Posted by: zzepp | September 24, 2011


If you look above, you’ll notice that apprentices and transports now have their own roster! This will make it easy to check on your underlings, as well as direct them.

New chronological phases!
Item phase is first, followed by preparations phase, followed by work/battle phase.

Items phase:
In items phase, you can use or equip items. You may only equip 1 melee, 1 ranged, 1 armor, 1 book of each element, 1 elemental of each element. Your apprentices and mounts have these same restrictions. Here, you can also put your apprentices on vehicles or mounts, or put mounts on vehicles with apprentices on them. In order to be autonomous, there must be a player or apprentice on a mount or vehicle. Otherwise, they must stay with the player.

New Preparations!

Dispatch: Command your apprentices to do preparations independently. (Move or Shop only)

New Work/Battle!
Train (all players): Increases one apprentice by one level.

Break In (farmer only): Increases one mount by one level.

Orders: Command each apprentices to engage in battle independently. You can give them different orders. (Ambush/Charge/Tactic/Pillage/Hunt/Besiege/Skirmish/Checkpoint)

Skirmish: Attack a target in a neighboring region from an adjacent region with ranged weapons only. You can be attacked by their ranged weapons as well.

Checkpoint: Only usable at a gateway. Stops all travelers into or out of the region and engages them in battle. You can specify targets.

Rules additions!
Gateway: A region with a gateway facility protects it from wild animals. In addition, you can set up checkpoints here.
Ranged: Ranged weapons can now attack adjacent regions.
Books: Books will now gain a melee, ranged, or armor secondary characteristic. Fire Punch (Lvl1 Book, Melee Fire), Fire Ball (Lvl1 Book, Ranged Fire), Fire Wall (Lvl1 Book, Fire Armor)

Possibly more to come.

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