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Fortunate happenings
Topic Started: May 27 2011, 04:03 PM (197 Views)

"Ah!" Len jumped at the fact that the bird seemed to fly away at ridiculous speed as soon as he even got close to it. "Your pet doesn't seem to like me. I kinda understand why, though, what with the whole scare earlier. I guess I wasn't the only one scared in there, huh?"

However, it wasn't until after he finished talking that he noticed that the woman seemed to react badly to him approaching the bird, too. Maybe she didn't want other people to touch her pet? "Sorry." Len said, with a sad expression on his face. But the woman started talking a bit, at well.

She told him her name, and the name of her pet. At least that's what he thought. He thought for a while and tried to figure out how to pronounce the names.

"Ek.. nara?" and then "Ai... cao.. tiul?" These were like no names he had ever heard, oddly exotic names, much like the place he is it. She must be a resident of this place, perhaps, he thought.

Of course, there was a bit of a problem that had been nagging him for a while. The whole leg being injured thing. But he beared it. He wouldn't want to look too weak in front of his saviour, after all.
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Len said her name right, but he added an extra letter for her daemon. “Ai-cah-tuhl,” she said once more, making sure to enunciate each syllable.

Eknara, noticing the slight sign of pain in Len’s face, suddenly remembered how hurt he was and recalled that he shouldn’t even be standing. She quickly moved to place Len’s arm across her shoulders so that she could support some of his weight.

“Sorry, I forgot. You shouldn’t be on your feet. We need to get you back into bed.” She then motioned that they should be moving back.

’I hope we can start on language lessons soon. Not being able to understand each other is pretty frustrating’ she thought to herself.
Edited by Anastasia, Jun 29 2011, 04:21 PM.
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Len smiled a bit as he got help. He would prefer not to get too much help, but she seemed like she actually wanted to help, rather than just feeling pity. Wondering about things he thought about the language she spoke. Eknara seemed to speak the same language as that Malek guy, at least, so they seem to only have one language here.

A bit worried again, Len worried about if he was the only person here not capable of the same language, and if they had some sort of way of understanding eachother, other than the language. Perhaps they were all the original inhabitants of this world? But then again, Eknara and Malek look so different.. they might very well have gotten here in similiar ways that he did. And if that's the case he might not be the only one from Dandrel in this place. What was it that got him there, anyway? He wondered for a while, when it hit him. Gravion. That thing. He was doing some sort of tests when.. something happened. That machine might be what caused this to happen to him. But the machine in itself is not evil, is it? He thought back to what the professor had told him.

"The Super Heavyweight God Gravion is the shield of the world, the one to protect the people from harm"

If that was the case, why would it do this to him? Is there something in this world that he needs to do? The people here do seem peaceful enough, but can they protect themselves enough? What if that threat that threatened Dandrel appears here, as well? Perhaps Gravion sent him here to rebuild it on this planet and protect these people from evil? It may be possible to rebuild it, or at least make a similiar machine to it. Perhaps the professor knew this would happen, and this might have been the reason why he forced him to learn the blueprints like he did?

Lost in his thoughts, and with questions that he would not find the answers to right now he was surprised. Eknara had led him into the bed, even without him noticing. He looked at Eknara. She seemed like such a gentle, peaceful person. Then he decided. As a thanks for saving his life, he would do everything he can to make sure her life is as pleasurable as possible. People like that would be worth protecting.

But then again, maybe he shouldn't worry too much about that right now. Maybe he should worry about more pressing matters, instead. Like his injuries. With the broken arm and injured leg he might have to stay in this bed a lot longer than he originally thought. But that wouldn't stop him from at least being slightly productive. He tried to ask Eknara for some supplies he needed.

"Er, could you.. um.. bring me some.. er.." he mumbled a bit as he tried to make signs of drawing on paper.

He wasn't sure if she understood, but if he at least had that much he could put the blueprints back on paper, at least.
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As soon as Eknara had gotten Len comfortably settled into his bed, he started talking. It sounded like he was mumbling. She had no idea what he was saying, but he had one hand laid out as if he was holding a piece of paper flat against it and the other as if he was using a writing utensil to write something on said piece of paper.

Eknara furrowed her eye brows. “Paper … and pen?” she asked. Len didn’t understand a word she said. So she instead left the room to return a minute later with loose sheets of paper and a few writing utensils.

“I hope this is what you meant.” She placed them lightly on Len’s lap, smiled and took a few steps back.

She sat by a chair beside the bed.
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Len was relieved. Even though he and Eknara speak different languages and come from completely different worlds she still understood what he had tried to gesticulate. Perhaps he should get used to communicating without words, something completely out of the ordinary for him.

But enough thoughts of that. Instead he should try to remember everything he had been shown by the professor back in his own world. He started drawing, almost like he was in a trance. He drew and drew and drew some more, paper after paper completely filled with the blueprints he had been shown. But he did not just copy the things he had been shown. He improved it. Found small parts where things seemed unneccessary, where the tension of the material would be too much..

