Posted by: zzepp | September 8, 2011

Update complete!

Dragonshroom besieges his Haunted Library! Scarth quarries the Chief’s Shop! Ball is blocked by a big-ass Sharkctopus! Old Man Jenkins dances with bears.

Next update is Friday at 6 PM EST. Get your actions in early!

Posted by: zzepp | September 6, 2011


New Elements
(for Books) White – Healing magic. Lv1 is +5 HP, Lv2 +10, Lv3 +15, etc. Does not count as food.
(for Books, Elementals) Void – Void magic. Negates all other elements at their level, and a portion of higher levels.

New Item
Elementals: Rare jewels with an elemental power. Can be Water, Fire, Earth, Wood, Metal and Void. Has elemental level. Craftsmen can combine an elemental with a craft during a boost. Similarly, craftsmen can extricate an elemental from a craft during a boost. Usage of the element or element-aspect of the weapon costs MP equivalent to its level. (Lv1 is 10, Lv2 20, etc.). You can also use the vanilla weapon. Combined items will have a LvX-Y level, where X is the object’s level, and Y is the elemental’s level.
Example: Royal Sapphire (Lv3 Elemental, Water). Sword (Lvl1 Craft, Melee). Craftsmen boosts Sword & combines with element. Royal Sapphire Sword (Lv2-3 Water Craft, Melee).

New Preparation
Activate: Expands fighting potential exponentially for one day. Costs 100 SP.

New Battle
Besiege: Prevents a building from re-supply, traps characters inside until siege is broken.

New Work
Enchant [Scholars] – Assigns a craft a Lv1 Elemental. Boostable.
Train [Farmers] – Assigns a mount or apprentice +1 Lvl. Boostable.
Barricade [Craftsmen] – Assigns a building Lv1 Defense. Boostable.
Coin [Merchants] – Makes 1 Gold. 1 Gold is exchangeable for 5 silver.

Posted by: zzepp | September 6, 2011

Busy Day!

Ball Punion enters the Lake region, Dismas loots Katherine, Scarth loots Lindon, and Dragonshroom buys a ponyload of Spikes.

Two bounties up on the bulletin board: One for Ball Punion, and one for the NPC Blacksmith! Which one will you cash in?

Next update is Wednesday, 6 PM EST. Get your actions in early!

Posted by: zzepp | September 4, 2011

On Friday, Ol’ Jenkins bagged another one, and Scarth had another ‘uneven trade.’

For the weekend, Old Man Jenkins had venison jerky, Scarth Maheart Rice and Beans, Dragonshroom had back shrooms earlier, Chief Punion some mutton, Dismas Agamemnon the last of the terra jerky, Airinth slept, Katherine starved, and Lindon slept. Pay has been metted out. If you’re pending, please issue it with your monday email.

Rules change: All facilities will now gain the quality of your trade. (+1pay). Battle competency will be determined by your highest level melee, ranged, armor, and magic, as well as hp/mp levels. Clarified, custom creatures (apprentices and mounts), can equip melee, ranged, armor (but not magic) and engage in battle with their masters. They have HP equivalent to their Lvl x 10. Also, the Friday update will now be permanent, and every week.

Next update is Monday, 6 PM EST. Get your actions in early! I also have a backlog of battles, so if you want to write one for 25 silver, send me a pm!

Posted by: zzepp | September 1, 2011


Old Man Jenkins leading the pack this update, taking down a deer. To ensure timely updates, outcomes will be posted immediately, then filled in with battles. Remember to eat, everyone!

The next update is Friday, 6 PM EST. Get your actions in early!

Posted by: zzepp | August 31, 2011

Update Completeish! Battles are still being written, but rosters, shops are updated, and outcomes are up. All welcome the new town enforcer; Katherine Lockheart, the Town Watchwoman! While the Village Chief is in charge of government, the Town Watchwoman is in charge of security.

Next Update is today, Wednesday at 6 PM EST. Get your actions in early!

There will also be an update day on Friday, at 6 PM EST.

Posted by: zzepp | August 29, 2011

Shop changes!

The healer has been re-added, and – as per orders of the village chief – a 1 silver sales tax added to all items. Note prices changes as a result.

Also, I’m playing around with the idea of a 4-update week. What do you think? Post here! Click

Posted by: zzepp | August 28, 2011

Weekend update complete!

Old Man Jenkins treated himself to a nice pheasant, Dragonshroom to some delectable mushrooms, Scarth Maheart to good ol’ rice and beans. Ball had some mutton, while Dismas is still living off giant wolf jerky. Airinth starved to fainting, Katherine revived from fainting by mutton, and Lindon starved to fainting as well.

Note that if you have fainted, you can still access the healer – who has decided to stay at the library from last week’s good business! Alternatively, you can trade for some food from other players and put that in your email. Also, if you have a (pending), you need only send an email applying the characteristics of your books or crafts.

Rules change: Food now restores 20 HP or MP. Next update is Monday, 6 PM EST. Send in your actions early!

Posted by: zzepp | August 25, 2011

Thieves of life and produce~

Another eventful day in Eco! Many many things built – but first, Old Man Jenkins hunts a pheasant and Scarth Maheart makes a trade with a fainted woman. In addition, Dragonshroom raises a garden, and Ball Punion an emporium. Weekend update is next!

Posted by: zzepp | August 24, 2011

Last hurrah!

The skeletons are almost defeated! Ball Punion and Katherine Lockheart defeat a few today, but the former graveyard remains occupied! How long will it last?

In other news, the Bank of Eco was carried away by Dragonshroom in a large sackcloth sack.

Next update is Wednesday at 6 PM EST. Get your actions in early!

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