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Gundam Plus

Hisame Arashi
Board Moderator:
Konokan Boucher
Chat Moderator:
Tristan Zane
Battle Writer:
TJ Hunter
Battle Writer:
Logan Wolf
Battle Writer:
Aku Ryuu
Battle Writer:
Chetter Hummin
Newsletter Editor:
Hiro Protagonist


This RPG was established April 14, 2000.

The FFAs will always be posted here. Past FFA's can be seen here.

Even Less Shelter

Participants: Abigor, Sandrock Custom, Tallgeese III, Nu Ei, Dom, Grand Master, Nemo IV, Neue Ziel, Xeku Eins Type 2, Quin Mantha II, Lafressia, Messer II, Neros, Modified First, GM Commando, Quebely Mk. II, Sam Bull, Turn X Saga, Sazabi II, Alex II, Zebra, Physalis, Gunblaster, Jamesgun, Bolinoak Samaan, Bau, Outer II, Devil, EZ-8 Celexa, Heavyarms Kai, Wing Zero, Cluster, Wiser Wallaby, Geminass, Dragon, Scorpio, Zephyr Shadow, Double XV, LO Booster, Bolt Mk.III, Jagd Doga Custom, Stamen II & Orchis, Mark V Full Armor, Braubro, Pallas Athena, Spiegel, Silhouette Shadow, Ashtaron Hermit Crab, Buggy Doga Custom, Zanneck Bakuha, Hi-Nu Perfection, Dahgi Iris, Serpent Custom, Zussa, Theo, Gabtheley II, Octave, Xi, X Divider, Epyon, Airmaster Burst, Victory 2 Assault, Aesculapius II, G-Cannon, Modified Type 100, Gera Doga Custom, Leopard Destroy, Altron Custom, Bromb Texter, Hydra, Zorin Soul, Formula 91 Overdrive, Modified Third, Vigna Zera, Hardygun Ultra, Modified Second, Turn A Butterfly, Jaeger Firestarter, Marasai, Shytarn, Virsago Chest Break, Bound Doc, Tallgeese, Rasveyt, Jarja Binks, Geymark II.

86 Suits

Slowly the transports carrying the warriors arrive. Decked out in their space suits, pilots scramble over the suits to go over everything one last time. Inside the cockpit of the Heavyarms Kail, Armand sits and drinks tomato soup from his thurmus, trying to keep warm. Suddenly there comes a knocking on the Heavyarms' cockpit door. Armand puts his helmet on and closes the thurmus lid. When the door opens there floats Lestat of the Victory 2 Assault.

"Got my chicken noodle soup?" Lestat asks.
"Yes, nice and toastie. Why'd you have me hand on to it again?" Armand replies and asks.
Lestat takes the thurmus, "Heat won't work in the V2, damned cold out here."

As Lestat makes his way to his suit, he passes by the Double XV and can't help but here loud music playing. Lestat moves closer and hears the word "Holler" repeated over and over by Jin inside. Shaking his head, Lestat moves on.

Some time passes and the timer displays one minute left till the battle. All pilots enter their suits and almost all at once, the suits comes to life as they are turned on.

The Nu Ei catches everyones attention as it deploys its funnels and magnetically controls a single hunk of sharpnel that slipped past the defense field. The timer reaches 5 seconds and the defense field keeping the debris out of the warm up area is removed. Large chucks of metal and whatnot are hurled at the warriors. Those lucky enough dodge the shards, but others aren't so lucky.

Not twenty seconds into the fight, Dragon is hit in the chest by the remains of a Zaku and the pilot is knocked unconcious. Hydra also is struck by the remains of a mobile suit and twirls out into space. Not a single shot is fired as every suit desperately jumps side to side, jump and down, in attempt to save themselves. Shytarn and Marasai collide infront of a destroyed Salamis Class and are taken out by it. The Rasveyt deploys its bits around it and fires on all approaching debris and remains safe. The Nu Ei, in the distance and by himself, laughs alound as its funnels control all the shards and sends them in all directions away from the Nu. Suddenly, the sound of a gun is heard. The Tallgeese III fires on a large hunk on a ship with its cannon and destroys it. The sound catches the other suits off guard and most begin to fire at others. Aku of the Dom spots the Sam Bull destroying the Spiegel and Zussa. Dom grabs hold of a very large piece of sharpnel headed towards the Sam Bull and draws its heat sabre. Sam Bull is taken by surprise as the Dom lets go of the debris and rams the sabre into the Sam Bull's cockpit. LO Booster comes up on the Dom and opens fire with is submachine gun, which miss the Dom who is already attached to another large chunk and headed elsewhere.

