12.31Neue Ziel
Model number: AMX-002/AMA-X2
Code name: Neue Ziel
Unit type: prototype space attack use mobile armor
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in main body
Dimensions: overall height 76.6 meters; overall width 73.6 meters
Weight: empty 198.2 metric tons; max gross 403.5 metric tons
Armor materials: titanium/ceramic composite
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 75800 kW
Equipment and design features: “half-control” system, controls wire-guided heavy claw arms for all-range attacks; optional “sturm booster,” stores extra propellant and mounts additional thrusters
Fixed armaments: mega cannon, mounted in torso; 9 x mega particle gun, 4 mounted in shoulders and 5 mounted in tail binder; 2 x wire-guided heavy claw arm, mounts mega particle gun/beam saber each; 4 x hidden sub-arm, mounts beam gun/beam saber each; 4 x large missile launcher, 5 round magazine per launcher, mounted in hip boost binders; 2 x 6-tube micromissile launcher, 10 round magazine per tube, mounted in hip boost binders; 12-tube micromissile launcher, 10 round magazine per tube, mounted in tail binder; 4 x I-field barrier generators, 2 mounted in shoulders and 2 mounted in tail binder, provides 360 degrees of protection against beam weapons
EUNI Assessment: Extremely dangerous mobile armor intended to engage and destroy enemy battle squadrons. Possesses excellent mobility in spite of its age and size, and is very heavily armed with beam weapons and missile launchers; capable of melee combat as well. Protected by anti-beam barriers; suggest engagement with massed non-beam firepower. Designed exclusively for space combat. Threat Assessment: Very High