elemental Adept and Level 2 Spellcasting
The Elemental Mage gains a still higher level of prowess in his craft. This skill can be relearned at half EXP to increase the casters magikal knowledge.
Rune Grenade - 40
The first rune an enchanter will learn to create is an unstable one, that will hold ether for a few seconds but then break in a magikal explosion. While not at all useful for the creation of permanent artifacts, when such a rune is placed on a simple stone it can become a very effective weapon.
Imbue - 40
The Enchanter binds one of his abilities to a weapon. This takes time to perform, and unlike runic enchants, the Imbued weapon will return to normal after the ether within it is spent.
Enchant - 60, req. Imbue
Learning a simple knowledge of Runic patterns, the Enchanter is able to permanently bind his knowledge to an item. This process takes time and can be difficult and expensive to perform, but it is rare to find an Enchanter who is not garbed entirely in magikal artifacts.
Magic Resistance - 60, req. Rune Grenade
Enchanters never learn the art of summoning, but instead learn to animate a physical construction with a will of its own. Binding ether spirits to the object, the Enchanter can create a simple golem capable of carrying out programmed instructions.
Chivalry - 30
The Fencer knows how to deal with charisma the most political of situations.
En Garde - 40
The Fencer is an expert at one on one combat, able to focus purely on one target and anticipating all of their moves.
Lunge - 45
The Fencer can make quick jumps with his blade, making his effective reach as long as if he held a spear.
Riposte - 50
The Fencer makes an expert parry, knocking the enemies weapon aside and creating an opening.
Protect - 30
The Guard learns to protect the more vulnerable members of the party with his armor, stopping the enemies advance.
Shield Bash - 40
The Guard makes a swing with his shield, stunning the enemy with it as well as any club.
Body Slam - 45
The Guard uses the weight of his armor to his advantage, slamming into the foe with full force.
Shield Sacrifice - 50
A smart Guard knows that some attacks will pierce even the thickest of platemail, and will use his shield to lock a weapon, throwing the shield aside with the weapon inside it.
Bounty - 30
The hitman learns where to go to find people who want his targets dead. After some quests the party will be given a secret reward of gold.
Poisoned Weapons - 50
The Hitman becomes a master of quickly and effectively poisoning his weapons, never going into battle with an unpoisoned blade. Unless more powerful poisons are purchased by the party, the Hitman will use the fairly inexpensive stinging poison.
Close Quarters - 50
The hitman learns to fight at extreme close range, stabbing and dodging so close to the target that he is unable to fight back.
Dirty Deeds - 50
The Assassin learns that in order to take down some targets, you have to play dirty. Biting, knees to the groin, sand in the eye, nothing is too low for the Hitman.
Running Toss - 40
The Huntsman learns to throw a weapon while on the run, the momentum adding to its impetus while remaining accurate.
Ambush - 40
Huntsmen learn how to remain silent until the right moment, and know their terrain well. He can direct the entire party in the methods of a perfect ambush.
Bolas - 40
The Huntsman learns how to use a bolas, throwing it at an opponents legs to disable them.
Warpaint - 50
Painting themselves with ritualistic sigils, the Huntsman is blessed by a nature spirit, providing resistance to magic and an unnatural evasion to attacks.
Chivalry - 30
The Knight knows how to deal with charisma the most political of situations.
Combat Mount - 40, Req. Riding Proficiency
The Knight teaches his mount how to act in combat, preventing it from fleeing at sight of the enemy.
Heroic Strike - 45
The Knight makes a ferocious lunge at the enemy. The strength of this blow becomes more powerful the more dire the Knights situation.
Rally - 45
With proud words of conviction and bravery, the Knight reassures the party, strengthening their resolve in the face of imposing dread.
Mage Knight
Energize Blade - 40
The Mage Knight channels ether into his sword, causing it to glow and making it sharper, harder and lighter.
One Hand Casting - 60
The majority of spells of the world require complex sigils to cast, as Ether must be formed in a very precise manner. While this normally takes both hands to accomplish, or a very focused ether channeling stave or artifact, the Mage Knight will practice at the expense of learning more complicated spells, the action of casting simpler spells made easier. They are able to use low level magic with one hand while fighting with a sword, something a Wizard could never hope to accomplish.
Level 2 Spellcasting - 70, req. all elemental Novices.
The Mage Knight learns advanced magics, startling foes with his magikal prowess. This skill can be relearned a half EXP to increase the casters magikal knowledge.
Magic Resistance - 70
Mage Knight naturally use defensive strategies of magik, attempting to deflect an enemy Mages spells till they can attack at close range. The Mage Knight through concentration becomes resistant against all forms of magik.
