Hisame Arashi
Board Moderator:
Konokan Boucher
Board Moderator:
Tristan Zane
Assistant Battle Writer:
TJ Hunter
Assistant Battle Writer:
Logan Wolf
This RPG was established April 14, 2000. |
J o i n i n g
First off, let me say this, "ALL THE GUNDAM WING GUNDAMS ARE TAKEN. DO NOT ASK TO BE THEM." Ah, okay, lets get started. If you want to join, you need to read all the rules. You can not be a gundam that is on the roster. If the upgrade of a gundam is on the roster, you can not be the previous model of it (I.E. if Deathscythe Hell is on the roster you can not be the Deathscythe). Regardless of what you might think, I consider the Wing Zero an upgrade of the Wing. Do not ask to be Wing Zero.
Because of the very large amount of applications received, I will only accept those that are sent Friday-Sunday. I add members on the weekends. If you do not get a reply to your application, then your's is wrong. I am far too busy to respond to every single incorrect application. I do, however, check every email sent. Only send your application once. If it isn't accepted that week, try again the next. I accept every correct application. Which means if there were 200 correct applications, there would be 200 new members.
Go to the The Mecha Domain and find yourself an untaken suit. Make sure that is it not an upgrade of another suit. Once you have found one, email me at Shinigami@parsmail.com. Include the following:
Pilot Name
Suit Name and Address on the Mecha Domain
Your Side
Applications missing any one of these or that are incorrect will be deleted without reply. Make sure you have it right the first time you send it. You have to create your own pilot name. You can not use the names of any Gundam characters. It has to be original. Also, you can not be related to any real character at all. You need a first and last name. They have to be realistic names too, not something like "Lone Wolf." You can only have one character in this RPG. This is a very strong rule, if you break it, you will be kicked off.
This is a link to the Joining Form, please use it if you are interested. Remember, only send applications on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
I n t r o
This is an online rpg, meaning you email me, the webmaster, what you'd like to do. I then post it on the webpage. If you are new to rpgs, then please read the entire rules section. If you are a verteran rpg'er, then please still look over the rules, its not that different from most. This RPG was established April 14, 2000, so if you think I copied off of someone, you are mistaken. My Personal Rules Are:
1. Do not flood the message board
2. No offensive language. This includes racial slurrs and cursing. It might be used in the battles, but I expect everyone to behave themselves.
3. No questioning my actions or complaining about them.
4. Have Fun. This is an rpg and should have no effect on your real life so there is no reason to take it so seriously.
U p d a t i n g & E - M a i l i n g
Okay, to prevent this rpg from becoming to much work for me, the rpg runs only 4 days a week. Monday through Thursday I will accept emails about your actions in the rpg. Sunday, Friday, and Saturday I will only accept emails from people who want to join. If you are a member, you should only email me at Duomaxwell@parsmail.com unless told otherwise. Applications to join sent to that account will be deleted. Do not email me advanced actions. Email it, the day you want to do it.
F i g h t i n g/D y i n g/T r a v e l
Fighting Fighting can be broken down into three forms.
Planned Battles/Duels- A fight in which both sides are of equal numbers or strength.
Ambush- A fight in which one or more combatants attacks one or more targets without their knowledge.
Blackout Attack- A fight where the attacker's name is never mentioned but is somewhat described. The reward is close to nothing.
Each type of fight has a reward. The reward is given upon completion of the fight. The size of your reward varies with the number of targets, the type of fight, and if your gundam is destroyed, if you are hurt, or if you have succeeded in your mission and still alive with gundam intact. To attack someone, email me at Duomaxwell@parsmail.com, include the gundam name of the pilot you want to attack.
The Traveling distances are lists on the Information page.
Repairing/Healing If your Gundam is destroyed in combat, it takes 5 days to rebuild. In that 5 days you can not attack or be attacked. If you are injured in combat it takes 6 days for you to heal at the most. While your are healing, you can not attack or be attacked so don't bother emailing me. People will rarely die. If you do die, that means you've done something stupid like attack a base by yourself. When you die, you have to make a new character name. You keep the same VP, but you lose all your money.
T a k i n g S i d e s
This can get confusing so pay attention. Since this is an all gundam rpg, there will be basically three sides. Zeon, OZ, and the Rouges. Each has pros and cons, so read them all before choosing.
Zeon- As a Zeon soldier you will start out on the colony of L3. Zeon Soldiers have a weekly salary of $5,000 a week(payed on every other Thursday). Zeon soldiers can ally with OZ or even Rogues. You can join teams with people from the other sides. Only thing is that Zeon soldiers can not attack Zeon Bases. You start with $50,000.
OZ- As an OZ soldier you will start out on the Earth. OZ soldiers have a weekly salary of $50,000 a week(payed on every other Thursday). Oz soldiers can ally with Zeon or even Rogues. Only thing is that OZ soldiers can not attack OZ bases. You start with $50,000.
