Veteran Points
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Hisame Arashi
Board Moderator:
Konokan Boucher
Board Moderator:
Tristan Zane
Assistant Battle Writer:
TJ Hunter
Assistant Battle Writer:
Logan Wolf


This RPG was established April 14, 2000. Veteran Points are not Powerlevels. Veteran Points decide how well you pilot your gundam and when you will get your upgrade.

Heavyarms Kai- 437[Training w/ 2nd Model Upgrade (Day 6)]

Deathscythe Hell Custom- 413[Training w/ 2nd Model Upgrade (Day 4)]
Victory 2- 300[Training w/ 2nd Model Upgrade (Day 5)]
Modified Silhouette- 327
Hi-Nu Excellence- 366
Sandrock Custom- 158
Altron- 302
Wing Zero- 256
Vayeate- 128
F90 Fomula- 133
Alex- 60
Double XV- 289
Virsago- 115
Xi- 145
Nu Heavy Weapons- 379
Formula 91 Overdrive- 269
6th- 102
Penelope Daisy- 217
Blue Destiny- 132
Stamen & Orchis- 249
Mark II- 104
Gundam- 26
Dragon- 40
The O- 106
Rising- 91
Grand Master- 160
ZZ- 114
5th- 111
Hardygun Ultra- 180
Gaza-D- 140
Serpent Custom- 229
Third- 110
Buggy Doga- 91
Efreet- 122
Modified First- 190
Wiser Wallaby- 112
Zoloatt- 33
Bolt Mk.III- 115
Modified Second- 121[Training w/Model Upgrade (Day 5)]
Tequila- 93
Berga Balus- 60
Doven Wolf- 68
Stark Jegan- 150
Jarja Binks- 275
Domuttlia II- 149
Jagd Doga- 109
Jaeger Firestarter- 169
Quin Mantha- 40
X Divider- 244
Gustav Karl- 117
Physalis- 112
Nightingale- 115
Mercurius- 137
Modified Type 100- 141
Rose Bud- 127
Sazabi II- 158[Training w/Model Upgrade (Day 6)]
Pixie- 8
Abigor- 78
4th- 56
Vigna Zera- 46
Airmaster Burst- 140
Hydra- 19
Methuss- 16
Nemo III- 122
Turn X Saga- 222
Gun-EZ- 138
Neo- 94
Superior- 28
7th- 25
Gabthely- 98
Mark V- 35
Outer- 69
Gerbera- 36
Zussa- 53
Devil- 61
Geymarck- 88
FAZZ- 123
Zorin Soul- 20
God- 46
Messer- 96
Zanneck- 111
Lumber- 44
G-Saviour- 40
Zeta- 101
Zephyr Phantom- 61
Zephyranthes- 17
Tallgeese- 34
Turn A- 55
Bau- 11
Bromb Texter- 24
Cluster- 17
John Bull- 60
Quebely- 39
LO Booster- 51
Gids Geese- 40
Javelin- 25
Titania- 33
Pallas Athena- 1
Gera Doga- 1
Tallgeese II- 92
Messala- 11
Gengaozo- 11
Heavygun- 95
Zaku- 11
Gerbera Tetra- 11
Magnat- 42
Gottratan- 11
Quavarze- 51
Katral- 19
Guntank- 24
Gigantic- 18
Jegan- 11
Heaven's Sword- 11
Spiegel- 55
EZ-8- 62
Mirage- 28
Ashtaron- 91
Xeku Eins- 72
Hamma Hamma- 18
Neros- 33
Aesculapius- 45
Aqua- 37
Taurus- 30
Rig Contio- 11
Leopard- 29
Crossbone- 41
Mermaid- 19
Braubro- 17
Guncannon- 11
Shining- 11
Neue Ziel- 29
Epsy- 11
Rick Dias- 1
Griepe- 9
Maxter- 1
Dra-C- 1
Gouf- 9
Nobel- 1
Epyon- 1
G-3- 1
Psyco 1
Scorpio 1
Leo- 9
Evil-S- 1
Jabaco- 1
Jamul Fin- 1
Aires- 1
Magaunac- 9
GM- 1
Gaplant- 1
Gazu 1
Gaia Gear Alpha 1
Gedlav 11