08.15Armory Alpha
Large Space Colony
Owner: PLANT National Guard
Location: Space, L4 (PLANT)
- Unknown
Mobile Suits (???):
- Unknown
Mobile Armors (???):
- Unknown
- Unknown
Armory Alpha is one of the armed military PLANTs used as center of logistical support for the National Guard. The northern pole of the structure is given over to fairly typical open air civilian areas with natural landscape typical of PLANT construction, while the southern half has been given over to secured military facilities. Almost the entire land area of the PLANT’s lower portion is occupied by a sprawling military base capable of a wide array of support operations – during the Space War entire flights of damaged mobile suits were hauled back to Armory Alpha and returned to combat-ready conditions, while ZAFT’s final wartime contingency plans involved falling back to the PLANT in the event that Jachin Due and GENESIS were both taken out of action. In addition to the maintenance and repair facilities, the PLANT has also been engineered to have a relatively large amount of available space to replicate different areas of Earth’s environment. This arrangement was originally intended to allow for prototyping of various terrestrial-use mobile suits by the Earth Liberation Army, but today serves no major purposes other than making for a fairly scenic interior beyond the perimeter of the military installations.
The end caps of both occupied areas are ringed with gun emplacements, while the heavy railgun batteries are positioned around the dock facilities and power plants at the nexus point so that they can be angled in essentially any direction. The PLANT’s heavy armament is well oriented to repel enemy attacks, but defense of the facility’s interior is entirely up to its mobile suit contingents should enemy forces penetrate the outer shell. In addition to the garrisoned mobile suits, Armory Alpha is also likely to have a fair number of other embarked units at any given time which have been recalled for inspection and repair work.