Posted by: zzepp | October 9, 2011

Friday & Contest results!

On Friday, Ball Punion razed the town and rebuilt it in his own image! Dragonshroom graverobbed Airinth.

But more importantly.

Group RP winner: Scarth Maheart, Old Man Jenkins
Group RP runner up: N/A

Solo RP winner: Dragonshroom
Solo RP runner up: Legion of Foxes & Dismas Agamemnon (tie)

Congratulations everyone! ^_^ Your prizes are on your way; if you want it in some kind of denomination, email that in on Monday! I love all the participation; we made it over 50%! And really, I loved everyone’s~

New rates for RPing
Solo RPs: 25 Silver.
Battle Writing: 50 Silver.
Group RPs: 75 Silver.

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