Devil Doga


Model number: XMA-02S
Code name: Devil Doga
Unit type: pNewtype-use mobile armor
Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in main body
Dimensions: total height 33.5 meters; total length 107.5 meters
empty 128.6 metric tons; max gross 1094.4 metric tons
Armor materials: Gundarium alloy/neo-ceramic composite
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 37680 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters, maximum output unknown
Performance: maximum acceleration 1.54 G with containers attached; 4.98 without
Equipment and design features: sensors, range 44390 meters; psycommu system; anti-beam barrier system, absorbs/deflects all incoming beam weapon attacks; psycoframe; detatchable storage container x 2
Fixed armaments: large mega particle cannon, mounted in main body
Remote weapons: 24 x funnel, stored in recharge racks on main body; Neo Bug x many, in storage containers

EUNI Assessment: A large Newtype-use mobile armor. While it possesses formidable firepower and defences on it’s own, it’s primary purpose is to deploy hundreds of automated attack drones known as ‘Bugs from ithe detatchable storage containers mounted on either side of it’s body’. These containers are detatchable, allowing the Devil Doga to purge them to greatly increase it’s mobility. Threat assessment: High
Neo Bug

Model number: N/A
Code name: Neo Bug
Unit type: automated weapon
Dimensions: main diameter 3.0 meters; overall length 3.9 meters
Weight: empty 1.8 tons; max gross 3.8 tons
Armor materials:
titanium/carbon fiber composite material
Powerplant: minovsky fusion reactor, output rated at 2000 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters x 24
Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 2.98 G
Armor: titanium/carbon fiber composite material
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: beam cutter x 24; full body beam shield x 1

EUNI Assessment: Improved automatic weapon, designed to attack mobile suits via the ring of beam cutters around it’s edge, which effectively act as a beam saber blade around the entire surface. It is equipped with a psycommu reciever for direct control when neccesary, but primarily operates in automatic mode, as no Newtype could concievably control every single Neo Bug the Devil Doga carries. Further features include a full body beam shield, which activates on impact to prevent damage to the Neo Bug when ramming through large objects (and also, incidentially, to increase the damage it deals). This effect can be manipulated by the operator as a defensive measure, but this requires direct control. Threat Level: Moderate

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