Posted by: zzepp | September 24, 2011


If you look above, you’ll notice that apprentices and transports now have their own roster! This will make it easy to check on your underlings, as well as direct them.

New chronological phases!
Item phase is first, followed by preparations phase, followed by work/battle phase.

Items phase:
In items phase, you can use or equip items. You may only equip 1 melee, 1 ranged, 1 armor, 1 book of each element, 1 elemental of each element. Your apprentices and mounts have these same restrictions. Here, you can also put your apprentices on vehicles or mounts, or put mounts on vehicles with apprentices on them. In order to be autonomous, there must be a player or apprentice on a mount or vehicle. Otherwise, they must stay with the player.

New Preparations!

Dispatch: Command your apprentices to do preparations independently. (Move or Shop only)

New Work/Battle!
Train (all players): Increases one apprentice by one level.

Break In (farmer only): Increases one mount by one level.

Orders: Command each apprentices to engage in battle independently. You can give them different orders. (Ambush/Charge/Tactic/Pillage/Hunt/Besiege/Skirmish/Checkpoint)

Skirmish: Attack a target in a neighboring region from an adjacent region with ranged weapons only. You can be attacked by their ranged weapons as well.

Checkpoint: Only usable at a gateway. Stops all travelers into or out of the region and engages them in battle. You can specify targets.

Rules additions!
Gateway: A region with a gateway facility protects it from wild animals. In addition, you can set up checkpoints here.
Ranged: Ranged weapons can now attack adjacent regions.
Books: Books will now gain a melee, ranged, or armor secondary characteristic. Fire Punch (Lvl1 Book, Melee Fire), Fire Ball (Lvl1 Book, Ranged Fire), Fire Wall (Lvl1 Book, Fire Armor)

Possibly more to come.

Posted by: zzepp | September 22, 2011

Slew of new missions!

Check out the bulletin board before you place your action!

Posted by: zzepp | September 22, 2011

Update complete!

Scarth Maheart and Dismas Agamemnon attack the Armored Tiger at the Elven Gates – but Ball Punion betrays them! Meanwhile, Katherine Lockheart loots the fainted body of Lindon Faergot in Maheart’s Animal Farm Ruins.

In addition, Town Watchman Katherine Lockheart has declared herself Village Chief. Until the confusion is settled, shops will not be paying taxes. As well, the Pirates are looking for a Captain, and the Elves are looking for Royalty. Check out the bulletin board for more!

Next update is Friday, 6 PM EST. Get your actions in early! And don’t forget to eat!

Posted by: zzepp | September 21, 2011


We’ve been updated since about 6 yesterday. Scarth and Ball crash into a Tiger, Katherine loots Wrapter, Zepp drinks espresso.

Next update is today, Wednesday at 6 PM EST! Get your actions in early!

Posted by: zzepp | September 18, 2011

Y’all a peaceful bunch Friday, mostly fishing and movin’. Also, an announcement from the banker of Eco: With the appearance of gold on the market, bond returns are doubled! (Yay!) Also, to go with the doubling of food, pay crafts and pay books will now start at Lv2! (Yay!)

Old Man Jenkins slept, Dizzy starved, Dragonshroom ate some fresh bass, Scarth ate a carp, Ball Punion got fat on sharktopus meat, Dismas starved, Striker starved, Airinth had mutton earlier, Katherine had bread earlier, Lindon slept, and Wrapter starved.

Next update is Monday, 6 PM EST. Get your actions in early!

Posted by: zzepp | September 16, 2011

Update complete!

Dizzy KOs Old Man Jenkins, Ball Punion fillets a Sharktopus, Katherine chases down Dragonshroom.

Next update is tonight, at 12:00 AM Midnight EST. Don’t forget to eat – get your actions in early!

Posted by: zzepp | September 16, 2011

Late update!

Update will be done by 3, Deadline is extended to Midnight, EST.

Posted by: zzepp | September 13, 2011

Update complete!

Old Man Jenkins builds a tomb, Scarth Maheart unbuilds a farm, Dizzy breaks a siege, and Chief Punion gets beat by a Heartkeeper.

Next update is Wednesday, 6 PM EST. Get your actions in early!

And don’t forget to eat!

Posted by: zzepp | September 11, 2011

Updates done early!


Jenkins attempts murder, Punion swallowed by sharktopus, and Dismas loots Airinth. The former shopsfolk have surfaced in the bulletin board, and the blacksmith is still eager to do his anarchy. Ol’ Librarian needs a burial. And finally, welcome our two newest members – Sttriker the Craftsman and Wrapter the Merchant! Pay has been issued.

Next update is Monday, 6 PM EST. Get your actions in early!

Posted by: zzepp | September 9, 2011


These are the rates for writing:

Write a battle: Claim any of the ‘Writing in Progress’ battles by sending me a PM on the forums. I’ll send you a synopsis. You PM me the battle. I post it where the WIP was. You receive 30 silver per battle. This is a standard rate.

Write a roleplay: Write a substantial roleplay of at least 2 or 3 paragraphs. You receive 10 silver per roleplay, an additional 10 for each continuation of 2 or 3 paragraphs. If there is more than one roleplayer in the topic, each roleplayer will receive an additional 5 silver. These are standard rates.

Previous roleplays will be credited accordingly, but previous battles have already been paid at the previous rate. New battles will receive the new rate.

Available Battles:
[] Who Killed Dumbledore? Old Man Jenkins seizes the Library
[] Deer Hunter: Old Man Jenkins hunts in the Farm
[] Elk Slayer: Old Man Jenkins hunts in the Farm
[] Corpse Robbin’: Scarth Maheart pillages Lindon Faergot
[] Everyday I’m Graverobbin’: Scarth Maheart partyrocks Lindon Faergot
[] Thar She Blows: Ball Punion hunts in the Lake
[] Looting Sleeping Beauty: Dismas Agamemnon pillages Katherine Lockheart
[] A Shark Ate Me: Ball Punion is blocked by a Massive Sharktopus
[] Stage 1 of the Farmer’s Revolution: Scarth Maheart quarries Ball Punion’s Adventure Survival Emporium and Things Chewed Up by Steve the Goat
[] Trespassers: Dragonshroom besieges Dragonshroom’s Haunted Library

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