Maybe this was part of the professor's plan, as well? Either way, a few hours after he had started he finally felt satisfied with his work. The last paper was covered with an detailed image of the combined mode of the smaller vehicles. He smiled at it.

Edited by Radune, Jul 1 2011, 07:43 PM.
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Eknara watched as Len started drawing on the pieces of paper she gave him. After a few minutes she noted how focused and captivated he was about what he was doing. He didn’t say anything, but just continued to stare intently at his papers as his hand moved.

She got up from her chair and approached him. The way his hand moved all over the page clearly implied that he was drawing instead of writing something. “Len? What are you drawing there?” He didn’t seem to notice her presence or hear her words. She turned to look at the pages and saw that he was drawing some sort of schematics for something that looked completely alien to her. It wasn’t floor plans, it wasn’t a map. It wasn’t a drawing of a person, or a scenery. What she saw before her were intriguingly shaped objects with straight edges and more sharp corners than curved ones.

A few seconds passed, and as she took her eyes away from the drawings, it dawned on her that Len hadn’t answered her. She eyed him and noticed the expression on his face. He seemed to be in a trance. His brown eyes were glazed over and seemed to see only what was before him.

“I see,” Eknara said as the right corner of her mouth turned up. “I will leave you be then.”

She exited the room and returned a few minutes later with Aicatul in tow and a book in her hand. She made herself comfortable as she perused the pages before her. Every once in a while, she’d look up to see that Len hadn’t slowed down before returning to her book. Some hours later as her stomach started grumbling and her concentration started to waver, she heard Len utter a single word.

She closed the book before her, and holding it with one hand looked up at Len. He was smiling and seemingly out of his trance.

She walked up to him again and looked down at what he drew.
Edited by Anastasia, Jul 5 2011, 10:53 PM.
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Len noticed how Eknara seemed interested in the schematics he had drawn. Not one to keep things from his friends, he tried to explain things without words, but were having a hard time. He pointed at the individual machines and held an open hand, to show five. Then he pointed at the completed Gravion and closed all of his fingers but one. He wasn't sure if she understood what he meant, so he handed the papers over to her and let her look them over herself.

But he had a bright idea just as she took them. What if he'd draw a picture of Eknara and give it to her? He had always been pretty good at drawing people, but he haven't had the free time to do so in quite some years. He quickly started drawing, as soon as he had handed the pictures over. Gentle strokes, much unlike the way he had drawn just earlier, carried a picture through every stroke. Around ten minutes later he was satisfied with the image. Eknara still seemed absorbed in the schematics he had produced. He was thinking of how to properly give the picture to her without it being awkward, and remembered the words of the head maid at the castle.

"Just be honest and she'll understand!"

Len wasn't entirely sure how he would manage to do it, but he did hand the drawing over, nonetheless. His smile reflected his awkwardness.

"For you."
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Len’s hand motions didn’t make much sense to Eknara. All she could guess was that he was counting off how many machines he had drawn, which was already evident in and of itself.

As Len handed her the drawings, she looked over them as she shuffled through the numerous pages. They were so intricate and detailed.

“Is this a machine or something? I can’t believe you drew all these...” One looked like a person or a robot, and the other pieces of machinery kinda looked like they connected to the bigger machine.

As Eknara tried to make sense of the schematics, Len said a few words and handed her another piece of paper.

Eknara took in a sudden breath of air as she accepted it. The likeness was astounding: It was a picture of her. At the astonishment, Aicatul flew from the window to land on Eknara’s arm, peering over the drawing. “That is good,” Aicatul said.

Eknara smiled. “Seems like we’ve got quite the artist here.”

“You think he wouldn’t mind drawing one of me?”

“Hmm … I don’t know. He’s been drawing for quite a while. He should probably rest up a bit and or get something to eat.”

Aicatul nodded and flew back to the window.

Eknara handed Len back his schematics and then wondered if the picture of her was for her to keep. She pointed to it and tried to ask, “for me?”
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Len smiled at Eknara. Both her and Aicatul seemed to be impressed by the gift. Of course, he meant to let her keep it, nodding in reply to what she probably asked. But then again, he would have to give Aicatul one, as well, as a sign of forgiveness. He had noticed that he flew off and landed on the window a bit further away, and tried to capture the proud.. animal? person?.. on the drawing.

He managed to look just as Aicatul yawned, and made sure to keep that expression in the picture. And then, after ten or so minutes he was done with this one, as well. He was happy with the results, and handed it to Eknara, trying to show it as a gift to them both.

After giving the drawing, using the last sheet of paper he was given, he lied down in the bed. He might have hurt himself badly and would have to stay in bed, but at least it wouldn't be as bad as he first thought.
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