Rogues- As a Rogue you start on L1 Colony. Rogues have no salary. Rogues are seen as the saviors of the people, so repairs to your gundam are instant. Everywhere but Earth and the Colonies have only military settlers so your Gundam can not be repaired at those locations instantly. Rogues can attack anyone. You start with $100,000.
Earth Federation or EF for short. EF members start on Earth. They receive free repairs on Earth only. EF members start will $200,000 and receive a weekly salary of $30,000(paid every other Thursday). EF members can not attack EF bases.
V e t e r a n P o i n t s
In every battle you will receive a Veteran Point. Veteran Points rate how well you control your gundam. The more you have, the better you can control and weld it. Veteran Points do not decide the outcome of battles, they only signify how much you have fought and how well you can fight. The more you fight the same person, the more you learn his moves, thus subtracting the amount of Veteran Points you will receive at the end of the battle. Also, if you fight the same person and lose over and over, the next battle you fight against him, you have a better chance of winning. Veteran Points are not powerlevels, there are no powerlevels. Someone with 20 Veteran Points can beat someone with 40 Veteran Points depending on weaponry and armor.
As you accumulate more and more veteran points you increase your ability to fight with more weapons. Once you reach 100 Veteran Points, you get the upgraded model of your gundam. Just because you have an awesome upgrade doesn't mean you'll be able to rule with it right off the bat. If your gundam does not have an upgrade, Konokan and I will create one for you. We decide the name of your upgrade and its weapons.
B u y i n g
Buying defenses depends only on your money. Buying weapons is different.
To buy get new weapons, you have to trade one or more of your own. Each weapon has a certain amount of point. The stronger the weapon, the higher the points. When you trade for a weapon on the shop, the weapon your sacrificed is place in the shop, where anyone can get it.
A d d i t i o n a l
Zeon, OZ, and EF have bases all over the solar system. These bases serve as sanctuaries for members of the side and rogues allied with members of that side. But, an OZ soldier can not take haven at a Zeon base and a Zeon soldier can not take haven at an OZ base. The only way this can be possible is if that soldier is there to destroy that base.
An important page to this rpg that should help you decide your actions in this game is the Scale page. The Scale page lists rewards and deductions for everything.
Some General Stuff
You can attack people on the same side as you. OZ can attack OZ, Zeon can attack Zeon, Rogues can attack Rogues, and Earth Federation can attack Earth Federation. You CAN NOT attack someone on the same team as you.
Buying a Colony. You can buy your own Colony. This is much like buying a base. You decide who can take shelter in your Colony, just like a base. All inside your colony get free repairs and repairs are instant. When you buy a Colony, you start with No Defenses. Just like a base, you can buy mobile suits and turrets to add to your defenses. Check the Shop for your defenses. If there is an attacking force approaching your colony, you can intercept them and attack when they are one day away. There is no way to take over a Colony. You can destroy it or buy it, but never take it over. To destroy a Colony, you need to have a massive weapon, with a massive firepower(IE: Double Buster Rifle or Nuclear Bazooka to name a few). You decide how far away from Earth your colony can be. The maximum can be 10 days, the minimum can be 2 Days. Remember though, that if you make it 10 Days, it takes you 10 days to go to Earth, but only 4 to go to Mars. You also get to name your colony. Colonies cost $800,000.
You can fight it space. If two people are traveling to the same place and are the same distance away, one can attack the other. IE If Heavyarms is traveling to Earth and is two days away, he can attack Neo if he is also going to earth and is two days away.
You can send me one email a day, no more than that. Any that are sent without my permission will be delted with no reply. Do not send in advance actions. Only send me what you want to do, the day you are going to do it.
Upgrades. The Number 1 requirment for your upgrade is getting 100 or more Veteran Points. After you do this, you have to wait till your gundam is destroyed. You can go on suicide missions or whatever you want. Once your gundam is destroyed, instead of it being repaired, it will say it is being Upgraded. After 15 days of Upgrading, you will have your Upgrade.
Alot of people have more than one upgrade. I decide when you get your 2nd, 3rd and so forth, there is no set VP level. If your gundam does not have an upgrade, you need to get in contact with Konokan, who will draw your new Upgrade. Gundams that don't have an upgrade will be given only two upgrades total.
A l l D o n e ?
Great, right now you know everything listed in the Rules and you are ready to pick your gundam, pilot name, and email it to me. Thats cool.
If you want to join, email me at Shinigami@parsmail.com.
Attacks and other things beside joining go to DuoMaxwell@parsmail.com
Please read the entire Rules page before emailing me. Any questions are welcomed and I will try my best to answer them. Most all of the images and information come from The Mecha Domain.
I am in no way associated with Bandi or Sunrise and I will never claim to be anywhere in this site. This site is meant to promote Mobile Suit Gundam and to acknowledge it as one of the greatest Anime Univereses of all time. Now have fun and don't take it seriously.
Note:You can not start out as the upgraded model of a gundam taken or not. I.E. you can't be Wing Zero to start as.