Martial Artist
Focus Punch - 50
The Martial Artist lays down one hard flat palmed strike, pushing all his energy into the target, hoping to throw it backwards several feet.
Nimble - 60
Martial Artists are famous for their ability to dodge anything, lithe and graceful, with an inhuman reaction time.
Forms - 60
The three essential Martial Arts forms, the Boar, Snake and Lion, become known to the martial artist. When he fights he will use one of the three forms, benefitting from their subtle perfections.
Fluid Combo - 70
The Martial Artist lays down a flurry of blows in a quick array, so fast that it becomes hard to distinguish one strike from the other. If the first blow lands, the rest are sure to follow too quick for the enemy to react.
Packrat - 30
The Merchant, although physically weak, learns to haul heavy loads. They can carry an extra two items on top of their usual allowance.
Overcharge - 50
The Merchant learns the art of charging more than an item is worth, selling goods for 60% instead of 50% of the store value.
Income - 50
The Merchant makes a few coins wherever he goes. The parties weekly income is increased.
Hireling - 50
The Merchant, knowledgable that his combat skill is weak, hires a bodyguard to protect him.
Combat Mount - 40
The Nomad teaches his mount how to act in combat, preventing it from fleeing at sight of the enemy.
Scout - 40
The Nomad becomes an expert at riding ahead, scouting out enemy positions and signaling secretly back to the party. This skill opens the special "Advance Scout" action to the companion.
Horse Archery - 50
The Nomad perfects the ability to shoot a bow on a horse. Riding at a gallop will not falter his aim, and he becomes capable of shooting in one direction while moving in the other.
Quick Mount - 50
The Nomad becomes capable of leaping onto a mount and going into a gallop in seconds, as well as riding adequetly without a saddle.
Prismatic Mage
Summon Familiar - 30
The Prism Mage looks into the ocean of Ether, binding the soul of a spirit to him. The Familiar takes a shape based on the casters inner conscience, and retains some of his magikal abilities, bound to his service.
Magic Resistance - 70
Delving so heavily into the paths and flows of the ether, the Prism Mage will become infused with ether much faster than an Elemental Mage. While a Wizard will be heavily resistant to one sort of magic, a Prism Mage will be moderately resistant to all. There is a reason why Wizards have a saying that fighting an Arcanist with magic is suicide.
Level 2 Spellcasting - 70
The Prism Mage advances his abilities. This skill can be relearned at half EXP to increase the casters magikal knowledge.
Level 3 Spellcasting - 100, req. All Elemental Adepts and Level 2 Spellcasting
The Prism Mage continues his studies. This skill can be realearned at half EXP to increase the casters magikal knowledge.
Conceal - 40
Every Ranger will know the tricks of other Rangers, and know how to fight against them. The entire party becomes more difficult to track.
Tracking - 45
The Ranger learns how to find the movements and actions of those who are since long gone. This opens up the special "Tracking" action to the companion.
Quickdraw - 50
Rangers are quick to get the initiative in any situation, having bow drawn and arrow notched in the flash of an eye.
Lore: Wilderness - 50
The Ranger has travelled to many lands, and knows many areas of Ourissas better than their inhabitants themselves.
Grappling Hook - 30
The Sailor learns how to use a grappling hook both for combat and for seafaring, adding it to his strange arsenal of weapons.
Expert Swimmer - 30
The Sailor is at home underwater, able to fight and dodge there as if on land.
Sailing - 40
The Sailor learns the ways of the ocean, able to control massive boats easily.
Riposte - 50
The Sailor makes an expert parry, knocking the enemies weapon aside and creating an opening.
Summon Familiar - 30
The Shaman looks into the ocean of Ether, binding the soul of a spirit to him. The Familiar takes a shape based on the casters inner conscience, and retains some of his magikal abilities, bound to his service.
Imbue - 40
The Shaman binds one of his abilities to a weapon. This takes time to perform, and unlike runic enchants, the Imbued weapon will return to normal after the ether within it is spent.
Level 1 Shamanism - 40
The Shaman learns how to control spells of natural Ether, using its natural flow to a physical effect. These spells will sometimes take a sudden shape as one of the four primary elements, and other times will remain as objects of pure ether, materialised as a white, thick cloud in the material world. This skill can be relearned for half EXP to further the Shamans knowledge.
Level 2 Shamanism - 60, req. Level 1 Shamanism
The Shamans ability at controlling pure ether increases. This skill can be relearned for half EXP to further the Shamans knowledge.
Telepathy - 40
The Telepath learns to speak with those attuned to their own psychic powers with his mind, entire conversations going on without even a disturbance in the ether.