80 Suits

As more and more suits gather into a clearing to duel, the Zero stops and takes aim with its twin buster rifle. Zero fires and the blast swallows the Zephyr Shadow, Nemo IV, Xeku Eins Type 2, Messer II, Neros, Zebra, Neue Ziel, Jamesgun, and LO Booster.

71 Suits

Tallgeese III sees this and mimic's Zero's actions on a smaller scale, destroying the Abigor, Cluster, and Gunblaster. Zero sees teh Tallgeese III and fires its engine in its direction. The two draw their beam sabres and the two weapons collide. Zero, clearly overpowering the Tallgeese III, pushes it out of the lock up and slices its mega cannon in half. In an instance, the Zero is gone.

The G-Cannon, being pursued by the Stamen II & Orchis, takes cover behind a destroyed Pegasus Carrier. Suddenly, from around the corner, a red streak stabs into the G-Cannon's side and cruches the cockpit. The dragon fang returns to the Altron Custom and it flies off. Stamen II sees the Altron and opens fire. Missiles soar in the Altron's direction, but are destroyed as the dragon fangs slam through them. The Orchis makes a fly by and the Altron fires out a dragon fang which grabs hold of it. Altron pulls closer and stabs its beam trident into the Orchis' connection system, seperating the Stamen II from the Orchis. Stamen II lauches its funnels but Altron stand firm looking in the opposite direction. Stamen turns its head in the direction Altron is faced and is stunned as the site of a gigantic hunk of something unidentifiable slams into the two suits.

65 Suits

The Turn X Saga finds a cleared area and holds out its right arm. The destruction manipulator beings to charge and a moment later it fires, unleashing a hellish blast which destroys the Dom, Quin Mantha II, Lafressia, Modified First, GM Commando, Physalis, Bolinoak Samaan, Devil, and Geminass.

Pleased with the mayhem he's produced, Nick moves on.

56 Suits

The Turn X Saga begins dodging the debris but something is wrong. The shards of metal and whatnot are traveling toward it at a very fast speed and it continues to increase. Turn X aims its right arm to destroy the debris, but is suddenly struck in the back with a very large chunck. Nick is knocked unconcious and the Turn X floats off. Seijuro looks on and marvels at his doing.

Seijuro's pleasure is soon cut short as he senses a presence moving towards him. The Nu Ei turns and there hovers the Hi-Nu Perfection, light sabre drawn. The Hi-Nu's arm sticks out and points a finger at the Nu Ei. Nu Ei's funnels take formation and as the bridge of a Pegasus Class floats by, Nu Ei bows and is gone when the bridge floats by.

Hi-Nu considers going after Nu, but soon switches subjects as the Sazabi II fires both mega particle guns on the Hi-Nu. The Hi-Nu funnels quickly launch and take formation. Once there, they deploy a mega particle beam barrier and the blasts are deflected. The ten funnels then spread and fire, each one housing a mega particle gun. Sazabi II is hit, but fires once more on the Hi-Nu before it is destroyed by the mega particle funnels. Sazabi II's blasts are intercepted by one of Hi-Nu's mega particle fin funnels and is destroyed.

54 Suits

The newly upgraded Zanneck Bakuha attempts to fire his cannon, but is interrupted when the Leopard Destroy opens fire. The Leopard's two gattlings pierce the Zanneck's armor but Zanneck lets loose a flight of 14 missiles which wreak havok on the Leopard. When the smoke clears, Leopard's last sight is of the Zanneck's cannon. All together, the Leopard Destroy, Modified Type 100, Gera Doga Custom, Hardygun Ultra, Vigna Zera, Dahgi Iris, Serpent Custom, Theo, Sandrock Custom, and Octave are all destroyed by the Zanneck Bakuha.

