
This world was founded in its people and its people founded by their Gods. We were all created by the Three and were led to believe for many years that they were all we had. But history would dictate otherwise, if we knew what history had to say. Because there is, in fact, several more than just the Light, the Dark, and the Neutral that dictate the heavens and the nether realms.
In recent years, these new Gods have surfaced, come out of their realms where they were sealed away, it seems. True, many have cried out against these newly awakened powers, exclaiming them to be blemishes on the pantheon. However, I see it differently. These Gods, fresh from their Warrens once more, have ushered in a ‘new age’ for Illcara. Time will tell what this period will bring us.
Much will change, however, much indeed .

                                       ~ excerpt from
The New Age of Illcara
                                               Darius Ethwellyn


Since the beginning of time there have been the Three Gods, present only in an endless expanse of nothingness. Light has always opposed Dark, Dark opposed Light, and the balance between them has been kept by Neutrality. Rare were the occasions when the Three came together. One of these rare occurrences was the Creation; a decision was made by the Three to forge something of their own in the infinite void about. Meshing their energies together, the Three created a world. In a span of mere heartbeats, life flourished across the simple creation. Trees tore from the hard-packed earth and valleys were filled with cool, clear water. Jutting towards the skies, mighty mountains climbed high to tower over all. Rustling the world's greenery was the ever flowing wind, drifting lazily amongst puffy clouds that hung in the skies above. And at the core raged a burning heart. Illcara had been forged.
Unsatisfied with a mere piece of inanimate nature, the Three demanded more life to stalk across their creation. In the waters of Illcara, they spilled fish, muscles, algae and aquatic mammals to populate the depths. Upon land, great mammals and small insects found homes and roamed unabated across the great expanse, while amphibians and reptiles created the alliance with the water. In treetops and through the skies flew great birds of prey and small songbirds. Life grew across Illcara and for a time, there was satisfaction.

The Birth of the First

However, these new beings soon lost their lustre in the eyes of Three; they wanted something with more substantiation. Each wished to have a race follow them and so the creation of the First Born ensued. By the God of Light's, Solaris', will, the 'Avari' were created; humanoid being white-winged that soared amongst the birds. Next from the mind of the God of Neutrality, Neutari, came the 'Elves'. Being a lover of choice and free will, he let them choose of their own accord which God to follow. The fair skinned and blond haired breed of Elves chose Solaris and thus became known as the 'Sun Elves'. Tanned skin and wild haired, the free willed Elves of nature swore themselves to Neutari and came to be known as the 'Wild Elves'. Then there were those who chose to follow Vrakna; the ebony skinned, white haired 'Dark Elves'. Not much is known about their society for all who dared to enter their territories never came out. From Vrakna, the God of Darkness, were made the 'Dar'avari', humanoids much like the Avari, but pale skinned and bearing leathery, bat-like wings. However, to Vraknas' dismay, the Dar'avari chose to fall from his grace and swear allegiance to Solaris instead. From these proud races were forged great cities, each of unique design. Territories were claimed and laws decreed. Societies of great depth came to pass in each nation.

The Kinslayer War

For approximately eight centuries, peace and harmony were common place across Illcara. However, all of that was about to be shattered. D'umthain Litath, a Dark Elf assassin sent to Elldwin, kingdom of the Sun Elves, to perform a grisly deed; the assassination of King Erind Dàel, ruler of the Sun Elf peoples. D'umthain's mission was a complete success, but not without dire consequences. The Sun Elves, enraged over the defiling of their sanctity, retaliated by launching a magical assault which saw the Dark Elven city Dunedian turned to rubble. With clever tact, the Dark Elves butchered a regiment of Wild Elf troops, but implicated the Sun Elf nation. Retaliation from the Wild Elves came swiftly in the form of a burning Erram, a Sun Elf city. A war broke out amongst the Elven nations of Illcara that would come to be called 'The Kinslayer War'. For sixty years, war ravaged the lands of Illcara. Cities burned, people died, but the war never halted. Not wishing war to come to their own nations, the Avari and Dar'avari blockaded their own cities, refusing any involvement. Upon the barren plains of Enthelas, the final battle was fought. The armies of the Dark Elves and those of the Sun Elves squared off against one another, all formalities and sense of tact discarded. Neither gained dominance for the combatants were equally matched and the powers of the Dark Elven sorcerers were countered by the Sun Elven clerics. However, the tide shifted as the Eild Elf armies entered the fray, their powerful druids matching strength with the sorcerers and clerics of the other two armies. Many Elves fell to both blade and sorcery until the Three finally intervened  By their will, the war was halted by three races, the toll of their war staggeringly costly. For several centuries thereafter, the Elven nations spent their time in shame and repair, building once more what they once knew to be proud and noble.