Enhancement - 50, Req. Telekinesis
The Telepath uses his telekinetic powers to move himself instead of his surroundings. Movements become incomprehensively fast, punches strike harder. This becomes the default ability for a Telepath fighting any quick opponent, as it is extremely difficult to use telekinesis on a fast moving target.
Regeneration - 60, Req. Enhancement
The Telepath uses their powers to move their owns fluids through their body, closing wounds and exceeding the human powers of regeneration.
Telekinesis - 70
The Psychic learns to control the world around them with their mind, moving objects in their vicinity with mere thought.
Steal - 40
The Thief is a master of his trade, able to take the most important of a persons posessions silently. This skill opens up the special "Steal" action to the companion.
Double Throw - 40
Years of playing darts has taught the thief some tricks of throwing weapons. He is capable of throwing two knives with a single swing, aiming them both at one target or causing the blades to split for two targets in midair.
Pocket Watcher - 40
Years of being a Thief teaches you to watch for enemy pickpockets. The Thieves party becomes much more resistant to enemy thievery.
The Guild - 50
The Thief gains the assistance of the Thieves Guild, having helped them sufficiently to warrant a return. The guild is secretive and permeates Ourissa, and will give its assistance when in need.
Spear Twirl - 40
The Valkyrie learns how to quickly spin their spear in circles, using this technique as a shield to block arrows and javelins.
Guided Throw - 40
A moment of prayer allows the Valkyrie to channel the winds into their javelin, throwing it with a supernatural accuracy.
Jump - 50
The Valkyrie leaps nearly twenty feet into the air, using both the power of the wind and their strong legs.
Wind Resistance - 50
Although not magic users proper, the Valkyries affinity with the winds allows them a wealth of protection against wind magic.
Summon Familiar - 30
The Warlock looks into the ocean of Ether, binding the soul of a spirit to him. The Familiar takes a shape based on the casters inner conscience, and retains some of his magikal abilities, bound to his service.
Level 1 Necromancy - 40
The art of Necromancy is misnamed, derived from peoples misconceptions of Warlocks as evil people who try to control others. Many a Warlock is pure of mind and purpose, and modifies a persons ether to help them cope with mental pains or to assist a person in public acts. Be that as itt may, Necromancy is the study of modifying both natural and magikal creatures internal ether, using it to the casters purpose. This skill can be relearned for half EXP to further the casters knowledge.
Level 2 Necromancy - 60, req. level 1 Necromancy
The Warlocks ability to control a mans ether improves. This skill can be relearned for haf EXP to further the casters knowledge.
Minor Summoning - 60, req. Summon Familiar
As the Warlock studies the sources of the ether, he will come across many more things that can be bound into servlity than a Mage ever will. While a Wizard will almost always only have the assistace of a single Elemental, a Warlock will have an entire host at his call.
3rd tier skills
Poison Immunity - 50
The Alchemist has, through his experiments and his accidents, become immune to natures poisons.
Transmutation - 50
The Alchemist learns how to transmute one material into another, this having a variety of uses.
Combat Elixir - 55
The Alchemist creates a temporary drug before the battle, one party member imbibing it and gaining great power.
Advanced Medical Knowledge - 80
The Alchemist becomes better at healing the party, the bonus from his medical skills increasing.
Master Potioner - 80
The Alchemist learns how to exceed others in potioncraft, capable of producing Mastercrafted potions.
Imbue - 50
The Arcanist binds one of his abilities to a weapon. This takes time to perform, and unlike runic enchants, the Imbued weapon will return to normal after the ether within it is spent.
Spell Chain - 70
Most Arcanists will find after a time that they are much more proficient with a variety of simple spells than single complex ones like a Wizard. This in fact makes them more dangerous, an Arcanist able to weave a multitude of spells into a single lightning fast combination of sigils and chants, trampling the enemy with sheer volume of spells.
Spell Steal - 80
An Arcanist is eventually a master of the art of casting spells, able to see how an enemy Mage conjures the ether just by how they move their hands. The Arcanist is able to learn spells just from watching them being cast.
Doublecast - 100, Req. Spell Chain
The best of Arcanists will learn a special trick, how to reverb their voice through the Ether. This is incredibly advanced magic that only someone as focused in their studies as a true Arcanist can even hope to learn, and a terror on the battlefield. The Arcanist will seem to be speaking with two voices at once, deep toned gibberish flowing from their mouths as they cast two spells at once, a fireball bursting from one hand and a lightning bolt from the other.
Level 4 Spellcasting - 130
The Arcanist finally masters his creed, doing what most would think impossible. This skill can be relearned at half EXP to increase the casters magikal knowledge.
