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Ye olde Chat Room – a place we can all congregate outside of character, and perhaps even form friendships despite our in-game conflicts. Please obey these rules specific to #futureimperfect, so it remains fun for everybody. Some of these rules are rather antiquated and hide-bound (they may have been around since After Era, ~2001) but they’re still fairly good guidelines to follow.
- Obey the moderators.
- Do not flame or provoke other members excessively.
- Taunt the administration at your own peril. We put a lot of time and (in Troika’s case) money into working on this game and take a dim view of baseless criticism (Which isn’t to say, all criticism, but don’t yell at people for taking a long time to write big events until you step up and start writing them too, please!).
- Keep your urges to discuss horrible things like cannibalism and other subjects unsuitable for polite company to yourself (except with Vlad’s permission).
- Shut the fuck up about My Little Pony. From now on, referencing it in any way = ban.
The Chat Room can be found on irc.aniverse.com in #futureimperfect. If you have mIRC or a similar program installed on your computer, click here to connect automatically.