44 Suits

Wing Zero takes aim with its twin buster rifle once more. But before it fires, the Tallgeese III tackles Zero from behind. Tallgeese III flings its heat rod towards the Zero, but is blocked by one of its wings. Zero draws a sabre and slices off Tallgeese III's left arm and the heat rod shield goes with it. Before Tallgeese III can make another attack, Zero fires with its twin buster rifle. Amoung those destroyed by Zero this time are the Tallgeese III, Wiser Wallaby, Scorpio, Aesculapius II, Braubro, Pallas Athena, Zorin Soul, and Bromb Texter.

Suddenly, a huge mass of suits charge towards Zero. Modified Third is the first to reach him, but is quickly dispatched as the Zero's sabre reaches its cockpit. Jaeger Firestarter and the Tallgeese are the next and while Zero fights Jaeger, Tallgeese gets off a shot from its dober gun. The shot sends Zero flying backwards.

"Hello fellas!" yells Jin from behind the Jaeger and Tallgeese. The two suits turn and only see the massive blast from the DXV's satellite cannons.

34 Suits

As the blast from Jin's cannons pushes on, the DXV rotates towards the other suits in the area, destroying the Airmaster Burst, Alex II, Bolinoak Samaan, Bau, Outer II, and Bound Doc.

Jin begins to laugh but soon stops as the Zero recovers from the dober gun blast and fires its buster rifles on the DXV. Before Jin can cut his own blast or turn it towards Zero, he is taken by the Zero's buster rifles.

Zero's rifles can no longer be fired so it draws a beam sabre and charges towards crowded areas.

Zanneck sees Zero traveling and sets up to fire. After only a moment of charging, the cannon fires. Before it reaches Zero, the Xi appears behind the Zanneck and rams its sabre into its back. Though the Zanneck's blast is stopped before it reaches Zero, the Buggy Doga Custom and the EZ-8 Celexa are taken by it.

24 Suits

As we look over the battlefield, searching for action, our attention is caught by the Grand Master and Bolt Mk. III who are taking on the Qubeley Mk. II, Rasveyt, and Jarja Binks.

As Rasveyt's bits move forward towards the Bolt, three of them are destroyed by Bolt's mega gravitron hammer staff. Bolt then looks towards the Rasveyt and fires both wrist launchers. As this happens, the remaining two bits fly up to the Bolt and lodge their beam rifles in the Bolt's neck and fire. The resulting damage is enough to disable the Bolt.

Meanwhile, Grand Master takes on Qubeley and Jarja. As the two open fire, Grand Master's wing like cloth surrounds and protects it. Then they stop firing, Grand Master quickly springs to action, first destroying the Qubeley with a sabre to the cockpit then head. Jarja backs off and opens fire. The Rasveyt jumps in, sending a bit to each of them. Jarja out maneuvers the bit sent to it and the Grand Master grabs hold of the bits head and crushes it. Jarja sees that Rasveyt is distracted by the approaching Grand Master and takes advantage of the situation. Jarja fires 10 missiles and countless beam rifle shots and the Rasveyt which connect and turn it into flames. Grand Master looks at the Jarja, but soon leaves the area as the Virsago Chest Break fires its triple mega sonic gun into the Jarja's back, destroying it.

20 Suits

Watching the suits fight, the Victory 2 Assault aims it mega beam rifle towards the crowd and fires. Large masses of debris are destroyed, aswell as the Heavyarms Kai, Jagd Doga Custom, Ashtaron Hermit Crab, Gabtheley II, and the Geymarck II.

Xi charges towards the V2 and swings is sabre. V2 ducks and rams its shoulder into the Xi. V2 draws a VSBR and fires. Once shot goes into the Xi's eye and shuts down half of its visual sensors. Xi sends out a flight of five missiles, but are only blocked by the V2's mega beam shield. Before V2 can fire a shot at Xi again, Mark V rams the V2 from behind. Mark V then turns to Xi and launches both 6 tube missile pods. Missiles shoot out in all directions and three of them impact on the Xi and destroy it. Mark V then turns back towards the V2 and notices it is gone. From behind, the V2 fires its mega beam rifle and destroys the Mark V Full Armor.