Incapacitate - 50
Sometimes a job requires an enemy taken alive, and the Assassin has learned to disable an enemy with a single blow, striking for tendons and joints.
Stalk - 50
An Assassin becomes a master of remaining unseen, able to follow close behind an enemy unnoticed.
Infiltrate - 60
The Assassin has learned a bit of dramatization, able to pose as an innocent bystander and sneak close to the enemy, or evade guards in a fortified area with unprecedented skill.
Cold Blooded - 70
Countless jobs have dulled an Assassins emotions. He no longer has any care for human life, and is immune to any attempts to appeal or manipulate his human side.
Killshot - 100, req. Cold Blooded
The Assassin becomes truly a lethal weapon, an expert at killing opponents with a single stroke, both from range and in close combat. Even the best fighters will be felled after a short exchange with this murderer.
Honeyed Tongue - 40
Eventually an Auctioneer will learn that sometimes you just have to lie to get ahead. Auctioneers are excellent politicians, knowing how to tell somebody exactly what they want to hear on a first impression.
Reward Strength - 40
The Auctioneer devises a reward before the battle, inspiring his companions to new heights for a trivial amount.
Middle Class - 60
The Auctioneer is a wealthy man, attaining income from a variety of sources. The amount gained by his Income skill increases.
Famous - 70, Req. Middle Class
The Auctioneer no longer has to look for rare items and deals, they come to him.
Master Bargainer - 70
The Auctioneer learns how to haggle better than the best Tradesman. His Haggle skill increases in discount to 10%.
Beast Master
Howl - 40
The Beastmaster lets out a sharp howl, striking a chilling, primal fear into the people around him.
Beast Speech - 50
The Beastmaster learns to speak the languages of animals in the wild.
Heightened Senses - 60
The Beastmasters senses are sharpened to that of a wild animals.
Primal Wrath - 70
The Beastmaster unleashes a frenzy within himself, dropping his civilized weapons and leaping at the target, biting and clawing at them with an unnatural ferocity.
Pet Mastery - 80
The Beastmaster becomes an expert at taming wild beasts, able to tame things before untamable.
Fearless - 50
The Berzerker is an adept at ignoring anything that his senses tell him, able to completely ignore anything that would make others flee.
Greataxe Mastery - 60
The Berzerker becomes truly inhuman in feats of strength. It is easy to see a Berzerker in the midst of Barbarians, he will be the one with a two handed axe in his mainhand and a regular battleaxe in his offhand.
Frenzy - 70
Combat feeds the savage nature of the Berzerker. As his friends and enemies fall in battle he surges with adrenaline, fighting harder and with more abandon as blood is spilt.
Strength of Many - 70
The Berzerker is filled with the desire to overcome any obstacle. When the odds are stacked against him he fights harder, proving more effective when fighting alone against great numbers.
Improved Regeneration - 80
The Berzerkers regenerative powers improve, their ability to recover from their injuries now unsurpassed.
Shiv - 40
The Brigand will hide a secret dagger on his person, placing it in places few would search, but in an area where drawing it is still easy.
Interrogate - 50
The Brigand learns effectively the art of interrogating a captive, wrestling secrets out of them through a variety of means.
Sap - 50
The Brigand strikes the opponents head with the flat of his weapon, knocking them out cold.
Improvise - 60
The Brigand learns how to use anything as a weapon, being proficient in every kind of combat even if he has not trained in it professionally.
Initiation - 40/70
The Brigand, through inspiration or less homely means, inspires toughness in his men. If the Brigand is not the party leader only he retains the bonus from this skill, but if he is the party leader the entire party retains the bonus. The EXP cost reflects these two scenarios.
Swarthy - 40
The Captain has become hard from all his encounters, resistant to the manipulations and the blows of others.
Eye for Surprises - 50
The Captain has learned the tricks of others over the years, and becomes very hard to be caught off guard. The entire party is exceptionally difficult to ambush with the Captain around.
Home at Sea - 50
The Captain becomes a master of sea trade and sea combat, able to fight on a boat better than most can on land.
Opportunist - 50
Captains are always looking for a new quest. Hidden, obscure quests will become available to a party with a good Captain around.
Swashbuckler - 70
The Captain is an adept at fighting in strange, unorganized ways, having a grace to his actions that make him an effective fighter and hard to comprehend.
Shield Bash - 40
The Commander makes a swing with his shield, stunning the enemy with it as well as any club.
Terrain Mastery - 60
The Commander learns how to make the most of terrain when directing the party, using even an enemies land against him.
