Hey all. There’s obviously been a bit of a fracas and it seemed like it might be a good time to have a Vladstatement on the situation. Though I dunno if anyone still really values those or not, but assuming otherwise would just be a vessel to channel my already impressive laziness. FI:NE has been [...]
After spending the time to write a trollbattle as a banme, Draco has been removed from the roster and made shithouse only. We’re still paused, incidentially. edit: Fired Strikey for ‘suggesting’ this trollbattle to Draco. He has also been made shithouse only. – Troika
06.13Right then!
Well, since Draco threw a snit over the EU now having Regnants and backed out of writing the Rishonim thing, I guess we’re paused until someone steps up to write the thing, however long that takes. – Troika
Thursday done, go forth and maim. – Troika
06.08Short Update
Todays update is done on the day it was started……… REJOICE! ~Strikey
06.08Done….. Finally
We be done now that the battle is written. ~Strikey
We are paused until further notice. Edit: Most of the actions are done, i’m just waiting for someone to take the battle and I need sleep because I have not slept yet. ~Strikey
Ok so i’m not Mega Man but i’m just as good, if not better. anyways…. update is mostly done, waiting on battles. ~Strikey
That’s a reference to a classic game, not any portents to upcoming RPG matters. I swear. There were two battles today and some other business but otherwise things appear to be going quietly after the last major ruckus. Could peace and understanding be spreading across the Earth? …probably not. – El Vladbo
Paid you all, re-added Sorin (who has recieved a door prize due to a fuckup on my part), and removed two inactives, Heremus and Jack Frost. Since Heremus has been inactive for six months I skipped the formality of the four day wait period and just shitcanned him. Also marked Boris and Gavin as inactive, [...]