13 Suits

The Epyon and F91 are facing off when the Virsago Chest Break fires on the F91 with its triple mega sonic gun. The shot nails the F91 in the side and knocks the pilot unconcious inside. Epyon then slices the suit in half and charges towards the Virsago.

"Sogetsu, wait!" roars Steve as the Epyon stabs its beam sword into the cockpit of the Virsago.

Epyon scans the battlefield for a target and its sensors then come over the Zero. Zero is facing the Epyon with its head looking down and swings covering it. Sogetsu lets out a laugh then charges toward Zero. Zero's wings then spread out and reveals its beam sabre. Zero side steps, spins, then slices off one of Epyon's wings. Epyon stops to turn, but Zero continues its assault by slicing off the Epyon's right arm. Then, to finish him off, Zero stabs the beam sword charger on the Epyon's waist and the explosion send the two suits flying off.

10 Suits

The X Divider and Bromb Texter continue their duel that has raged on almost since the beginning of the FFA. Suddenly, the Divider is blasted in the head by two blasts. The pilot of the Bromb Texter looks puzzeled as he realizes the blasts weren't from him. Looking at his radar, he sees a suit is located infront of him. But after looking at his visual sensors, nothing is there. Suddenly, a suit decloaks, and the Silhouette Shadow fires both VSBRs at point blank into the Bromb's cockpit.

The Turn A Butterfly and Modified Second are also dueling when the Hi-Nu is seen approaching. The two continue as if they don't notice the Hi-Nu, which is a bad move as the Hi-Nu fires both Nu mega hyper bazookas on each and destroys them almost instantly.

6 Suits

The remaining six suits gather in an area clear of debris. The Nu Ei, Grand Master, Wing Zero, Silhouette Shadow, Hi-Nu Perfection, and Victory 2 Assault all look each other over. Silhouette is the first to make a move, charging towards the V2 and firing both VSBRs as he goes. V2 deploys all hardpoints and its mega beam shield and block the shots. Then as the Silhouette draws its sabre, the V2 fires its mega beam rifle and destroys the Silhouette.

Meanwhile, the Hi-Nu and Nu Ei square off. Nu deploys its polar funnels but notices that there is no debris in this area. The funnels fly towards Hi-Nu, who also launches his funnels. Hi-Nu's funnels lock on to the polar funnels and fire. Quickly several polar funnels are destroyed. The Nu sees this, but fires its 3 shield beam cannons. Hi-Nu dodges and fires two of its wrist beam cannons. Nu Ei dodges those and draws a beam sword as the Hi-Nu does the same. The two weapons collide and the Nu's exchange sword strikes and block them for a period of time. Suddenly, one of the Hi-Nu's mega particle fin funnels breaks off from the funnel fight and fires a mega particle blast on the Nu Ei. The shot hits the Nu Ei and the Hi-Nu rams its sword into the Nu Ei's chest.

4 Suits

The V2 engages the Grand Master. When the two get close enough, they lock fists and seem to test each other's strength. The V2 breaks free and pushes its sabre into the Grand Master's side. Before the V2 can remove the sabre, Zero does the same to the V2.

2 Suits

Zero and Hi-Nu stare each other down. Both pilots are very tired from the extreme amount of combat they'd experienced. Zero activates a beam sabre while Hi-Nu activates a beam sword. In an instance, the two suits collide weapons. They break off, then collide weapons again. This exchange continues for a very long time as each warrior attempts to tire the other. Suddenly, the Hi-Nu's remaining three funnels fire. Zero backs off and teh blasts miss. Hi-Nu charges and Zero side steps and hits the Hi-Nu with the butt of its sabre. Hi-Nu is sent flying over a very long distance till it slams into a very large mass of debris. Inside the cockpit, Trey is knocked unconcious by the blow.

Ryan lets out a sigh of relief as the Zero turns off its sabre.


5th Nu Ei

4th Grand Master

3rd Victory 2 Assault

2nd Hi-Nu Perfection

1st Wing Zero