Tactician - 60
The Commander learns the art of battlefield tactics, directing the party to victory.
Heroism - 60
The Commander is capable of great acts in dire situations, going above and beyond himself when in need.
Man of Rank - 60
The Commander is given a title by his society, and a stipend of its earning. The weekly income of the party increases.
Brand - 50
The Deacon brands his enemies heretics, making them vulnerable to his divinities wrath.
Exorcise - 50
The Deacon holds up his hand, Exorcising a heretic or a demon that is against his Lord with a burning ether fire, using Shamanistic magic although he believes it is pure faith.
Flagellant - 60
The Deacon works himself into a frenzy, charging his enemies with a mace in each hand. Gibbering screams in tongues, he strikes the enemies morale as well as his body.
Inspire Faith - 60
The Deacon is adept at shouting sermons on and off the battlefield. The entire party gains the benefit of his Faith skill.
Avatar - 100, Req. Inspire Faith
The Deacon allows himself to be possessed by his divinity, becoming an unstoppable god incarnate. While this ability grants much power, it invariably costs the Deacon his life, his soul being torn asunder as the divinity swells inside him.
Earth Magic - 50
The Druid learns simple magics of nature. This skill can be repeated for half exp to increase the casters repertoire.
Earth Resistance - 50
The Druids affinity to nature provides a resistance to earthen magics. Along with their talismans and mystical sigilled paints, a Druid finds himself impervious to most Earth magics.
Tree Speech - 50
The Druid learns to speak with trees and nature spirits, gaining the wisdom of their years.
Ancestor Worship - 60
The Druid becomes akin to the spirits of his ancestors, and they will assist him in his efforts, energizing him with a mystical ether.
Summon Tree Spirits - 70, Req. Earth Magic
The most knowledgeable of Druids can actually summon tree spirits to aid them in battle, as long as they are in a woodland thick enough for the spirits to appear. This prayer takes time, and will not be as effective when ambushed.
Razor Wit - 50
The Duellist is a bit of an elitist, master of insults. He can distract even the best of foes with a timed comment.
Disarm - 50
The Duellist flickers his weapon, grabbing the enemies by his hilt and tossing it aside.
Touche - 50
The Duellist allows himself to be struck in a non-vital area, moving in quickly with a finishing blow.
Blade Lock - 60
The Duellist takes a dagger in his offhand, locking the enemies primary weapon with his secondary.
Fluid Combo - 70
The Duellist lays down a flurry of blows in a quick array, so fast that it becomes hard to distinguish one strike from the other. If the first blow lands, the rest are sure to follow too quick for the enemy to react.
Elemental Wizard
Elemental Resistance - 50
The Wizard becomes infused with an Ether of his own, creating a magikal resistance to his specialized element.
Enchant - 50
Learning a simple knowledge of Runic patterns, the Wizard is able to permanently bind his knowledge to an item. This process takes time and can be difficult and expensive to perform, but it is rare to find a Wizard who is not garbed entirely in magikal artifacts.
Elemental Control - 70
Eventually the Wizard gains such a mastery of his chosen branch of the Ether that he can control its earthly form at will. Fire Wizards can make flames dance with a thought, Water Wizards can part rivers, Earth Wizards can make flowers grow where the earth is brown. This ability is intrinsic and almost unconscious, miraculous events following the Wizards footsteps.
Summon Elemental - 70, Req. Elemental Control
The Wizard is able to summon an Elemental from the Ether to protect him. Elementals have minds of their own however, and will leave when their duties are finished. A Wizard will normally have a single Elemental that he consorts with, and will know him and parlay with him as a friend.
Level 4 Spellcasting - 100
The Elemental Mage masters his craft, accessing the highest level of magik. This skill can be relearned at half EXP to increase the casters magikal knowledge.
Honeyed Tongue - 40
Eventually an Explorer will learn that sometimes you just have to lie to get ahead. Explorers are excellent politicians, knowing how to tell somebody exactly what they want to hear on a first impression.
Lore: Beasts - 50
The Explorer learns the ways of the monsters of the world. He knows a creatures weak points, and is able to deal with them more effectively.
Find Weakness - 50
The keen eye and brain of the Explorer help him to fight in combat by teaching him to watch for enemy weak spots and go for them. Explorers will stab chinks in armor or scales, or the joints of monsters with their daggers, often disabling a target before killing them.
Lore: History - 80
The Explorer becomes a veritable philosopher of ancient knowledge, learning ancient languages, ancient history, ancient geography. It will take him minutes to come to an understanding of a ruin that may take a Ranger hours.