“I could never fathom the outrage that must have been felt. At one moment, you are the Gods’ chosen stalking the earth. Then, by a whim, all that you were, all that was favoured, is overshadowed. Like a newborn is to an only child, so too the First Born must have felt threatened.”

The Second Born

With the heavy losses of the Kinslayer War resting heavily in the minds of the Three, consensus was made to forge new races that would increase Illcara's population. The first face to be created was the 'Shar Kal', masters of Illcara's waters. The God of Light gave them the island of Atlantica for them to call home. The nation prospered for centuries until tragedy struck and the isle sank beneath the waves. Now homeless, the Shar Kal forged a new home upon the island of Kurast, just southeast of Illcara's main continent. Next, under Neutari's steady hands, were fabricated the 'Humans', bodied like the Avari, but wingless and sturdier. They were a race born with ingenuity, bringing the idea of invention to Illcara. By their will, a mighty empire was later forged. Vrakna created the third and final race, a feral race of savage warriors known as the 'Minotaur'. Unlike the God of Darkness' former creations, the proud Minotaur did not turn from their creator. Instead, they embraced him. Their homeland was forged upon the island of Ismera where they could practice their barbaric ambitions uninterrupted. Satisfaction found the Three once more as they sat back and watched as their creation flourished once more.

The Conquest

Ever ambitious was the race of Humans. Their unquenchable thirst for knowledge and power demanded expansion. However, expansion demanded infringement, and infringement was not easily accepted by the other races. Once more, Illcara found itself plagued by war. But, unlike the Kinslayer Wars, 'The Conquest' was not as drawn out. The genius of humanity had created superior weaponry and armour. Also, great weapons of destruction, catapults and ballistae, were fielded, easily laying waste to any army or city that lay in their path. The outcome was clear to all that attempted to oppose the Human armies, and peace talks were made. Agreements were signed and the Human nation gained what it sought. From this added land and power was forged the greatest empire known to Illcara. However, conflict was not yet done with the world.

The Sorcerer’s War

In the wake of the Human conflict arose a new issue that would alter the state of Illcara for ages to come. The Kael, the Lord of Storms, child of Vrakna, had gathered together a small group of followers and sought to overthrow the Gods. The child of Solaris, Lady Divine, the Lady of Stars, realized what her dark counterpart plotted and drew in her own followers to counter the Lord of Storms' efforts. The Sorcerer’s War was, in truth, naught but a single battle near the great lake of Amanas. Magical warfare ensued between the two warring parties and victory for the Lady saw Kael’s followers captured and sealed away, and the lake Amanas reduced to barren sands. However, the Lord himself escaped, fleeing to the newly formed desert of Amanas. In the barren wastes, he secured a portion of land from where he could brood and nurture his wounds. For seven centuries, the Lord of Storms had remained in hiding, growing in power. Although, it was foretold in the words of Thyume, Prophet of Ages, that were he to rise again, three champions would stand against Kael’s power.

“The Three shall come,
Light, Neutral, and Dark,
Ancient powers and powers foretold shall be theirs,
And thus on them lies the hope of a world.”

The Prophecy of Three
                                         Thyume, the Prophet of Ages

The Battle of Storms

As expected, the Lord of Storms rose again, his cause forwarded by Taigre of the Vein Highlands. But, as the Prophet of Ages predicted, so too rose the three champions of Light, Neutrality and Darkness. But, with them also came the armies of Illcara, the seven races banning together for one common goal. Again, a single battle was fought for the sake of the world as the seven armies met with Kael’s orcish armies. As Legolas, Champion of Light; Dalamar Nightson, Champion of Neutrality; and Cthulu, Champion of Darkness, confronted the Lord of Storms with the aid of Lady Divine, noteworthy warriors stood stalwart guard to defend the champion's efforts. These four combatants were Ganoes Paran, Seta Soujirou, Skaie DuMiel, and Urza, warriors of each following standing side-by-side in one moment of mutual importance. Thankfully, the efforts of the Lady of Stars and the three champions were fruitful and Kael was imprisoned. Although with great loss came this success, the victory was notable. The nations of Illcara rejoiced, praised and remembered all of those who had fought in one of history's most paramount battles, as they each returned to their respective kingdoms. Since that day, relative peace has reigned over Illcara while the Lord of Storms remains imprisoned, his followers scattered or locked within their great tower.

“I always hated that epigram. ‘History repeats.’ You know the one. I also hate how it’s damned true. Vrakna’s balls on a pike…”

                                                                                                                                              ~ Ferdinand Kale, marine of the 4th
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