
Thursday done, also you’re all paid. – Troika

Completed update

No battles and so few actions today means that this update is now complete. You may continue your planning, plotting, scheming, etc… ~Strikey

Another Vladate!

Yes it is. Today there were no battles, so it was mostly cleanup work and administering various more sundry actions. It seems like a few more people are returning to the game too, ho ho. IDEX is now officially over, although don’t start ignoring that board just yet… – Vlad

Weekend Update Status

You all have been paid. ~Strikey

update finished

Various things happend. Nihachi, you and Frenzy sent in conflicting actions for the Leviathan, so it stays in Singapore for the moment. Stuff got unloaded though. Nihachi, you can’t move a fleet onto a base that cannot support it– you tried to move one onto a base with no airfield or ship docks or anything [...]


Strikey here with the last of the updates for this week. Update is done. You know the usual place for complaints. ~Strikey


So I feel silly – we had two battles today and a few RP actions, but this update was actually done like four hours ago, I just forgot to move the battles over to the board. Oops. I have the dumb today or something. Anyway, check the rosters and see if anything got forgotten. You [...]


Update finished. No battles again. – Troika

Update finished

No battles. Not much of anything, really, but it’s all been taken care of. Some people who were switching erroneously had their status set to OK; Vlad is fixing this. I am closing EU joining this weekend unless we suddenly get a shitload of Rogues in. Any complaints about this may be filed via the [...]

Vlad Weekend Update Special

Hello boys and girls! Today’s been a rare Sunday Vladate where everybody gets paid and new members get added. Writers haven’t been paid yet ’cause the totals haven’t been tallied yet; without Draco itemizing all that it’s left me feeling kind of dumb about computing up who’s owed what. Maybe another writer would like to [...]