Goddess of Luck - 90
Explorers seem to be blessed by some sort of Divinity, as most of them turn out to be spectacularly lucky individuals, cheating death in the most miraculous of ways.
Air Magic - 50
The Dragoon learns the secrets of the winds, allowing them to cast basic Air Magic. This skill can be repeated for half exp to increase the casters repertoire.
Impale - 50
Using their weight to pierce through thick plate armor, the Dragoon overcomes one of his few weaknesses by pressing his feet onto his spearhead as he lands from a jump, forcing the spear into the enemy. As a final bit of momentum the Dragoon will vault off of their spear, pushing it deeper into the enemy and sending the Valkyrie soaring into the air.
Air Jump - 60
The Valkyrie uses the power of a wind spirit to leap a second time while already in the air. This ability takes no ritual to perform, but cannot be used successively, as it disperses the ether in the area for a moment.
Sweeping Strikes - 60
Wind follows the spear of the Freja as she swings, creating cutting aftershocks that radiate from the spearhead in waves. Even if an enemy dodges the spear, it is very unlikely that they will escape totally unharmed.
Call Winds - 70, Req. Air Magic
Putting their hands in a position of prayer, the leaders of the Valkyrie can summon an infusion of wind ether, creating a veritable wind tunnel over the battlefield. The effect will remain for as long as the Freja has prayed, and will increase the power of all wind abilities on the battlefield.
Throw - 50
The Grappler picks up an enemy, hurling them a ridiculous distance at their own comrades.
Piledriver - 50
The Grappler picks his enemy up, throwing them to the floor and jumping on them in a single motion.
KO Punch - 60
The Grappler throws out one huge final punch, knocking the enemy unconscious in a single strike.
Ignore Damage - 70
The Grappler is able to ignore his blows, it taking severe wounds to even begin to phase him.
Lethal Being - 70
The Grapplers skin becomes as hard as rock. He is able to deflect bladed weapons with his body and only retain minor cuts and injuries.
Horse Lord
Tracking - 45
Weeks of solitude on the hunt have given the Horse Lord an in depth knowledge of the signs of prey. This skill opens the special "Tracking" action to the companion.
Saddle Acrobatics - 50
The Horse Lord becomes capable of guiding his horse from any position, swinging his body under that of the horse so he is hanging beneath its belly, making him almost impossible to hit with enemy arrows.
Running Dismount - 50
The rider stands on top of his mount while at the gallop, leaping off it into a run to attack an enemy in a sudden change of direction. With a quick whistle the horse will turn around, the rider swinging back into the saddle in a second.
Horse Speech - 50
The Horse Lord learns how to speak to horses and other equines, gaining their wisdom and appreciation.
True Gallop - 70
The Horse Lord can inspire great speed in his companion, the steed outrunning any other horse in Ourissa.
Chivalry - 30
The Lancer knows how to deal with charisma the most political of situations.
Break Formation - 55
The Lancers charge is fiercer than that of any other, scattering his enemies like the winds.
Overrun - 60
The Lancer trains his horse to trample the enemy, leaping onto them and bucking them to death.
Kataphract - 60
The Lancer learns the art of guiding his horse only with his feet, carrying a two handed pike while mounted, shield slung on his back.
Avenger - 70
If his steed dies the Lancer goes into a rage, picking up a sword and shield and charging into the frey with a renewed anger.
Makeshift Forge - 40
The Whitesmith is able to create his own forge in the wilderness, making equipment with a fire of trees and earth.
Focused Strength - 50
The Whitesmith is able to focus all his weight into one blow, crushing armor with a single swing of his hammer.
Master Temperer - 55
The Whitesmith is now able to temper equipment quickly and efficiently. He can temper up to three items before a battle.
Break Weapon - 60
The Whitesmith knows the breaking points of his craft, able to shatter enemy weapons with a precise attack.
Master Craft - 80
The Whitesmith improves on his craft even more, now able to make Mastercrafted weapons for exorbitant fees.
Honeyed Tongue - 40
Eventually a Minstrel will learn that sometimes you just have to lie to get ahead. Minstrels are excellent politicians, knowing how to tell somebody exactly what they want to hear on a first impression.
Eye for Surprises - 50
The Minstrel has learned the tricks of others over the years, and becomes very hard to be caught off guard. The entire party is exceptionally difficult to ambush with the Minstrel around.
Con Artist - 50
The Minstrel is adept at lies. He can get anybody to do anything for them on promises that are never realised, for one reason or the other.
Seduce - 60
The Minstrel learns the fine art of appealing to the opposite sex, being able to easily get what they want with the allure of a good seranade.
