Refined Grandine

Model number: MA-06R
Code name: Refined Grandine
Unit type: modified anti-fortress mobile armor
Accommodation: pilot, commander, and gunner, in standard cockpit in main body
Dimensions: head height 34.8 meters
Armor materials: high-tensile titanium alloy ceramic composite
Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rated at 21470 kW
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; particle deflection system, reflects incoming beam weapon attacks; float system
Fixed armaments: photon particle cannon, mounted in main body; 4 x antiaircraft beam cannon, mounted on legs; 12 x leader, delivers electrical charge to target, 3 stored in each leg
Optional fixed armaments: 4 x  9-tube antiaircraft missile launcher, replaces antiaircraft beam cannons, 4 round magazine per tube, mounted on legs

EUNI Assessment: Mobile armor has been tweaked for greater versatility in engagement of smaller targets than enemy fortresses. Anti-beam barrier has been replaced with particle deflection system which can (theoretically) bounce attacks from beam weapons back at their firer. Threat assessment: medium/high

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