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Beta Tester Bonus!
Topic Started: Jul 28 2011, 08:46 PM (142 Views)

Name: Dragonshroom (replaces Bovril)

30 points to EXP.

Strength: 1
Dexterity: 0
Constitution: 2
Charisma: 0
Wisdom: 0

20 points to Mana.

Spore Breath (Ranged): Dragonshroom exhales a cloud of poisonous spores at its enemies. These spores cause severe irritation and pain upon contact. Toxic if inhaled.

Spongy Body (State): Dragonshroom's body is soft and spongy, making the creature more resistant to blunt impact.
Edited by Draco, Aug 7 2011, 05:13 AM.
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Rob Rocket
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Strength: 1
Dexterity: 0
Constitution: 1
Charisma: 0
Wisdom: 1

Shadow Human Transformation
He conceals himself in a smaller shadow like humanoid form in order to make it easier to travel, stay hidden in the shadows, and communicate. In this mode he is almost impossible to see in the dark. Also has no real shape to him making it where he can pass through cracks in walls and small holes to gain access to areas. Even though he is shapeless he still can be hit in this form. The set back of this mode is he cannot attack until he transforms back into his original dragon state.

If this potent venom is injected into the opponent from a slash from the claws or a bite they begin to suffer its dramatic effects. First their vision begins to haze over forming a near blind state. Then they begin to feel a slowing of their movement until they are eventually left in a state of semi paralysis that takes several hours to wear off. The more venom injected from attacks the faster the effects will take place.
Edited by Rob Rocket, Aug 9 2011, 05:45 PM.
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