Perfect Pitch - 80
The Minstrel perfects his artistic craft, increasing the strength of his Ballads on the party as well as the money gained through Performance.
Catch - 60
The Monks eyesight has been mastered and his hand-eye coordination is perfect. He can catch arrows straight out of the air.
Form Mastery - 60
The Monk masters his martial arts, increasing his competance with each of the forms accordingly.
Form Fluidity - 70, Req. Form Mastery
The Ai-jin learns how to move between the three forms, allowing himself to switch between them in the middle of a fight, whereas a trainee would have to stop and concentrate to change the stances.
Blade Stop - 70
The Monk uses the flat of his hand to slap swords, grab axe handles, and divert spears. Using anything but bare hands on him becomes extremely difficult.
Finisher - 70
The Monk weaves a powerful finishing blow into the end of his combos, the last hit in the string breaking bones and shattering armor.
Major Summoning - 80
The Necromancer gains the height of his summoning ability. The greatest of Necromancers are known to summon giants, demons, dragons, and all manner of extremely powerful being, some very ancient indeed.
Dark Pact - 80, Req. Major Summoning
In their dealings with dieties, a Necromancer is often in some sort of peril, for he himself can be bound to service just as they. There are many Necromancers who have been tricked into trading their freedom for power.
Level 3 Necromancy - 80
The Necromancers trade advances still. This skill can be relearned for half EXP to further the casters knowledge.
Level 4 Necromancy - 100, Req. Level 3 Necromancy
The Necromancer finally learns the extent of his craft. This skill can be relearned for half EXP to further the casters knowledge.
Emotion Control - 100
The Necromancer perfects the art of controlling someone through their ether, learning how to manipulate anothers emotions at will. People can be made happy, sad, to run on the battlefield or stand and fight where they should not.
Levitation - 70
The Oracle learns how to always keep himself afloat, hovering a foot or two off the ground almost at all times.
Self Mastery - 80
The Oracles ability to move his own body increases, and is often enhanced with learning his own brand of martial arts. Sometimes the Oracle is as a blur, moving faster than the eye can see.
Improved Regeneration - 80
The Oracle improves the speed of his self enhanced rejuvination, regenerating at the same speed as any Berzerker.
Improved Telekinesis - 100
The Oracle masters his telekinetic powers, moving huge objects impressive distances.
Barrier - 100, Req. Improved Telekinesis
The Oracle raises his hand, creating a shield of psychic energy that can block even magikal attack.
Spear Sacrifice - 50
Thrusting his spear into a mighty enemy, the Phalanxman breaks it off at the point, ensuring it remains in the foe while he grasps for his sword.
Pins and Needles - 50
The Phalanxman becomes an expert in quickly drawing his sword and using it behind his shield as a stabbing implement, darting it back and forth as fast as any fencer.
Testudo - 60
Holding his shield above his head, the Phalanx advances slowly, watching for enemy missile weapons and deflecting them.
Shield Wall - 60
Holding his shield in front of him, the Phalanx advances slowly, covering his entire body and stopping any melee weapon.
Great Stamina - 60
The Phalanxman is able to resist much damage and regenerates quickly, taking heavier hits and regenerating faster.
Locksmith - 40
Rogues will eventually learn how to pick a lock and disarm traps with effectiveness, getting the party places that would be impossible without them.
Stalk - 50
A Rogue becomes a master of remaining unseen, able to follow close behind an enemy unnoticed.
Sprint - 50
Although unable to run for hours on end like a Tribesman, a Rogue can let loose a short burst of speed at the right moment, cutting down a retreating enemy or making a getaway in a pinch, running almost as fast as a Horse gallops.
Backstab - 50
The Rogue learns to set up a perfect attack from a hidden position, able to down an enemy in one hit as long as he remains hidden long enough for the setup.
Escape Artist - 50
The Rogue becomes an expert at getting out of a tight situation, untying bonds, sneaking out through windows, doing anything required of him.
Rune Weaver
Summon Familiar - 30
After a long time, the Rune Weaver gains enough magical knowledge to attract a familiar to him. Much like with the Mages, this spirit takes a form based on the Rune Weavers unconscious, and is permanently bound to his will.
Disenchant - 60
Rune Weavers are able to understand the way in which a lesser magical item is created, and can alter with concentration the way ether is bound to it. A Rune Weaver can temporarily, or sometimes permanently, destroy the enchantment placed on an item.
Level 2 Spellcasting - 70
Although magik use is not the primary strength of the Enchanter, as his craft grows his knowledge of ether manipulation will as well. This skill can be relearned for half EXP to increase the Rune Weavers knowledge.
Greater Enchant - 80
The Enchanter learns how to create extremely small, complex runes, putting multiple high level enchants on a single item. These are truly items of legend, difficult to make but often more powerful than the person who carries them.
Major Golem Creation - 80
The Enchanter perfects the craft of creating golems. While previously a Golem had a limited intelligence, mastery of ether, and had to be created with a programmed list of instructions, these more perfect golems are fully human, with their own conscience, able to learn and adapt.
Teleport - 70
A favorite trick of many Sages, a Sage can momentarily turn his being into ether, becoming one of the spirits he has studied for so long. Moving on magik winds, to a normal eye the Sage will disappear in a white spark, reappearing sometimes even twenty meters away after a few moments. The farther the Sage moves, the more draining it is on his internal energies.
Level 3 Shamanism - 80
The Sage furthers his ability to control pure ether. This skill can be relearned for half EXP to further the Shamans knowledge.
Level 4 Shamanism - 100, Req. Level 3 Shamanism
The Sage finally completes his control of ether. This skill can be relearned for half EXP to further the Shamans knowledge.
Ether Mastery - 100
The Sage learns how to control the movements of ether with simple thoughts. On a battleield enemy spellcasters will find the "natural" ether winds preventing them from using their full potential, and strangely benefitting the Sage excessively.
Wisdom - 100
True Sages can, after fully understanding the ether, use it to see the future. This opens up the special "Scrying" action to the companion.
Summon Familiar - 30
After a long time, the Swordsinger gains enough magical knowledge to attract a familiar to him. Much like with the Mages, this spirit takes a form based on the Swordsingers unconscious, and is permanently bound to his will.
Imbue - 50
The Swordsinger binds one of his abilities to a weapon. This takes time to perform, and unlike runic enchants, the Imbued weapon will return to normal after the ether within it is spent.
Kiai - 50
The swordsinger learns how to use his sword to channel ether, able to fire a bolt of arcane energy at his opponents with a swing. This ability becomes more powerful when expending the ether of a fully energized blade.
Fluid Combo - 70
The Swordinger perfects his swordsmanship, able to plant strike after strike in swift succession, truly elevating his craft to an art.
Improved Dispel - 80
Every swordsinger will eventually learn that he can only combat magic by preventing the magic of others. Mastering the art of dispelling magik, an accomplished swordsinger can even unsummon an enemies elemental helpers.
Trapper - 50
The Wanderer is an expert at setting up an ambush, placing hidden traps all over the ground. This takes time to perfect, and can only be used when the party has the element of surprise.
Heightened Senses - 60
The Wanderers senses are sharpened to that of a wild animals.
Sniper - 60
The Wanderer stays far ahead of the party position, watching and waiting like a hawk. This opens the special "Scouting" action up to the companion, and assists him in ambushing eventual prey.
Forestmeld - 70
The Wanderer becomes one with the wild, blending in to any location. He is almost impossible to detect and track in a thick wilderness.
Trueshot - 70
The Wanderer perfects the art of timing his shots from years of hunting moving targets. Arrows will fly not to where a person is but where he is about to be, hitting despite heavy cover and quick movements.
Fearless - 50
The Thane is an adept at ignoring anything that his senses tell him, able to completely ignore anything that would make others flee.
Hardened Skin - 50
Many monsters of the wild breathe fire or the acid poison of basilisks, and recurring exposure to both has made the Thane resistant to physical and magical flames.
Dragonslayer - 60
The Thanes reputation as a monster slayer exceeds him, striking fear into Drakes and Ogres, and reassuring the party that a Dragonslayer is with them.
Decapitate - 65
The Thane lets out a huge semicircular swing, the momentum of which is capable of cleaving a Dragons head clean off.
Inner Strength - 70
The Thane looks deep within himself, loosing all his strength to deal with a superhuman challenge. This ability requires preparation to use, and the Thane will be physically overexerted after the battle, sometimes weaker than if he had lost under normal conditions.
Cover Fire - 50
Timing his shots with great care, the Yeoman can fire into a close combat engagement, sure he will not strike his friends.
Incapacitate - 50
Sometimes a mission requires an enemy taken alive, and the Yeoman has learned to disable an enemy with a single blow, striking for tendons and joints.
Rapid Fire - 50
Yeomans can let off arrows at a rate of sometimes ten arrows a minute, shaft after shaft flying true.
Great Range - 60
The Yeoman is capable of pushing any bow to new lengths, firing at ranges no other archer is capable of.
Trueshot - 70
The Yeoman perfects the art of timing his shots from years of hunting moving targets. Arrows will fly not to where a person is but where he is about to be, hitting despite heavy cover and quick movements.
4th tier skills